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  1. loanranger

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Quite a job those two chaps have out there :sick:
  2. loanranger

    Practise material for PAF Tests. (GDP,AD,CAE,it branch)

    It means if you are unfit throughout any time in your career you may be grounded. Then its your choice to stay in some gŕound branch or leave PAF. If it happens later on in your carear it is no problem. However, if it happens early like when you are a cadet and vomit excessively and are unable...
  3. loanranger

    PAF shoot down IAF SU-30 MKI l News & Discussion

    I believe it was damaged but managed to return back to base somehow. I haven't made this conclusion my self even the people on the inside aren't sure. A certain one up in the air on 27th for ground and pound made this conclusion. It resolves all our conclusions such as our AWACs trajectory...
  4. loanranger

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Listen you! You dare not slack. I am rooting for you. You can do it. PAF is not like that.Besides this is normal Pakistani doom and gloom talk. Things aren't as bad as they sound. Go till the end put your all in. So that you dont have regrets.
  5. loanranger

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    That burns my heart. To hear that from somebody who fought for our country say that. There are serious brain drain problems in Pakistan. Thats All I can say.
  6. loanranger

    Beware Pakistan: Afghan Air Force is Coming

    True absolute nightmare and a *** dream come true for india. Im sure well do everything in our power to not let it happen.
  7. loanranger

    Featured Would having Rafale on Feb 27, 2019 made any difference?

    Because your mki pilots are cowards they would have never let it be a wvr fight. They would lock and shoot from bvr ranges. So no point trying to come close to them
  8. loanranger

    How India Almost Lost Their Most Expensive Toys

    F16 Block 52+ landed in Pakistan aswell. They gave us ability beyond measure in the reason. Ability that made it necessary for India to get rafale. We kept quite and sat quiter than the indians knowing fully we were capable of something like Feb 27 2019. Those feeling envious of indian rafale...
  9. loanranger

    :: Pakistan Air Force vids - Edited on Adobe Premiere ::

    Really want to make a cool PAF response vid to rafale. Only if I had the timmmee. Anyways looking forward to trailers awesome stuff.
  10. loanranger

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Why do you worry the indian public will be gifted an other PAF F16 kill by IAF God knows how creative theyll get this time.
  11. loanranger

    Practise material for PAF Tests. (GDP,AD,CAE,it branch)

    Visit punjab textbook board website and try that way. Yes bring all original documents along with you and consult the Pakistan embasy in your country. Additionally do know it might be more than one single trip. And call/contact IBCC before hand so that there is no problem once you acctually get...
  12. loanranger

    Practise material for PAF Tests. (GDP,AD,CAE,it branch)

    These are download links of fsc Ebooks for first and second year. Read these well but focus on main topics and formulas. Stated importance topics above but do kinematics and measurement aswell. https://pctb.punjab.gov.pk/system/files/2018-G11-Physics-E.pdf...
  13. loanranger

    Practise material for PAF Tests. (GDP,AD,CAE,it branch)

    Alhumdulilah cleared the intial PAF tests, interviews and medical for GD(P) branch a few weeks ago. So you guys better pay attention to my advice above.Dont spend time on English. Just read a few synonyms and antonyms.Be sure to go through fsc books and main formulas including bernouli and...
  14. loanranger

    BLA releases video message of Karachi Stock Exchange attackers including training

    Editor hoga na inka :D. On a serious note. This video makes me want to puke. They talk about us exploiting baloch resources as a reason to take up arms. Do the "Baloch people" aka these rats have the equipment to extract those resources? There was no need to join a terror out fit... what a waste...
  15. loanranger

    Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

    These men are worth their weight in gold. Please don't forget them.
  16. loanranger

    Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

    Exactly. They dont want to do maximum damage on ground. The Indian strategy is to keep Baloch sepratists relevent. So that we ease up in Kashmir. Pakistan should brush this attack aside. Carry out a brutal fact finding inquiry and press confrence showing proof of clear indian involvement and put...
  17. loanranger

    Saif ul Azam legendary pilot is no more.

    إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎ Pakistan will always be grateful for his service. May he be granted an exalted place in Jannat.
  18. loanranger

    Former army chief says military action necessary only if there is no progress during talks

    If there is military action between China and India. It will be criminal for Pakistan to not step in and inflict maximum damage to Indians in Kashmir sector and elsewhere of needed to loosen their grip on Kashmir.
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