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    World’s safest countries - 2023. Bangladesh much safer than USA and India!

    Bangladesh’s higher ranking is largely thanks to very low gun violence and safety of minority communities. India and USA score badly on both! https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/safest-countries-in-the-world
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    Why do Bangladeshis loath India?

    I still remember it being a 50:50 affair. Evenly split along BNP and BAL lines. But even BAL party workers now openly loath India. This despite BAL propaganda and promotion of all things Indian. Pre social media - it was easy for states to brainwash people. But now states do not have a...
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    Australia thrash Bangladesh 7-0

    Am shocked the score is only 7-0 🤣 https://www.theguardian.com/football/2023/nov/16/jamie-maclaren-hat-trick-finishes-off-socceroos-rout-of-bangladesh
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    Bangladesh driving India’s backward NE states to progress

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    Bangladesh strikes a blow against lead poisoning

    https://www.economist.com/asia/2023/11/02/bangladesh-strikes-a-blow-against-lead-poisoning Thank you SHW!
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    Bangladesh should support India’s name change to Bharat!

    https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2023/09/15/will-india-change-its-name-to-bharat Let’s be honest! Indian culture is Mughal Sufi Muslim culture. If Hinduvta wants to ditch Mughal culture they have to change the country’s name to a Vedic name. I am sick and tired of Hindus...
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    Bangladesh takes its place in G20

    https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/who-s-guest-list-india-brings-bangladesh-g20 This is a rehearsal to the real thing in 2040.
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    Bangladesh must cut ALL links to crooked Adani

    https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/31/modi-linked-adani-family-secretly-invested-in-own-shares-documents-suggest-india Bangladesh must terminate all contracts with this crooked outfit.
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    How Bangladesh and Pakistan can increase tax collection

    I believe the best thing about Muslim societies is self help and social responsibility. The biggest symbol of this is the Zakat. However, this is also the reason why Muslims are reluctant to pay taxes. Seeing Zakat as their ultimate contribution. Stick will not work in such a religious...
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    Scarcity of Water in South Asia

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2023/water-scarcity-map-solutions/?itid=hp-mv-top-stories_top-table-main_p002_f006 India will be most affected by water shortage. Large swathes of India will become useless. This will increase the cost of food. China will...
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    Riots and sectarian violence in South Asia

    Burmese civil war is mainly ethnic. India’s violence is a mix of religion, ethnic and caste. Pakistan is mainly religious. Sri Lanka riven by Tamil and Buddhist sectarian violence. Nepal is finally calm after communist insurgency. Seems like Bhutan and Bangladesh are the only countries not...
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    Climate and China fears are bringing South Asia’s countries closer

    https://www.economist.com/asia/2023/08/04/climate-and-china-fears-are-bringing-south-asias-countries-closer Note, the grand old London Economist is the western liberal order’s mouthpiece on economics and trade. China is indeed a boon for Bangladesh. Without the Chinese stick - Hinduvta would...
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    Bangladesh's GDP, including informal economy, expected to reach $1.577 trillion by end of ‘23

    https://www.dhakatribune.com/amp/business/321402/bangladesh-s-gdp-including-informal-economy The gap between “shadow economy” and “official economy” is wider in Bangladesh than it is in India and Pakistan. The main reason is the rampant corruption in Bangladesh. Due to demonetisation, Modi...
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