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  1. G

    Pakistan Navy – Android App

    Thanks man. Right now games are a bit out of my league but I'll get there InshaAllah
  2. G


    Cuz they are Russian. Why can't we get anything Russian? We all know why
  3. G

    Android App : "Pakistan Navy – Reference & Recruitment Guide"

    I am a long time enthusiast of Pakistan armed forces especially the Navy and follow the developments that take place closely. I know from experience that its hard to find good material in one place to study for joining Pakistan Navy and I was surprised to find on Android Play store that there...
  4. G

    Pakistan Navy – Android App

    I am a long time enthusiast of Pakistan armed forces and it pained me to see that our brothers are not getting the good exposure, they deserve online. I was surprised to find on Android Play store that there wasn't even a single App showcasing our Armed forces. That was when i decided to do...
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    FYI Generals / Admirals are often pushed in the wrong direction by politicians having their own agendas. Case in point is acquisition of 214 class subs from Germany which are best in its class and zardari govt pushed towards china for their own gains. Acquisition of AWACs from china instead of...
  6. G

    Can I become pilot from airman?

    Better do Fsc first, then join
  7. G

    Need motivation

    Buddy if you need motivation to convince you to join the Army now then my advice is DON'T GO FOR IT. You will surely regret it later. Only those persevere who are motivated to the core
  8. G

    Need a little bit information

    First of all you need to know that if you join after Metric it would be as a Soldier not as an Officer. For PMA you need to clear 2nd yr or equivalent. Next as a Soldier or Officer you need to take permission to pursue further studies but i think it is pretty difficult to study under pressure of...
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    What It Would Really Take To Sink a modern Aircraft Carrier

    Definitely not a Missile. ACC is too big and compartmentalized to sink by any strike above the waterline. Moreover the carrier screen has a ton of AAW PDMS CIWS, they wont let 5 simultaneous missiles come close even. Best bet is a Nuclear tipped Torpedo or Torpedoes
  10. G

    Saab unveils next generation Corvette at IMDEX Asia 2017

    These crafts are the only true stealth warships in existence. Zumwalt is relatively new addition too. But the tech on visby class is just revolutionary. We'll be seeing more bigger variants soon enough
  11. G

    MAST Asia 2017: Japan unveils further details of multipurpose trimaran concept proposal for JMSDF

    So much for their deceptive name JMSDF (Japanese Maritime SELF DEFENCE Force). There is nothing self defensive about Japan. Its a bloody GODZILLA! They have massively huge Naval assets and Advanced weaponry. This is just tip of an iceberg
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