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  1. Invicta

    The rise & fall of Pakistan's Bureaucracy + How Pakistan Customs Work - Very insightful and Candid Interview

    I came across these videos on TCMs channel, I have heard of Ashir Azeem but the videos were an eye opener to the extent of corruption in Pakistan. Well worth a watch.
  2. Invicta

    Behind Closed Doors - Released today on Apple TV

    This is the documentary that caused establishment to murder Journalist Arshad Sharif, it released on Apple TV today so will watch tonight, I hope this lights their pants on fire and opens peoples eyes to wholesale corruption in Pakistani Establishment. To be released on Netflix and Amazon Prime...
  3. Invicta

    Defence secretary saves 500 troops from army cull, as new elite Ranger regiment is unveiled

    The defence secretary has saved 500 troops from a planned cut in army numbers at a time of growing threats, though the force will still shrink by 9,000 posts to 73,000 to save money, Sky News understands. Ben Wallace is set to focus on capability rather than mass on Thursday as he sets out an...
  4. Invicta

    Sidhu shrugs off criticism over Pak PM 'bada bhai' comment, says 'let BJP say what they want'

    I enjoyed reading this and learning how P*****d off BJP/RSS goons were on his reaction. Enjoy. Unfazed by the stinging criticism over reportedly calling Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan his 'bada bhai' (big brother), Punjab Congress chief Navjot Singh Sidhu dismissed BJP's relentless attacks...
  5. Invicta

    Royal Marines Commandos force US Marine Corps troops to surrender in training exercise

    Royal Marines and allies forced US troops to surrender days into a training exercise at an enormous battleground facility in the California desert. The Ministry of Defence explained that the battle exercise was testing the deployment of the new Littoral Response Group (LRG) in a guerrilla...
  6. Invicta

    UK warned of 'retaliatory action' after three-quarters of small French boat licences denied

    The French are angry again... :yahoo: France has accused the UK of "taking French fishing hostage" after it refused three-quarters of licence applications for small boats in British waters. The UK government gave permission to just 12 out of 47 French boats under 12 metres to operate in its...
  7. Invicta

    The Khan

    We have a lot of threads on books etc but I just came across this book in Waterstones (Book store) and its written by Saima Mir a Pakistani immigrant, must say the book was a beauty to read, it was well written and I wouldn't be surprised if this gets converted to a movie. Reading this got me...
  8. Invicta

    New Blackburn Tory councillor Tiger Patel says unwitting X-rated campaign video vital for election win

    Who said politics is boring just watch this guy, PTI anthem in the background and full X-rated graffiti at 1:43. The state of politics in UK 😆 😆 😆 A politician whose campaign video went viral because it showed him standing behind an X-rated drawing whilst giving peace signs in a run-down...
  9. Invicta

    French fishing fleet descends on Jersey as Royal Navy ships arrive on patrol

    Yes you read it right the old foes are back at it again. Hope the French keep their word this time. Coming from Kent I have seen first hand how UK agriculture and farmers have been effected by the lobbies of French Farmers and Fisheries, about time they were sent packing. A fleet of French...
  10. Invicta

    Muslim Nurses Take Over Church in Lahore

    What is happening in Pakistan? Did this happen for real? https://nayadaur.tv/2021/05/muslim-nurses-take-over-church-inside-lahore-hospital-threaten-christian-nurses/
  11. Invicta

    COVID-19: European Commission takes legal action against AstraZeneca over vaccine supply

    EU are not giving this up, the bigger racket they make of this the bigger their fall. A legal case has been started by the European Commission against AstraZeneca over its "complete failure" to meet delivery and contractual agreements, Ireland's health minister has said. Speaking to the Irish...
  12. Invicta

    COVID-19: Indian double mutation variant arrives in Britain and has 'hallmarks of very dangerous virus'

    Boris has got to explain why India is still not on the Red list. The new Indian variant of the COVID virus that's been detected in the UK has all the hallmarks of a very dangerous virus. It has two new significant mutations in the spike protein that help it infect cells and evade the immune...
  13. Invicta

    Batches of 50 to 100 Uighur workers are being advertised on the Chinese internet

    I am sure the Chinese members here will have the perfect excuse to cover this up as well....I will give the first one "Western Propaganda". Uighur people from Xinjiang working in other parts of China are subject to "political" checks and work under strict "half-military" style management...
  14. Invicta

    COVID-19: Risk of blood clot after coronavirus is eight times higher than after Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine - study

    A lot has been posted on the supposed lack of effectiveness and harms of Astra Zeneca vaccine. Here is a different perspective on the blood clot saga. The risk of developing a blood clot after having COVID-19 is eight times higher than after being given the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine...
  15. Invicta

    UK to Pakistan Travel during COVID-19

    Ladies/Gents, I am travelling to Pakistan and am now very confused on the rules with regards to travel permissions etc during this pandemic. Has anybody travelled between UK and Pakistan in the last few weeks? Can you provide some insight into the changes and testing being done. I know I need...
  16. Invicta

    COVID-19: UK approves use of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine and orders 10m more doses

    The Moderna vaccine has become the third coronavirus jab to be approved for use in the UK - with an additional 10 million doses ordered. The US-based company's vaccine was shown to have 94% efficacy against COVID-19 in final trials. Seven million doses had already been ordered by the UK...
  17. Invicta

    Noor Inayat Khan: Muslim war hero who became 'unlikely spy' for Britain in WWII honoured with blue plaque

    A Muslim woman who became an "unlikely spy" for Britain when she was dropped into occupied France during the Second World War has been honoured with a blue plaque at the site of her family home in London. Noor Inayat Khan, dubbed "Britain's first Muslim war heroine in Europe", served in the...
  18. Invicta

    Hello Eveyone!

    I have been an avid reader of various threads on the forum for years. I thought it was about time I should join and contribute and be part of this community as well. To answer the questions and give some insight 1) Tell your interests? Aviation/Naval affairs and systems/subsystems being an...
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