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  1. Y

    Dear Jewish friend. Do you know what 'shame' is?

    there are so many Vietnamese brides in China, it’s like buy one get one free.
  2. Y

    Dear Jewish friend. Do you know what 'shame' is?

    The Jews wouldn’t have a leg to stand on if it wasn’t for the Americans.
  3. Y

    Dear Jewish friend. Do you know what 'shame' is?

    The Americans that are pumping weapons and billions of dollars into Israel to kill Palestinians. The same shit disturbers causing trouble in different parts of the world then pretending it’s not their fault and crying crocodiles tears when they’re asking why isn’t someone else fixing the problem...
  4. Y

    Dear Jewish friend. Do you know what 'shame' is?

    Palestine will be save as soon as the Americans go away.
  5. Y

    China Actually Won It's War On Terror. Ask yourself, have you ever seen any real evidence of a genocide in China?

    No evidence of genocide in XJ while we get videos of death and destruction in Gaza everyday. What is there to pay for for false accusations?
  6. Y

    The US has won more than 400 Nobel Prize awards, by far the most in the world

    Self masturbating political award. Creating your own award so you can give it to yourself.
  7. Y

    Now the Chinese Defence Minister missing!!! A short few weeks after the Chinese Finance Minister went missing !!

    Well Putin and Kim went missing according to western news but here they are. It’s all just tabloid’s masquerading as news.
  8. Y

    WATCH: Bharati man SEXUALLY HARASSES and MOLESTS an Asian woman livestreaming as she travels through Hong Kong

    Can take the manlet out of india but can’t take the india out of the manlet
  9. Y

    Russia will sell natural gas to China at almost a 50% discount compared to European buyers

    Cause the Chinese price is actual price. The inflated price is to screw the Europeans.
  10. Y

    Leaked: CIA Front Preparing Color Revolution in Indonesia

    They need to ban all NGO’s and get rid of all Americans in their country. Better to cut out the cancer before it kills you.
  11. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    The mental gymnastics is amusing, if that makes it more palatable to you then okay.
  12. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    “I came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white girl. The sight of that filled me with rage. I always felt as if white girls thought less of me because I was half-Asian, but then I see this white girl at the party talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of attention from...
  13. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    The report was 68 pages long, I doubt you read it all or remember every word in it. He probably had a mental disorder already, his insecurities fed into it and made it worse. His crappy parents instead of helping him deal with it reaffirmed his insecurities, they were probably the source of it.
  14. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    It’s not my conclusion only, many articles have come to the same conclusion after reading his writings as well. He has a perverse sense of racial hierarchy, has a sense of superiority over lowly pure blooded Asian men (his words) and unrealistic entitlement over white women because of his...
  15. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    Nah man, it’s much more racial than that. He hated Asian men too, just like somebody here. He blames them for his failures and is jealous when one does succeed. It stems from his own self hatred and insecurities knowing his mom is some cheap mail order bride and his father never understanding...
  16. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    That’s not it, his insecurities stem from deeper issues. His hatred of women are the symptoms of his insecurities not the root.
  17. Y

    Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

    The way you think. You share more in common with him than you care to admit.
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