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  1. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    You don’t give a shit about hostages. You probably killed some of them whilst killing the babies and children that you have murdered. You don’t carpet bomb innocent then pretend to care about the hostages. How much nonsense can you spurt out in 1 day? First the tunnel accusation and now the...
  2. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Now then Cupid stunt A Jew complaining about the press? Ooooooo the irony? When a Jew complains - you must accept the press have in any way spoken the truth. They can’t handle the truth - lies and misinformation is what they thrive for - but like the Nazis did. Come on Sammuel - ive asked...
  3. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    lol Goebells thinks if he writes capitals it will become a truth. It’s there for all to see - you are a liar time and time again. These tunnels built by Israel designed by Israeli architects and displayed today as Hamas tunnels - you dirty little liars. Calm down and do a DNA. Test - see where...
  4. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The irony is a cockroach born in Poland claiming the land of Israel as his. Not even your land you Cupid stunt. No homeland? You never will have - every 150 years your testicles get a punch and your women get smashed around the world to fornicate and beg off any nation accepting you. Your...
  5. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    The tunnels under the Shifa hospital were built in the 1980s by Gershon Zippor and Benjamin Idelson - 2 architects. Now cockroaches like Sammuel the Charlie Chaplin comical Ali goebells thinks he can vegetate a repetitive lie and get away with it on PDF - you really are the lowest of the low.
  6. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Goeballs listen These tunnels were made by the Israelis about 30 years ago - by you repeating something over and over again - doesn’t make you right - this is not 1937 where there was no internet and misinformation dominated - we have the internet to assist with lying little cockroaches like...
  7. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Lying bastards. If there was tunnels and proof - - the scum would have got Stephen Spielberg to do an epic film for the world to view. This is just bullshit - they had to show something to save their embarrassment. Killing babies in incubators and bombing a hospital is a war crime. These...
  8. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Listen you Cupid stunt The USA funds everytime you fart. Without the charity you wouldn’t last a week - your robust economy would be on its knees - you keep posting shite boy - we know cockroaches have a tendency to eat and talk manure
  9. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Firstly don’t call him Zio - it’s cockroach. They detest Pakistan - the thoughT of a Muslamic country that has nukes freaks the cockroaches out. If things ever Got out of hand Jerusalem would be toast and Benny would be frying his 1 testicle before You could say scumbag.
  10. Musings

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    Yaar You probably lynched and then show him your feet - that will finish him off for good
  11. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Guys It takes special kind of scum - to tintilate and show great pleasure at the death of anyone but to laugh - show glee and put smileys on posts showing death of babies and children - Has to be clearly the lowest kind of son and Benny is a reminder of everything in a human we tell our...
  12. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Listen cockroach Firstly you killed a load yourself - Secondly babies in incubators didn’t kill anyone. You killing innocent doesn’t justify nothing. You are dirty little cowards and hence quite rightly labelled the lowest form of human
  13. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Twat alert. Now then lowest form of human. How many children has your country killed? How has carpet bombing civilians hurt Hamas? Why bomb a refugee camp? Why murder people in a hospital? Why use collective Punishment? Do you know these are war crimes and your illegal nation will pay for this
  14. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    I don’t get it. Why do these arseholes have To wait till 8.00 tomorrow to start a ceasefire? Do they want to use all the ammunition they Got? Cant the scum just say stop - thats It - no more firing right now. People will still die in the next 12 Hours unnecessarily.
  15. Musings

    India tops all three visa categories in the UK,ever imagine one day a person staying at Downing Street on August 15 would say Jai Shri Ram?

    You got a sensible head on you my friend. His wife isn’t part of the real world either. Reason why I detest these leaders along with Suela and Sajid Javid is coz they forget heritage and where they come from. Almost try harder than white people to show how white they are. Don’t treat others with...
  16. Musings

    India tops all three visa categories in the UK,ever imagine one day a person staying at Downing Street on August 15 would say Jai Shri Ram?

    Listen yaar Guy born in Southampton - parents from East Africa and you mark him as one of your own? Why glorify or associate yourself with him? What do you really have in common with him? He’s unelected - largest poll difference - even when the opposition is shit. I know patriotism is blind...
  17. Musings

    ICC Men's Cricket World Cup

    @karmaa Yaar you little darkie what you doing carrying it? Just eat it. The thread was about cricket - liver every other thread you ruin it by throwing mud. You’re on a Pakistani forum attempting to troll them bump into master Areesh who knowcks you for 6. Now stop terrorising the forum and...
  18. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    Those that had a soft spot for these people have now had a recalibration and have come to the conclusion - as a nation they really are out of control - don’t play by rules and genuinely behave as if they really are the chosen ones. Netanyahu has destroyed any inkling of credibility this nation...
  19. Musings

    India tops all three visa categories in the UK,ever imagine one day a person staying at Downing Street on August 15 would say Jai Shri Ram?

    Listen dogshit Look at the title and look at the manure you are posting. If I start googling I too can put posts Up where your countrymen have been having sexual intercourse with cows - stealing murdering and raping etc - so don’t get cute little dark Indian. Either say something on topic or...
  20. Musings

    Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

    He should have given him a mouthful of ketchup - he looks like a real scumbag
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