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  1. ThunderCat

    Why The Middle East Won’t Accept Palestinian Refugees

    @Foinikas this also might be of interest to you
  2. ThunderCat

    How will the Russian Federation store Iranian drones once they are not being used for combat?

    Will they be transported on trains to some storage facilities? Or will they be kept at air force bases?
  3. ThunderCat

    Ukraine's Bayraktar TB2 drones appear to be back in combat — and with devastating effect, reports say

    https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/ukraines-bayraktar-tb2-drones-appear-133114855.html @Foinikas @nahtanbob the Indian media was mocking this drone for being jammed out by the Russian Federation. Just at the same time, the Indian Armed Forces wanted to buy this drone. Where is the Indian media...
  4. ThunderCat

    Afghandu gets beating for abusing British child

    The whole thing filmed on Twitter
  5. ThunderCat

    Countries that give and receive the most foreign aid in the world

    Don't know how true this is but here it is:
  6. ThunderCat

    The Dark Side of Bangladesh's Garment Industry

    Haven't seen it yet but looks interesting:
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