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  1. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I've been reading your and Meengla's discussion. I agree with what both of you are saying. Israel's future is dependent on US protection and that protection is not guaranteed forever. Israel depends on the willingness AND ability of the US to protect it, which it won't have in the near future...
  2. Tamerlane

    Who is more Islamophobic, Jews or Hindus ?

    Both Jews and Hindus are Islamophobic and they're partners in spreading Islamophobia online, with Jewish funding and Hindu call centers. However, between the two, Jews are far more dangerous and responsible for enormous amount of death and destruction in Muslim countries. We need to remember...
  3. Tamerlane

    Incident(unlikely terror attack) at US-Canada border crossing at Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls

    Now the bad guys are trying to attack Canada.
  4. Tamerlane

    Incident(unlikely terror attack) at US-Canada border crossing at Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls

    They keep lying that the car came from Canada. The newspaper says that it came from the US side. The lying proves that there’s something fishy about the whole thing.
  5. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    It is an almost 100% certainty that the Anglo-Zionists will do false flag attacks to justify their continued aggression. The beating they’ve taken in social media almost guarantees that they’ll do some big false flags soon. The only question is how big. All Muslims need to be ready for the...
  6. Tamerlane

    Incident(unlikely terror attack) at US-Canada border crossing at Rainbow Bridge Niagara Falls

    Apparently the car came from the US side and exploded at the crossing killing two. The newspaper report says the car drove down Niagara Street, which is on the US side...
  7. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Jemima Goldsmith was raised as a Christian. Imran Khan is not a Qadiani/Ahmadi but the chief of the British Indian Army Asim Munir Whiskey is a Qadiani. I personally don’t have anything against Qadianis except that they believe that in the future Pakistan and India will be united and the...
  8. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Americans Convert to Islam in Record Numbers Because of Palestinian Resistance [Amazing Stories]
  9. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I’ve spent so much time on this thread that I’ve started dreaming about fighting in Gaza. I saw myself and another person with M4 rifles in an empty building. We were in a room waiting for Zionist soldiers to come in. Once two of them had entered we shot them. I think I shot another one as well...
  10. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The correct term for this idiot is golem. A golem is a brainless monster created by a Jew, like a Jewish version of Frankenstein’s monster. The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm 139:16, which uses the word (golmi; my golem), that means "my light form", "raw" material, connoting the...
  11. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The creation and protection of Israel by the Christian West is a continuation of the Crusades. "The Arab world remembers well the words that British General Allenby, a descendent of the English Crusaders, uttered when he entered Jerusalem on December 9, 1917, "The Crusades have ended now!"...
  12. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    This is war and I'm going to post something that even many Muslims probably don't know and some weak minded Muslims will find it hard to accept. Especially, since 9/11 Muslims have become used to being apologetic about conflict and keep repeating "Islam is a religion of peace." Yes, Islam is a...
  13. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    No Muslim country or Muslim individual will ever live in peace until the issue of Israel is decided one way or the other. Two billion Muslims of the world are being attacked for the bloodlust of 16 million Jews, only 7 million of whom live in occupied Palestine. It’s better to have a final...
  14. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Don’t forget that previously the Anglo-Zionists had a hit list of 7 Muslim countries to destroy and they’ve attacked 6 of them. Only Iran has survived. Now they may have an expanded list with more countries. The Anglo-Zionists won’t rest until they’ve destroyed the whole Muslim world. US...
  15. Tamerlane

    China is increasingly hostile to Israel

    The Islamic world needs to get out of the Anglo-Zionist sphere and align with China. The Anglo-Zionists are trying to create a world that suits Israel. Their policy towards Muslims is to divide and rule and kill and destroy. They’ve already destroyed 7-8 Muslim countries and killed 10+ million...
  16. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Halfway is Bahawalpur. I’ll send my guy to meet you there. Not only will you have to eat a beef burger in front of him, he’ll check your dic as well to make sure.
  17. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Come to Lalukhet, khushbu laga key.
  18. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You’re making my Hindar beep loudly. Since you joined PDF 2-3 weeks ago and are already going on the offensive against regular members I would say that you’re one of the Indians who got banned and returned with IP spoofing to make it seem like you’re in Pakistan.
  19. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I agree that Muslims are much better off today than they were in, lets say, 1918. I refer you to my post of Oct 17 where I said that. https://pdf.defence.pk/threads/gaza-israel-conflict-october-2023.777384/post-14576495 Being better off than 100 years ago is not good enough. That's like...
  20. Tamerlane

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    There are tons of lessons to be learned from this war. I'll mention one: We have to decide, as individuals and as nations, which side we belong to. Either we're Muslim or we are not. You can't be 25% Muslims and 75% atheist, or 50% Muslim and 50% Western, or 75% Muslim and 25% nationalist...
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