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  1. Eskander

    Indo-European language family

  2. Eskander

    South Asian Muslims should fight against Arab racism

    It doesn't matter whether you are Pakistani, Indian or Bengali Muslim, the Arabs view you as less than dirt. No, it's not restricted to your class, occupation or skin color. They simply see you all as a conquered people who didn't taste any freedom under Arab and Turk rulers for 1400 years...
  3. Eskander

    Body fat, metabolic syndrome and hyperglycemia in South Asians

    Source : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1056872718303465 Abstract : The prevalence of overweight and obesity is escalating in South Asian countries. South Asians display higher total and abdominal obesity at a lower BMI when compared to Whites. Consequently, metabolic...
  4. Eskander

    We need more scholars like Prof Fazlur Rehman ( not the politician ) and Javad Hashmi in Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah

    Check this video Islam promotes religious pluralism. Jews and Christians don't need to become Muslims in order to be saved. All they need to do is accept prophet Muhammad is some capacity. The primordial religion and supra-confessional faith Oxford scholar Dr Anthony Joshua gives 21...
  5. Eskander

    What l know from the little l known about reality

    Know God will never hear your prayers, never wipe your tears, never lighten your burden Know all religions to be art Know all art to be lies and delusion, without which the truth is fatal Know no savior, no leader, no party, no slogan Know that you don't know anything ( our best knowledge is...
  6. Eskander

    We should promote LGBTQ - B in Pakistan to overcome overpopulation problem

    Just imagine if 20 - 30 percent males and females were gays and lesbians (not bisexuals), our overpopulation problem would be fixed immediately As for Mullahs who warn of Allah's punishment, America and Europe seem to be doing fine. Your thoughts ?
  7. Eskander

    The crisis of the modern world

    A good summary of The Crisis Of The Modern World by Rene Guenon is presented in this video
  8. Eskander

    When Madhu laal Shah Hussein fell in love with a handsome Hindu boy

    Credit to https://aalequtub.com/hazrat-madhu_laal_hussein_lahori-r-a/ Note : This doesn't promote LGBTQ, it's spiritual love within the boundaries of Sharia Having become a Sufi, Shah Hussain bagan preaching in public. A Brahman boy of Shahdara frequented these religious scenes and showed...
  9. Eskander

    Exposing heretical beliefs in a key Sufi text of Ibn Arabi, the Shaykh Al Akbar of all Sufi tareeqahs

    Note to Mods : This is related to social issues as people will see how superstition and non-Islamic ideas were smuggled in from outside. If you delete this thread , you will be answerable to God on the day of judgment for obstructing the truth from being delivered I am going to quote material...
  10. Eskander

    We should bring back Muta (temporary) marriage and polygamy should not be a taboo in our society

    Historically speaking, when slavery was practised. A man could have 4 wives and as many slave girls as he could own. Islam allowed man to satisfy his sexual desires with them. In the present age, we can barely marry one woman and it's practically impossible to marry another women as our lame...
  11. Eskander

    Why majority of people should not have kids

    It's incredibly cruel to bring a mini version of yourself into the world if you don't have good looks ( + body) , great wealth or a great (proven) intellect. I know genetic recombination may mess things up but your kid definitely has a better chance of having good genetics if you have it too...
  12. Eskander

    It's easy to curse Satan but his downfall is a tragic love story, a lesson for all those who love God

    Shaytan is the adjective pronoun Iblis recieved after being banished from the court of God. Every Muslim seeks the protection of God against him. On the other hand, the person of Iblis presents an individual who was once the leader of all the angles, he was very close to God and known for his...
  13. Eskander

    The secret knowledge of Said Nursi (ra) and his future predictions

    The secret knowledge that Bediuzzaman Said Nursi revealed about our century Until being called to the mercy of Allah in 1960, Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, the mujaddid of the 13th Islamic century, spent his entire life calling on people to believe in Allah, and to live by the moral values of the...
  14. Eskander

    My argument in defense of slavery, inspired by Nietzsche

    Notion we need to challenge 1. Equality of people before the law and in possession of civil rights People are not born equal. Majority of people ( including me ) don't have what it takes to be a great philosopher, a great artist, a great mathematician, great scientist or anyone in general who...
  15. Eskander

    Does a large segment of PTI insafians consist of closet homosexuals (excluding me obviously) ?

    I was being an idiot and a moron, so Mods came and took action....
  16. Eskander

    Western Civilization is the manifestation of the Dajjal as a socio-cultural-political-economic phenomenon

    To the Mod who deleted my earlier thread, here's the reference which l did have. If you are blind, it's not my fault The following is taken from one of Muhammad Asad’s masterpiece ‘The Road to Mecca’ (p.292–295). Every word below is directly quoted from the book, including the remarks without...
  17. Eskander

    The dangerous implications of Wahdatul Wujud ( unity of existence aka penentheism )

    In case you are unfamiliar with panentheism, here's a brief Islamic rendering of panentheism by Moulana Jami ( Renown Persian Sufi, scholar and poet ) The Real Being is One alone, at once the true Existence and the Absolute But He possesses different degrees. In the first degree He is...
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