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  1. bhola record

    join pakistan police

    Assalam o alaikum i have never formally introduced myself but lets keep it that way .My main focus is to join army but if i dont get selected would any of you gentlemen guide me toward police i don't know much about police sooo
  2. bhola record

    Pakistanis on this forum how do you celebrate independance day?

    So independance just about to start .It is the day when hardships and sacrifices of muslims of subcontinent bore fruit and our homeland came on the map from the ashes of partition a resilient nation was born that till today keeps on thriving and brave peope of this lovey resilient country keep...
  3. bhola record

    Who was general rommel?

    attle of France, commander of the 7th Panzer Division Rommel certainly showed a great deal of initiative and dash in the Battle of France. He epitomized Blitzkrieg tactics, using the speed of his advance to confuse and dismay his opponents, giving them no respite to organize their defences. He...
  4. bhola record

    why is anonmity not practised in our special forces?

    I was going through the special forces images and a thing almost annoyed me why does our SFs practice anonmity? Why do we have instagram pages running with thousands of photgraphs of operatives.In my humble opinion such practices shouldnot be encouraged.Well i met a GOC SSG cannot say which his...
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