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  1. CCP

    U.S. Approval of Syngenta Deal Brings GMO Food a Step Closer to China

    http://time.com/4462394/syngenta-chemchina-gmo-foods/ On Monday, China National Chemical Corp. (ChemChina)received approval from U.S. national-security officials for its $43 billion takeover of Swiss agrochemical company Syngenta AG. Although the deal still needs to be reviewed by antitrust...
  2. CCP

    Chinese military will train Syrian troops

    Sorry Russia. :P China is completely in!
  3. CCP

    Chinese group to buy Israel’s Spacecom satellite operator for $285 million

    Are you serious? :hitwall: The second photo is not belong to here.:hitwall: @waz I think something should be modify here.
  4. CCP

    1.Mods are human too, they can't be always right. 2.I am not a kid and not good either.:)

    1.Mods are human too, they can't be always right. 2.I am not a kid and not good either.:)
  5. CCP

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Again, I am just shared some information, and the information is true! (or you can try to prove i am wrong on it.)
  6. CCP

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    LOL, trolling? What is your definition of trolling and What did I trolled here?o_O
  7. CCP

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Ok, I thought I am just sharing some information about vietnam air force.
  8. CCP

    Indonesia acquires Chinese-developed CIWS for another Kapitan Pattimura-class corvette

    http://www.janes.com/article/63184/indonesia-acquires-chinese-developed-ciws-for-another-kapitan-pattimura-class-corvette Key Points Indonesia has selected the Type 730 close-in weapon system for a second Kapitan Pattimura corvette Selection is in line with a wider adoption of Chinese-made...
  9. CCP

    S.Korean President's sister under investigation over fraud

    http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/08/116_212541.html By Lee Kyung-min President Park Geun-hye's estranged younger sister is under investigation over fraud, prosecutors said Tuesday. According to the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office, an investigation is ongoing into...
  10. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    Sure, why not? I did not say that , but you think only Scarborough is important( or worth a fight).:-)
  11. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    For sure, but you will not able to see US navy in the show, as when we reclaiming other islands.;)
  12. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    Ok, all other islands are no important.:yahoo:
  13. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    Why " the one" but not the other islands we reclaiming now? ;) BTW, the only reason we did not reclaim Scarborough right now is the reclaim size of this island. The reclaim size of Scarborough island will be at least 4 times larger than all the reclaim program at SCS right now. So, we need a...
  14. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    LOL, we already reclaim on your ally's island now, and US did nothing to stop but saying " do you dare to reclaim one more...?":usflag:
  15. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    LOL, if you say so. BTW, we even capture a US prisoner along with vietnmese on the battle.:usflag: Aftermath[edit] A potential diplomatic crisis was averted when China released the American prisoner taken during the battle. Gerald Emil Kosh, 27, a former U.S. Army captain, was captured with the...
  16. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    When we sunk the S.vietnam (ally of US)'s warship at SCS(1974), the mighty US navy is nowhere.;) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Paracel_Islands
  17. CCP

    Chinese Impeccable

    Well, the title is "China Impeccable" and this guy ask " what's wrong with that ship ?" :what:
  18. CCP

    'Filipino president ‘Duterte Harry’ won't take orders from former colonial powers’

    https://www.rt.com/op-edge/356838-duterte-comments-philippines-us/ Duterte is concerned about the prospect that Washington, the former colonial power in the Philippines, might want to manipulate his country against China, Gerald Horne, historian, told RT. Brian Becker of the AntiWar coalition...
  19. CCP

    Chinese Impeccable

    That's your problem not mine.:crazy:
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