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  1. C

    Pakistan, you are failing as a nation

    In a previous thread, I raised the issue of academic and intellectual decline in Pakistan. In this thread, I want to raise awareness of our backwardness in the realm of sports. Please watch this 10 year old girl: I am sure more than 90% male visitors on this forum cannot lift the weights this...
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    A Black Day for Pakistan

    Mr. Shahbaz Sharif has been elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Thus begins a new chapter in the history of Pakistan. I am one to allow people to prove their mettle through their actions. Unfortunately, this Prime Minister comes with a history of corruption, murder, nepotism, and a whole list of...
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    Somebody is trying to use the incident of Madina Masjid to incite discord

    Dawn's article says: https://www.dawn.com/news/1667612/sc-turns-down-plea-to-stop-demolition-of-mosque-built-on-encroached-land-in-karachi Why is this not being pursued further by all parties? I do not see any discussion on this point, which leads me to believe some liberal enemies of...
  4. C

    Isn't your intellectual curiosity demanding a reasonable answer to Miaaaannnn! ?

    My thread has been locked again: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/should-discussion-be-allowed-on-questions-raised-by-engineer-muhammad-ali-mirza.731716/ I agree we shouldn't be violating forum rules, but since we have touched on this topic, shouldn't we bring it to a logical conclusion? And by...
  5. C

    Should discussion be allowed on questions raised by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza?

    My recent thread discussing the theological controversies created by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza has been locked: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/aldrb-almxnd-yli-r-s-almfnd.731638/ I created a thread to raise the question of why it has been locked, and that thread was then shifted to GHQ...
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    الضربة المهند علي رأس المفند

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Recent years have witnessed the meteoric rise of the personality 'Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza'. This man invites people towards being 'Ilmi and Kitabi, i.e., knowledgeable and academic. Under this banner, he has systematically waged a war on established schools of thought...
  7. C

    130 countries and jurisdictions join bold new framework for international tax reform

    https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/130-countries-and-jurisdictions-join-bold-new-framework-for-international-tax-reform.htm Per the linked PDF in the article...
  8. C

    I want at least a 100 million views and likes on this video

    Come on Pakistan, you thought I would leave you wallowing in your own misery? I am going to kick you in the back side until you get serious. Watch this video on YouTube, like it, share it everywhere, and comment on it. Make another account and do the same. Ask your family members to do the same...
  9. C

    Financial terrorism committed by the Govt-Military duos

    NOTE: This article includes suggestions about dealing in interest bearing instruments. Interest is Haram in Islam and the author abides by this Islamic teaching. Unfortunately, a discussion on the problems of Pakistan's interest based economy necessarily needs to include interest based...
  10. C

    BLA attack - tactics

    Somebody posted a thread sharing links to videos that show the BLA attack. The thread has been deleted, but I still want to discuss tactics. The post and its defences have not been made to withstand a well planned attack. The guys were pinned by long range fire while enemy troops moved in. I...
  11. C

    Moeed Pirzada is right: Pakistan's problem is education

    I am creating this thread just to highlight the importance of this issue, and simply to lend whatever weight my own voice holds behind the conclusion in the video in this post: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/india-controls-fatf-agenda-on-pakistan.716604/post-13221834 Pakistan's educated elite...
  12. C

    Meanwhile in China and India...

    While we fret over closing schools, and syllabus being too difficult for children, the world is recognizing India and China for the difficulty of their maths tests: Having studied from the Sindh Textbook Board in Matric and Intermediate, I can testify that these particular questions employ...
  13. C

    Applying Extreme Scenario Analysis to Pakistan's current geo-strategic positioning

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scenario_analysis The normal application of this technique focuses on likely scenarios in order to understand the usual behavior of any algorithm or strategy. But when you want to understand what would happen if things go wrong completely, you evaluate the...
  14. C

    Defending Sind

    This article is inspired by a discussion regarding the defence of Sind . In order to avoid derailing the other thread, I am moving the discussion to a dedicated thread. This article addresses two misconceptions: that the deserts and marshes in Sind are not strategically important enough, and...
  15. C

    Key technology trends for military leaders

    I intend this thread to be a repository of trends that military leaders should keep in mind. I'll start off with a recent development: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/23/asia/japan-gundam-robot-test-scli-intl-scn/index.html Discussion Games such as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare have been...
  16. C

    Op Sec concerns for active and retired Pak military personnel on defence.pk

    We are extremely fortunate on this forum to have very high level representation from the Pakistan Armed Forces. This increases the prestige of the forum, as well as giving it an authenticity that is lacking on other forums. While this presence is a boon for aficionados, it is also a potential...
  17. C

    Understanding Link 16 and threats to Pakistan's security

    The attached PDF file provides good details about Link 16. I am providing the link to original but also typing out the information because the PDF has images in it. https://issuu.com/janesintel/docs/idr_2004_viasat_4pp_cp?fr=sOTJiOTQ4MTk3OA One thing this article makes clear is that Link 16...
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    Religion and Science: Managing the State and dealing with the pandemic

    The recent Coronavirus pandemic has truly unhinged normal operations throughout the world. As is the norm with all travesties that befall us, certain quarters have taken advantage of the current state of disarray to push forward their own agendas. Chief amongst them is the concept that...
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    Why is the name of Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Al-Saud written upon the covering of Ka'aba?

    The following is a screen grab from the Makkah Live channel on YouTube. If you see the red rectangle, it says in Arabic: Hazihil kiswatu sana'aah fil Makkah tal Mukarramah wa hudan ha lil Ka'aba tul Musharrafah Khaadim Al Haramain Ash Sharifain Salman Bin 'Abdul 'Aziz Bin Al Saud Taqabbal...
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    Contextualizing Swift Retort: Surprise within, shock without

    Much ink has been split to retrace the events leading up to and following Swift Retort (SR). So far, all such efforts portray SR as a knee jerk response to Indian aggression following the Pulwama attack. In this article, I would like to contextualize SR in the larger sequence of events. This...
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