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Eight troops killed in Pakistan fighting

Guys what just happened??
Sword9, a valued friend and a welcome guest to this forum has left us!

I invited a few Indians whom I carefully selected because I thought that they make a difference in this society and could contribute to this forum and they did!!

We're all entited to have our opinions but facts are facts even if we don't like them.
If Sword9 believes something to be the truth, let it be his truth. A story has two sides and believe me, history is written by victorians!

I'm not assuming anything, just trying to ask everyone to cooldown a bit and give eachother some space and respect.

We want to make this forum the best of all, then we have to start looking at ourselves, not the others.

Mods, I apologise for speaking frankly.
Please don't edit this post, if its not to your liking just throw me out!

Its sad to hear.

I will investigate and will talk to sword9. Anything like that goes on, should come to me directly! There are sometimes "mods" and "admins" abuse power, and for that i am here to take actions.

Thanks for letting me know, you will hear from me soon.
Well its sad that he left this board, but i wont blame him for that.

many posters have to understand that most of your opions have value bcoz we Indians ( though very few) are here.Otherways most of wht u say to us wud be like speaking to the wall,with no response coming back and wondering what the others have to say.

there has been insults upin insults thrown on Indians butthats ok we also do give it back ,but we never touched your relegion.Though being of a diff relegion nobody insulted your relegion,but when the same was done by a pakistani poster abt hinduism that was greeted with a thumps up.

But still i dont think i will call it quits.I like this forum there are many good posters here.Especially Neo,sigotaka ,Munir,Sid,Neo and the mods rahman and Ahsan.
Webby has taken care of the 'problem' and Sword will be back soon. :thumbsup:

Lets move on together!
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