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  1. R

    Is Islamophobia Shaping US Policy in Middle East and South Asia?

    https://www.riazhaq.com/2023/11/is-islamophobia-shaping-us-policy-in.html As the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rolls out "Nakbah 2023", a former senior US diplomat has been caught on a viral video telling an Arab street food vendor in New York that the killing of 4,000...
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    Israeli Scholars Provide Insights into Zionist Psyche

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/11/israeli-scholars-provide-insights-into.html Zionists are "secular" but they use God as their "land agent" who gave them the "promised land", says Professor Avi Shlaim of Oxford University. Jews are God's "chosen people" who are exempt from the rules...
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    America's College Campuses Rise Up Against Israel's Genocidal War on Gaza

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/11/americas-college-campuses-rise-up.html Israel's genocidal war on Gaza has sparked widespread strong protests on American college campuses. Many Jewish Americans have also joined marches in major cities across the United States against the US policy of...
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    US Proposes H-1B Visa Changes to Stop Indian Body Shop Fraud

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/10/us-proposes-h-1b-visa-changes-to-stop.html The Biden administration has proposed a number of significant changes to how the H-1B temporary work visas are issued to high-skilled foreign workers. These changes are the result of the government finding...
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    Global Hunger Index 2023: India's Child Wasting Rate is the Highest in the World

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/10/global-hunger-index-2023-indias-child.html India's child-wasting rate of 18.7% is the highest in the world, according to the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023 released recently. The South Asian country’s child wasting rate is higher than that of war-torn...
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    US Census Update: Pakistani-Americans' Average Annual Household Earnings Estimated at $150,000

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/10/us-census-update-pakistani-americans.html The average annual household earnings of Pakistani-Americans are $149,178, according to the latest update issued by the United States Census Bureau for 2022. The update estimates the median income of 132,958...
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    Modi and Netanyahu: Two Sides of The Same Coin

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/10/modi-and-netanyahu-two-sides-of-same.html Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently tweeted that he is "shocked by the news of terrorist attacks in Israel", adding that "We stand in solidarity with Israel at this difficult hour". This tweet was...
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    Pakistani-Americans Rising Strength in Academia

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/10/pakistani-americans-rising-strength-in.html Recent appointment of Karachi-born Irfan Siddiqui as Chairman of the Physics Department at the University of California at Berkeley highlights the growing numbers of Pakistani-Americans in the top ranks of the...
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    WB Poverty Update: India is the Biggest Contributor to Increased Global Poverty in 2023

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/09/wb-poverty-update-india-is-biggest.html At the $3.65 poverty line, India accounts for 40% of the slight upward revision of the global poverty rate from 23.6% to 24.1%, according to the World Bank September 2023 Global Poverty Update. It is the same...
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    Canadian Sikh's Murder: How Long Will Modi Continue to Escape Accountability?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/09/canadian-sikhs-murder-how-long-will.html Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has accused the Indian government of involvement in the murder of a Canadian Sikh leader on Canadian soil. Trudeau announced this week that Canada was "actively pursuing...
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    Pakistan Among Top Sources of Foreign-Born STEM Workers in America

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/09/pakistan-among-top-sources-of-foreign.html As of 2019, there were 35,000 Pakistan-born STEM workers in the United States, according to the American Immigration Council. They included information technologists, software developers, engineers and...
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    G20 Summit in India: Modi's Personal PR Extravaganza?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/09/g20-summit-in-india-modis-personal-pr.html Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi successfully transformed routine rotational G20 presidency into an extravagant personal PR exercise this week. The Indian mass media and the general public saw Mr. Modi's...
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    India's Chandrayaan 3 Success: Can Pakistanis Explore Space?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/09/indias-chandrayaan-3-success-can.html India's recent Chandrayaan 3 success has triggered serious soul searching among Pakistanis. They are asking: Can we explore space? Do we have the basic technical knowhow? Are there any serious rocket scientists...
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    Pakistan's Improvised Cable Cars: Example of Rural Ingenuity

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/pakistans-improvised-cable-cars-example.html Global media coverage of a recent cable car rescue in northern Pakistan has brought to light the widespread use of the improvised aerial transportation systems across mountain communities in the country. The...
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    Modi Co-opting Chandrayaan-3 Success For Hindutva Propaganda?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/modi-co-opting-chandrayaan-3-success.html Well before India's Chandrayaan-3 landed on the moon on August 23, India's "Godi Media" started showing split screens with the landing craft’s animated image alongside a photo of Indian Prime Minister Narendra...
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    Pakistan's Political Crisis: Did Washington Cause "Regime Change" in Islamabad?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/pakistans-political-crisis-did.html Did the U.S. make it clear to Pakistan in 2022 that Imran Khan was not acceptable as the prime minister of the South Asian country? Did the Pakistani military then use the Opposition parties led by Nawaz Sharif and...
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    Independence Day: Growing Share of Working Age Population in Pakistan

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/independence-day-growing-share-of.html Dependency ratio, defined as the percentage of children and retirees to the working age population, is rapidly declining in Pakistan (current dependency ratio is 69.03%) and the rest of the developing nations of...
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    USDA Forecasts Bumper Harvest of Major Crops in Pakistan For 2023/24

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/usda-forecasts-bumper-harvest-of-major.html The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is forecasting bumper harvest of all major crops in Pakistan for 2023/24. Major crops in the country include wheat, rice, sugarcane, corn and cotton. These...
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    OpenAI ChatGPT: Generative AI Buzz in Pakistan

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/08/openai-chatgpt-generative-ai-buzz-in.html A Singapore-based cybersecurity firm Group-IB discovered in June that over 100,000 ChatGPT user accounts were compromised and their credentials found on the Dark Web. Among the accounts reported compromised...
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    Greece Boat Tragedy: Are Pakistani Migrants Fleeing Hunger and Poverty?

    https://www.southasiainvestor.com/2023/07/greece-boat-tragedy-are-pakistani.html The extensive news coverage of the loss of Pakistani migrants' lives in the recent Greece boat tragedy has linked it to "hunger" in Pakistan. The essence of these news stories is captured by a quote in a CNN...
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