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IAF, Afghanistan Air Force play soccer


Mar 4, 2010
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IAF, Afghanistan Air Force play soccer


New Delhi, Feb 27 (IBNS) Air Marshal Naresh Verma on Monday declared open a series of football matches between the Afghanistan Air Force and Indian Air Force (IAF) Football team at the football ground, New Willingdon Camp, Air Force Station Race Course, here.

Also present were Colonel Masud Satankzai, Defence Attaché Afghanistan and Bhasheer Ahmed Shareer, Cultural Counsellor Afghan Embassy.

The teams will play a series of three matches including one played today which was won by the Indian Air Force (3-0), the other two matches are scheduled for the 29th February and 01st March.

The IAF is hosting the Afghanistan Air Force football team for its period of stay in India from 25th February to 03rd March 2012.

Various IAF teams have visited countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, UK in the past and have also hosted Pakistan Air Force Cycle Polo team, Royal Air Force Cricket team, Bangladesh Basketball team, RAFO’s (Royal Air Force of Oman) Volleyball team.

IAF, Afghanistan Air Force play soccer
afghanistan has an air force? lol

Yes made by Indians and Anti Pakistan Countries like USA and Israel to use against Pakistan... otherwise technically Afghanistan Airforce is NOTHING!
Yes made by Indians and Anti Pakistan Countries like USA and Israel to use against Pakistan... otherwise technically Afghanistan Airforce is NOTHING!

are you saying afghanistan should never have air force just because pakistan is her neighbor?? Aghanistan is a country and needs armed forces.
Yes made by Indians and Anti Pakistan Countries like USA and Israel to use against Pakistan... otherwise technically Afghanistan Airforce is NOTHING!

Afghan air force was lethal before the Soviet war, equipped with latest Soviet-made jets. It was that your meddling due to that which caused their entire infrastructure and society collapse. And its fruit is what you're bearing today.

Regarding AAF composition, their main providers are US, Brazil and Russia in terms of weapons, fighters and helicopters. The LAS program to provide Brazilian EMB-314s (also called A-29) light attack turboprop jets, the Mi-17 transport helicopters, Russian and American small arms, refurbished C-27 transport aircraft etc etc are all provided and funded by NATO forces.

And you're taking our name when we've not even started supplying them with anything serious. AAF has a budget of $11-12 million. Allow them to mature financially and us materially before blaming us, will you?

---------- Post added at 08:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ----------

afghanistan has an air force? lol

Essentially non-combative as of now. Transports and tactical air lifts mainly with attack helicopters (Mi-35s). It will take some time by the time they're able to acquire fixed wing fighter jets on their own.
AAF was quite impressive. It looks, AAF had the capability to cause pain in a** and was comparable to any good air force of that time.
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