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Important issb points by Xeric and others



New Recruit

Mar 14, 2019
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20-45 mins duration...

brush your math, physics (ohm law, one of there favt.), islam (basic dates you need to remember) like jhang badr date? hajj? namaz? wht is ghazwa? difference b/w nabbi and rasool?
then pakistan (borders of pakistan), imp places........quaid e azam, iqbal sahib.
why you want to join army? (logical reason) not mugay bachpan say shook (shock...hahaha) tha......stupid answer......

weakest and strongest point? and how you justify them? they should not be like affecting your personallity or have an effect on the job you are applying for................atleat prepare 5 of them

can be ................i am determined (merit), addicted to tea (de-merit)

be clear and try to speak wht you are.........coz they know wht you are by selection dozier file.........

doesnt matter how much you do in 2 mins..........they want to look you expression how u do them..........it doestn mean you couldnt do one and still they will select you....i mean number doesnt matter.......

one thing more ..........prepare your merit and demerits.......both in english and urdu.............
also prepare.........
happiest day of my life, saddest day of my life, my dream, my life ambition..........or other relating topics.......................
GTO (remember he alone can take stand for your RECCOMMEDATION), so give your best short....
for military planning polish your maths...........for example...if a car is moving at speed of 20km/hr how much its going to cover in 8.5 mins? (hopefully my question makes sense)
listen very well to GTO..................
secondly during planning every one will give his opinion so listen to others too and give your opinion with logic.... coz GTO is watching you all and he know's who is doing well..
do show initative when he ask who wil become commmender....generally he chooses the worst person first (not obvious but from experience)
then the mazdoori (hahahaha) flanks and drums and ropes (progressive group task) 40 mins, 3 parts, 1st and 2nd part are the easiest one and 3rd impossible.....and if your group gets into 3rd part means you got the best group...just one thing to keep in mind......every thing red is out of bound.....and before starting progressive group task telling your group to make an idea gives good impression on GTO....think on wht you can do to make an impression?
semi group task same principle .....just he splits the group into 3 halfs....best oppurtunity to show your guts.......
the command task..........
take initative to be commander (He wont choose you if he has doubt in your abilities or if your are performing well, just to know you well)...
give your best..wht ever your commanders ask you to do ...do it immediately (even if he wants you to lift 40kg big drum) and if you think its wrong ask him Mr commander if its like this wht do you say? dont tell your commander your idea is stupid.....even if it is..........just give your suggestion........thats all.......one thing more listen well to GTO when he is explaning to you abt task....if you got wrong conveying your group wht he said you runied all of your hard work..........
being commander choose the best person for best work......stay in between your group ....guide them, help them, try to clear them first (if you managed to finish your task)..
bear in mind commander does;nt mean you are TEEKAyDAR....
interview with GTO..... just general will ask you abt maths, can ask your weakest and strongest points.......general knowledge questions, islam, pakistan........

final task....................rubbish except to check your english (flank=phatta, drum is drum, rassi=rope, jump, seeri=ladder) just that........just kidding........its important tooo give your best short...........acutally its like progressive task but THEY SEPERATED THEM BECAUSE in progressive task you dont knw each other so they want to know if you can work in new environment with new ppl and how you react and treat them whereas in final task you know your group well they want to check how you will work with ppl you know (i assume)?

Just Remember One Thing Do anything But lie , The ones conducting your interview are professionals , They will find out if you are lying or trying to be a little too smart , They dont want perfect answers They want honest answers , you could answer all the question wrong & you may still qualify your interview , and you may answer everything right & they may fail you on spot .
Qualifying ISSB is more of a mental then Physical test remember that when you are going to ISSB , Be confident , Stick to your answers do not change them just bcoz the person sitting in front of you is staring at you.
Yes you may realize that your answer is wrong so when answering answer carefully , and if they ask dont you think the answer is this ? simply tell them that Sir by the information I have my answer is correct. this way if your answer is correct well done, if it is wrong then you are still safe .

As far as Obstacle tests are concerned, they are not very tough, so don't worry, people who only clear 3 or 4 of them with minimum points also get selected for PMA but for , so don't stress over physical tests, as far as individual, command & group tasks are concerned you will have to be very vigilant & intuitively creative but don't be over smart. As for written intelligent tests, they are several books so go through them, prepare for word association tests, you will have to do some practice for them & always make sentences which will reflect your personality as an optimist. for group discussion, again it all depends on your knowledge & your command over the language but to hand you a few tips, don't oppose others straight forwardly, if you have time then think over all aspects negative or positive of the topic & present them all. i hope page posts will be helpful for all issb aspirants.

The best advice i could give you here is to get hold of ISSB books, though they are accurate but they would give you some insight to what would you face during ISSB. The books would contain lot of info (words-to make sentences, story writing etc), try to go through all of them as it would give you practice. Think of difficult words (like knife, fire, bomb, girl, hot, waste, dark, bad, ugly etc) and practice them out.
As for the group discussion, you would probably get topics on current affairs and social issues. A few examples can be; Role of women in our society, Current political crisis of the country, Madarsa education Vs Schooling etc. The more you read (newspapers, books, magazines) the better you would get at it.
There are lot of youtube channels having videos related to issb i know a channel "Empowering of Brain" very useful content uploaded in that channel.But there a lot of other channel which can guide you and help you to clear issb.Further you can read all posts of our page very helpful and almost every point is cleared in every post.Some material links were also uploaded are also useful.
Best of luck

If you really want to get selected then the most important thing that you need to do is to cool down.
Getting depressed and becoming worried all the time would not help.
Work hard during the preparation and sweat before you go for the ISSB, but once you have landed there, then act cool.
Another thing that you need to work on is to be NATURAL!
Just try to be what you are, if your would try to act smart they will get hold of you right there, so it is futile to show them what actually you are not and what actually is not part of your personality.
Acting natural is the key of success atleast in ISSB, atleast that worked for me:)
Try to Improve your angraizi.
Acting cool mean, to act normal, act natural. Don't over show nor do hide your true feelings.
If you have been addressing your friends like oa, abay, shahzaday, jigar etc etc, and you would try to hide these during the ISSB, you'll not get far, because they'll find it out. If they fail to, probably you yourself would have already spoken it out and told them that you were pretending!
So it is better to practice before hand, try to inculcate the 'guud' qualities of a youngster, though this might not be very effective, because you are what you are and the personality cant be hidden, but still hard work and dedication can yield results.
What you can do now is to improve upon your grip on certain things, they can be: confidence, knowldge, debating, personality etc etc.
These can be done by reading newspapers and books, having a good company and good arguments etc etc.
The key is that one has to be BALANCED.
It is not bad if you are emotional, but being too emotional will kill you in ISSB. On the contrary if your personality is cool and calm, but absolute thund program will also fail you.
You might be a bit more emotional but if the emotions goes towards the right direction and are positive you may succeed, and similarly if your calmness represents your personality during tension and problematic issues and you manage to stay in control during tough times this will give you more points in the ISSB, but if you think that calmness means that sottay he rawo or paper main ik din reh gaya hai ab perhnay ka kaya faida type thing then results would be depressing.
So try to improve yourself!!

Just Remember One Thing Do anything But lie , The ones conducting your interview are professionals , They will find out if you are lying or trying to be a little too smart , They dont want perfect answers They want honest answers , you could answer all the question wrong & you may still qualify your interview , and you may answer everything right & they may fail you on spot .
Qualifying ISSB is more of a mental then Physical test remember that when you are going to ISSB , Be confident , Stick to your answers do not change them just bcoz the person sitting in front of you is staring at you.
Yes you may realize that your answer is wrong so when answering answer carefully , and if they ask dont you think the answer is this ? simply tell them that Sir by the information I have my answer is correct. this way if your answer is correct well done, if it is wrong then you are still safe .

just remember be very polite but firm. Dont complain about anything no
loose talk specially about your instructors in your rooms. keep a positive attitude in all aspects. In the interview if he asks you a question and you dont know the answer just say I am sorry sir I dont know the answere he will say give it a try or just guess, at that time you say sir I would rather give you a right answer than a wrong one. If he asks you what is 2+2 the answer is 4 but take 2 or 3 sec to answere. somethimes we give the wrong answer to the easiest question so take your time and
answere. Max 2 sec than answere. Buy a
atlas and just go through it so you know
which country in where. One thing which
most boys forget is haircut dont get a crew cut just a decent cut , your nails should be clean , clothes neat and clean. If you cant speak proper english just speak only what you know And please dont bring religion into any discission, they will ask you do you pray just tell the truth somethimes I do sometimes I dont. dont lie while answering the question dont move your eyes , look at
the person who is taking your interview
look directly into his eyes while thinking or giving your answere, never bow your head in the interview. dont sit on the chair untill he says sit, always say thank you. when the interview is done and he says you can go say Sir it was a pleasure talking to you Khuda Hafiz.
If the guy says what do you
think will you pass or fail just say Sir I have given my best rest is up to ISSB dont say rest is up to you NO TC at all.
There are always a few trouble makers stay away from them dont confront them if you have a problem do what I did.
Haan if you talk to much like me tell your
self I have to keep my mouth shut for 3
days and I am sure you can. Dont play
cards in the night try not to smoke and no chewing Gums.

First of all, army is not built for emotional nor intelligent people. If you are emotional,you should find your way in films or dramas. Not in army. Love for country is good but it does not mean you should worthlessly satisfy your soul by dieing for your country and country has no advantage for it. It is good for you own soul not for country.
Secondly, methods of army are tested.
History of army is very tested and old. Now army will not bear that one intelligent mind come in tries to experiment with radical new tactics and putting future of army in danger. There may be good but it may be bad. Army cannot afford that risk because
it is matter of defense of country. Army
runs on pre made rules. just be confident, try to take accurate and
quick decisions and be a gentleman. They don't find a political leader in you because your subordinates will obey you even you r not leader.
One thing i know is never give any facial or body expressions. like emotions etc.
2. Exactly what Physcology of people do
ISSB seek. Either who runs his own
orders, or either who is a "YES SIR" man
and does whatever he is instructed to
do. I want a detailed answer about
physcology. They want none of what you have mentioned.All they require is somebody with a clear
head.The one who thinks clearly, positively and evaluate everything before he makes any decision. Because in the Army you got to be a guud decision maker as one wrong
decision can get many lives screwed!
Only and only if you can think clearly then the question of 'running own orders' or
'Yes Sir' will never arise. The one giving the order is giving it after much deliberation and the one obeying it i.e. you will carry it out as you KNOW that it is legimitate and correct. So the prejudice that one has to be
'obeying' all the time has no roots at all.
Moreover, at many a times you would be required to make you own decisions, and act independently, so again you have to be a guud decision maker also. Courtesy and respect always have paramount importance in this case but then again you are an officer and you know very well what would be 'right' or 'wrong'.
Army is a very versatile carrier, today you
might be firing upon the enemy, tomorrow you may have to carryout the job of police,the day after you may be carrying out treeplantation and then in the evening you may be preparing a football or hockey ground.
You may have to deal with beggars and
shopkeepers and then again you might
have to deal with a DPO or DCO.
You might find yourself engaged with a foreign delegation and then you may also find yourself talking to a widow who
complains that her in laws has taken away all her husbands savings.
You might be kick the arse of some under command who has a lose character and at the same time you might be talking to the
'numberdar' of a village to get soldier's
problem solved.
At times you might be required to get your true anger controlled and at some other occasion you might have to pretend that you out of your mind, though you might begoing on a date!
So if you can do this all "perfectly" you will get the recommendation letter, if not then i m sorry you have no place in the Amry atleast! These examples will i am sure get your mind agitated in the right direction.
4. How to behave before Person taking
interview. One word: SENSIBLY!! 3. Is it good to join tranning acadmies. Not advisable, but if you are so concerned
and away from the world, you might like to try some.
You are an open book for the ISSB staff... an 18 year old kid cant fool them. Just be urself...very very very urself....i cant over emphasis this fact...
Dont try to outsmart them...be true, use ur mind and above all be positive. Just stop thinking about ur gf...the day you decided to join the Army...all girls around you became ur sisters...
lastly, just trust in urslef...and go with this mind...if i'll not get selected..it's not the end of the world....this thought is going to help you alot...thts my experience.
good luck

Q.Who are commissioned officers??
Commissioned Officer is the one who holds commission that bind them with certain responsibility, tasks and duties. He is the one who got to have the authority. In short the 'authority' of Commissioned Officers is vested in his position and he is vested with this responsibility (authority) from the Supreme Commander of the Force. Lastly, only a Commissioned Officer can have the authority to Command men.
i hope that clears it..

Many people have these questions in their minds:
1-Why do candidates get Not Recommended in ISSB despite having performed well?
2-How does the candidate who has done only 5 obstacles got recommended?
3-Is it true that only those candidates get
recommended who have given positive written tests and interviews with psychologist?
4-If my friend is recommended and he has told me what he wrote and answered in tests and interviews, should I do the same?
1-First of all, clear one thing in mind, a good ISSB performance doesn't mean performing well in tasks, making positive sentences and stories,
answering every question in interview correctly,doing almost all obstacles etc.
They check your personality there, your passion,your leadership abilities and long time commitment with forces. And the main thing in all these are the 14 leadership qualities, if you have
done everything well but your leadership is weak, you cant be recommended. It doesn't matter how much knowledge you have or how much obstacles you did. If you don't have theleadership qualities of required level, you cant be
2 - Obstacles doesn't matter in the ISSB result,we can not make a criteria on basis of obstacles.In urdu we can say k sirf obstacles ki base pe aap ye decide nahi kr skte k candidate acha leader hai ya nahi. But there are some obstacles
which are compulsory to get
recommended, e.g Ditch, zig-zag and high jump.Dont miss them in obstacles and try to give your best with others.
There are a lot of examples of candidates who have done 13 obstacles and got NR and those who have done 5 got recommended. So dont worry about obstacles, main thing is leadership qualities.
3 -Giving positive written tests and interview with psych is a good thing to do in ISSB, but your job is not finished there. Because the interview is still
there. Psych will study your written tests and make some questions according to what you have written in your written tests. Then through those questions he/she will cross check you, whether
you have that positivity in your personality as well or not? You will never know what the psych is trying to check through his/her questions but the psych knows. Isi liey kehte hain k psych ka
interview wesa hi ho ga jesa aap ne written test dia ho ga.
And one more thing to keep in mind, not getting the vote of psych means NR straight away. But getting the vote of psych doesn't mean Recommendation, you'll still have to get the vote of all three officers.
4-As far as the GK and maths questions are considered, you can answer the same as your recommended friend had given. But as far as the personality questions, merits/demerits, situational
questions are considered, do NOT copy your friends answers, those answers may be correct according to his personality, that doesn't mean
they will be correct according to your personality.Answer what you think is appropriate and according to your own thinking and frame of mind. Because these answers will be cross checked during your ISSB. So make sure there is
no contradiction between your interviews and personality.

Ok here are few more for you,
1. you will be photographed with chest number there on arrival, ask for a group of photos that you will take back with you, its a big big memory deal either you join or not
2.you will be assigned group numbers, like A, B, C and GTO assigned to ur group will ask you one by one which thing came to ur mind with ur group letter like falcon from F, and why falcon and you'll answer like it keeps a sharp eye on his target and makes his move accordingly and insprirational for me for such.
3.story writing, the graphical depiction if very very clear do no deviate from the topic, if it is confused and you can make two or more stories out of it be innocent, yes make an innocent story on it, and when psycharist asked a silly stupid luking question like have u ever shot a lizard with air gun, if it applies to you do engage urself there, if not keep silent.
4.for physical tasks whenever you have to grip a rope full strech urself and grip from highest as possible even for monkey swing, jump to grip high. i hope you've practiced these, i've done rope climbing at home by hanging a jute rope from my roof, little less thick than what you will have there but it did for me.
5.group planning, dont mind it is destened fo be a fail, but try to give ur suggestions precisely and to the topic and dont cross talk there
6.group task and half group task, just try to be cooperative with group members.
7.command task i've told , GTOs are really bad guys there
8.Interview comes natural bas apne aas pass ka pata hona chahiye apna pata hona chahiye
9.thats preety much it buddy, and yes mess ka khana acha hota hai achey mahool mein hota hai, eat alot in the mess and dont make a mess out of ur napkins, dont bump spoons into the plates, get well dressed for the dininghall,
9.and again and again in say this ur complete body language should say to the guys there that u are here to be an officer
10.Imp.Make sure that you are out of every tension
11.Do some hard physical exercises
12.Prepare for debates on every kind of topics (as the selection panel use to have a hard discussion session over difficult topics with the interviewee)
13.Go through all kinds of current affairs (internet will help a lot)
14.Every kind of knowledge should be at your finger tips
15.You should be well known about your family background, your caste and family professions
16.You should not be having any Psychological problem, stay away from any kind of tension
17. Avoid wasting time over saying "koi notes whatsapp karde" and such other things.
18.Search helping material for issb by yourself
Good Luck
Do well in your ISSB
Be Blessed

Just remember a few things Don’t try to be over smart, Stay serious, Take charge of your teemin command task. The first thing they see in you is how you answered question in the interview. When they ask you a question wait for 2 to 3 sec and then answer, If you don’t know the answer just say Sir I am sorry I don’t know the answer and if he says No just give it a shot you say I am sorry sir I rather give you a right answer than a wrong one.
Participate in all activities make your observer realise that you are a leader and always remember (Your Command Respect not demand respect)
And please do not go to those ISSB schools they really screw you up.
during out door tasks ,show dedication to your work .full cooperation with your fellows whether they are doing the same thing or not .in writing test write whatever first thing come in your mind but be positive , ambitious and optimistic.show leadership qualities.

Do practice your writing test...specially the psycho test and one thing they call SELECTION DOZIER FILE in which you get time based question ...they will show you a word for 10sec or so and you have to write one complete sentence...and there will be 100 words for example
be careful of your interview is from this. write what you are or you have practiced......if you ask my opinion do buy a ISSB book and practice these tests from it.........just to manage your time and to get idea how to write good sentences....
Another thing you get in the selection Dozier file are...Picture stories...i think they show you 4 pictures and you have to write a story on every picture in 3.5mins ....good idea is to write on social work, your profession, key issues like Kashmir, terrorism or regarding Pakistan. and don’t forget to write using STAR technique (SITUATION, TASK, ACTION, RESULT )

Some instructions or guidelines for GTO's task mainly.
1- Use your brain.
2- Avoid over smartness
3- Dont try to let others down
4- Remember it's not a solo act, but a group task

《1st Day (Arrival Day)》
Checking of documents
Allocation of chest numbers
Allocation of rooms
Photographs of candidates
Administration staff address
Filling bio data forms
《2nd Day (Psychologist Day)》
Opening address by Deputy President
Intelligence Test or screenout test
Announcement of screening out result (Screened out Candidates will not attend the subsequent tests)
Psychological Test
(Word Association Test)
(Sentence Completion)
(Picture Story Writing)
(Pointer Story Writing)
(Merits/De merits Writing)
《3rd Day (GTO Day)》
Indoor Tasks
Group Discussion
Group Planning
Outdoor Tasks
Progressive Group Task (PGT)
Half Group Task (HGT)
》4th Day (GTO Day)《
Individual Obstacles
Command Task
Final Group Task (FGT)
Interviews (leftovers)
5th Day (Conference Day)
Preparation of all the results
Payment of TA/DA

"Old is Gold"
These posts are so much helpfull for those who are going to appear in issb:-)
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