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LOC Ceasefire – A humble opinion


Nov 25, 2012
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LOC Ceasefire – A humble opinion

Absolute respect to Pakistani troops and its civilians who have sacrificed their lives in brutal attacks by the Hindutva army. No one can even think of endangering very precious lives our soldiers and civilians.

From a Pakistan perspective, however, this ceasefire announcement signifies a pessimistic approach at a time when RSS ruled india was under significant military and economic pressure. Nothing is normal after 5th August 2019. Indian illegally occupied Kashmir (IIOK) is completely locked and no one knows or might never know the scale of massacre being conducted just like we never knew the genocide after the indian invasion of the State of Hyderabad Deccan in 1948. Agreeing to ceasefire without any relief to Kashmiris and without even asking for a cessation of anti Pakistan activities from Afghanistan, is futile in one’s opinion.

RSS ruled india’s new strategy

RSS ruled india is very much committed to a two front war. The tactic now is there will be a two front war but one at a time. Hindutva military has assessed that war with Pakistan will continue which includes military coercion, terror attacks, Psy Ops and disinformation (fake news).

While with China, Quad with few others will develop a military posture against China. Furthermore, after failing in Hong Kong, battle grounds will now be moved to Tibet and Xinjiang. Disinformation, insurgency and radicalization are the tools that will most likely be used in Tibet and Xinjiang. I humbly tried to explain this in opinion articles.Part 1 and Part 2.

RSS’s possible actions in Kashmir

Since 1947, RSS ruled india with full support from its hindu population has successfully changed the demographics of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Ladakh now boast a clear non muslim majority. Only Kashmir Vale which has an area slightly bigger than AJK is now a muslim majority area.

RSS plans to settle more hindus in Jammu particularly to swell up their population so collectively the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir can claim a complete non muslim majority. They are very close to achieving this goal. Once this happens, they could restore Jammu and Kashmir as a state with a non muslim majority or make Jammu a new state with Ladakh and transform the Kashmir vale completely into a military island like Gaza with a status of a union territory ruled directly from the national capital. They could even hold a plebiscite with observers from friends like UK, US, France and even some Arab country and claim the matter to be resolved.

There seems to be a certain ambiguity in Government of Pakistan and its military’s thinking. RSS ruled india is setting up new normals and GOP and PA seem to react. Either Pakistan was under some foreign pressure or domestic situation compelled it to harp on the mantra of peace, whatever it may be, some would doubt the wisdom of agreeing to a ceasefire without a bargain.

We only hope Pakistan and China have unanimously agreed to let india off the hook with a more strategic goal in mind.

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Meengla @Pakistan Ka Beta @Clutch

Sorry could not tag more respected members
There seems to be a certain ambiguity in Government of Pakistan and its military’s thinking.
I have a feeling the Biden administration has a hand in this Ceasefire agreement. Rest assured brother this ceasefire will not last for long, everybody is buying for time including China. In not so distant future there will definitely be big skirmishes along the LOC and LAC.
LOC Ceasefire – A humble opinion

Absolute respect to Pakistani troops and its civilians who have sacrificed their lives in brutal attacks by the Hindutva army. No one can even think of endangering very precious lives our soldiers and civilians.

From a Pakistan perspective, however, this ceasefire announcement signifies a pessimistic approach at a time when RSS ruled india was under significant military and economic pressure. Nothing is normal after 5th August 2019. Indian illegally occupied Kashmir (IIOK) is completely locked and no one knows or might never know the scale of massacre being conducted just like we never knew the genocide after the indian invasion of the State of Hyderabad Deccan in 1948. Agreeing to ceasefire without any relief to Kashmiris and without even asking for a cessation of anti Pakistan activities from Afghanistan, is futile in one’s opinion.

RSS ruled india’s new strategy

RSS ruled india is very much committed to a two front war. The tactic now is there will be a two front war but one at a time. Hindutva military has assessed that war with Pakistan will continue which includes military coercion, terror attacks, Psy Ops and disinformation (fake news).

While with China, Quad with few others will develop a military posture against China. Furthermore, after failing in Hong Kong, battle grounds will now be moved to Tibet and Xinjiang. Disinformation, insurgency and radicalization are the tools that will most likely be used in Tibet and Xinjiang. I humbly tried to explain this in opinion articles.Part 1 and Part 2.

RSS’s possible actions in Kashmir

Since 1947, RSS ruled india with full support from its hindu population has successfully changed the demographics of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Ladakh now boast a clear non muslim majority. Only Kashmir Vale which has an area slightly bigger than AJK is now a muslim majority area.

RSS plans to settle more hindus in Jammu particularly to swell up their population so collectively the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir can claim a complete non muslim majority. They are very close to achieving this goal. Once this happens, they could restore Jammu and Kashmir as a state with a non muslim majority or make Jammu a new state with Ladakh and transform the Kashmir vale completely into a military island like Gaza with a status of a union territory ruled directly from the national capital. They could even hold a plebiscite with observers from friends like UK, US, France and even some Arab country and claim the matter to be resolved.

There seems to be a certain ambiguity in Government of Pakistan and its military’s thinking. RSS ruled india is setting up new normals and GOP and PA seem to react. Either Pakistan was under some foreign pressure or domestic situation compelled it to harp on the mantra of peace, whatever it may be, some would doubt the wisdom of agreeing to a ceasefire without a bargain.

We only hope Pakistan and China have unanimously agreed to let india off the hook with a more strategic goal in mind.

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Meengla @Pakistan Ka Beta @Clutch

Sorry could not tag more respected members
India isn't off any hook. The rhetoric from Pakistani leadership speaks for itself. Pakistanis should not give any credence to Indian Bollywood propaganda.

The whole suggestion that now there is a ceasefire whereas previously there wasn't is nonsense. The Indian historical revisionism is in full flow.

Can ONE respected or non-respected member explain to me if today a ceasefire has been declared, what the hell has been in effect for the last decade that has been "violated" every second day by either side? If a "ceasefire violation" has been recorded on these occasions, then how was it that something other than a ceasefire was already in effect??

Are people on this thread stupid? Indians know full well that they have simply rinsed and repeated the same propaganda that they have used against us for years. Declare another "ceasefire" on top of the existing "ceasefire" which itself was on top of the previous "ceasefire" but still violate it as and when necessary. This is how our little war works and will always work. Indian civilians and indeed Pakistani civilians who think otherwise have failed to understand the nature of this conflict.
non-respected member explain to me if today a ceasefire has been declared, what the hell has been in effect for the last decade that has been "violated" every second day by either side? If a "ceasefire violation" has been recorded on these occasions, then how was it that something other than a ceasefire was already in effect??
Since you asked respectfully.

There exist only one ceasefire agreement with India. It was before India became a Republic.

2004 agreement is an informal effort of normalization of Kashmir brokered between India and Pakistan by the US of A.
India isn't off any hook. The rhetoric from Pakistani leadership speaks for itself. Pakistanis should not give any credence to Indian Bollywood propaganda.

The whole suggestion that now there is a ceasefire whereas previously there wasn't is nonsense. The Indian historical revisionism is in full flow.

Can ONE respected or non-respected member explain to me if today a ceasefire has been declared, what the hell has been in effect for the last decade that has been "violated" every second day by either side? If a "ceasefire violation" has been recorded on these occasions, then how was it that something other than a ceasefire was already in effect??

Are people on this thread stupid? Indians know full well that they have simply rinsed and repeated the same propaganda that they have used against us for years. Declare another "ceasefire" on top of the existing "ceasefire" which itself was on top of the previous "ceasefire" but still violate it as and when necessary. This is how our little war works and will always work. Indian civilians and indeed Pakistani civilians who think otherwise have failed to understand the nature of this conflict.

Thank you for reading.

Its just an opinion.

The problem is india keeps setting up new normals and Pakistan reacts.

5th of August 2019 was a significant development. It rendered all of the previous ceasefires or agreements null and void. A whole new chapter of history has begun after this.

I worry that this so called ceasefire does not give india's actions of 5th August a certificate of normalcy.

Another problem is if Pakistan so much as responds to a ceasefire or voices its concern on Kashmir, India will declare to the world that Pakistan has violated its agreement and is upsetting the status quo. This will bring a new wave of pressure on Pakistan. It seems to be a well laid trap.
Enemy is just regrouping , the Seize fire has no tactical advantage for Pakistan

  • Enemy is trying to Curb Freedom movement in Sikh's Indian Punjab side
  • Enemy is trying to Curb Kashmiri people's legitimate right to connect with Pakistan
  • They are knee deep with Covid-19 Crisis
  • Defeated up North By China Many Times
  • Psychologically they are on their Knees , by Covid-19 and Massive Protest

15 Million Sikh Farmers and Sikh residents of Indian Punjab are demanding freedom
10-13 Million Kashmir are demanding Freedom in Kashmir

Pakistan has pulled off the foot from pedal no real tactical advantage from this move

A Unilateral desire for Peace is never reciprocated from India.
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Enemy is just regrouping , the Seize fire has no tactical advantage for Pakistan

  • Enemy is trying to Curb Freedom movement in Sikh's Indian Punjab side
  • Enemy is trying to Curb Kashmiri people's legitimate right to connect with Pakistan
  • They are knee deep with Covid-19 Crisis
  • Defeated up North By China Many Times
  • Psychologically they are on their Knees , by Covid-19 and Massive Protest

15 Million Sikh Farmers and Sikh residents of Indian Punjab are demanding freedom
10-13 Million Kashmir are demanding Freedom in Kashmir

Pakistan has pulled off the foot from pedal no real tactical advantage from this move

The Pakistani establishment don't know what the ground realties are , haven't weighed there odds and haven't done there due diligence , is that what your trying to say.

China says we are the aggressors , all our statements are a ploy a misdirection. Which one is it?
I mean Indian media is pretty much handing out intelligence info on a platter, our numbers , our weaknesses, what a daft bunch of morons.

Convince China and go on the offensive.

I mean India is weaker than ever its time to strike.

A Unilateral desire for Peace is never reciprocated from India.

You mean during Musharraf era?
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LOC Ceasefire – A humble opinion

Absolute respect to Pakistani troops and its civilians who have sacrificed their lives in brutal attacks by the Hindutva army. No one can even think of endangering very precious lives our soldiers and civilians.

From a Pakistan perspective, however, this ceasefire announcement signifies a pessimistic approach at a time when RSS ruled india was under significant military and economic pressure. Nothing is normal after 5th August 2019. Indian illegally occupied Kashmir (IIOK) is completely locked and no one knows or might never know the scale of massacre being conducted just like we never knew the genocide after the indian invasion of the State of Hyderabad Deccan in 1948. Agreeing to ceasefire without any relief to Kashmiris and without even asking for a cessation of anti Pakistan activities from Afghanistan, is futile in one’s opinion.

RSS ruled india’s new strategy

RSS ruled india is very much committed to a two front war. The tactic now is there will be a two front war but one at a time. Hindutva military has assessed that war with Pakistan will continue which includes military coercion, terror attacks, Psy Ops and disinformation (fake news).

While with China, Quad with few others will develop a military posture against China. Furthermore, after failing in Hong Kong, battle grounds will now be moved to Tibet and Xinjiang. Disinformation, insurgency and radicalization are the tools that will most likely be used in Tibet and Xinjiang. I humbly tried to explain this in opinion articles.Part 1 and Part 2.

RSS’s possible actions in Kashmir

Since 1947, RSS ruled india with full support from its hindu population has successfully changed the demographics of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Ladakh now boast a clear non muslim majority. Only Kashmir Vale which has an area slightly bigger than AJK is now a muslim majority area.

RSS plans to settle more hindus in Jammu particularly to swell up their population so collectively the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir can claim a complete non muslim majority. They are very close to achieving this goal. Once this happens, they could restore Jammu and Kashmir as a state with a non muslim majority or make Jammu a new state with Ladakh and transform the Kashmir vale completely into a military island like Gaza with a status of a union territory ruled directly from the national capital. They could even hold a plebiscite with observers from friends like UK, US, France and even some Arab country and claim the matter to be resolved.

There seems to be a certain ambiguity in Government of Pakistan and its military’s thinking. RSS ruled india is setting up new normals and GOP and PA seem to react. Either Pakistan was under some foreign pressure or domestic situation compelled it to harp on the mantra of peace, whatever it may be, some would doubt the wisdom of agreeing to a ceasefire without a bargain.

We only hope Pakistan and China have unanimously agreed to let india off the hook with a more strategic goal in mind.

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Meengla @Pakistan Ka Beta @Clutch

Sorry could not tag more respected members

Great write-up brother, thanks for the tag.

This will be a very short ceasefire, and all it will do is reinforce the world of India's behavior as a rogue state.

Peace is good, but we all know this fascistic wave which has swept and taken hold of India will never be placated. Fascism must be dealt with an iron fist, and India must be humiliated beyond any ability of theirs to twist it into some victory as they did in Galwan and Balakot.
Great write-up brother, thanks for the tag.

This will be a very short ceasefire, and all it will do is reinforce the world of India's behavior as a rogue state.

Peace is good, but we all know this fascistic wave which has swept and taken hold of India will never be placated. Fascism must be dealt with an iron fist, and India must be humiliated beyond any ability of theirs to twist it into some victory as they did in Galwan and Balakot.

Thanks for reading.

India is now an attack dog to counter China so i dont think it matters to US and others what india does to its neighbors.

Problem is with Pakistani leadership which has always let the country down. They dont see me to have a long term vision of their own.

You are much more knowledgeable than I am and I am sure you have noticed the gradual decline of an already ordinary bureaucracy to the level of twitter rants.

Even this ceasefire had more to do with China than Pakistan. Lets see what happens.
LOC Ceasefire – A humble opinion

Absolute respect to Pakistani troops and its civilians who have sacrificed their lives in brutal attacks by the Hindutva army. No one can even think of endangering very precious lives our soldiers and civilians.

From a Pakistan perspective, however, this ceasefire announcement signifies a pessimistic approach at a time when RSS ruled india was under significant military and economic pressure. Nothing is normal after 5th August 2019. Indian illegally occupied Kashmir (IIOK) is completely locked and no one knows or might never know the scale of massacre being conducted just like we never knew the genocide after the indian invasion of the State of Hyderabad Deccan in 1948. Agreeing to ceasefire without any relief to Kashmiris and without even asking for a cessation of anti Pakistan activities from Afghanistan, is futile in one’s opinion.

RSS ruled india’s new strategy

RSS ruled india is very much committed to a two front war. The tactic now is there will be a two front war but one at a time. Hindutva military has assessed that war with Pakistan will continue which includes military coercion, terror attacks, Psy Ops and disinformation (fake news).

While with China, Quad with few others will develop a military posture against China. Furthermore, after failing in Hong Kong, battle grounds will now be moved to Tibet and Xinjiang. Disinformation, insurgency and radicalization are the tools that will most likely be used in Tibet and Xinjiang. I humbly tried to explain this in opinion articles.Part 1 and Part 2.

RSS’s possible actions in Kashmir

Since 1947, RSS ruled india with full support from its hindu population has successfully changed the demographics of Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu and Ladakh now boast a clear non muslim majority. Only Kashmir Vale which has an area slightly bigger than AJK is now a muslim majority area.

RSS plans to settle more hindus in Jammu particularly to swell up their population so collectively the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir can claim a complete non muslim majority. They are very close to achieving this goal. Once this happens, they could restore Jammu and Kashmir as a state with a non muslim majority or make Jammu a new state with Ladakh and transform the Kashmir vale completely into a military island like Gaza with a status of a union territory ruled directly from the national capital. They could even hold a plebiscite with observers from friends like UK, US, France and even some Arab country and claim the matter to be resolved.

There seems to be a certain ambiguity in Government of Pakistan and its military’s thinking. RSS ruled india is setting up new normals and GOP and PA seem to react. Either Pakistan was under some foreign pressure or domestic situation compelled it to harp on the mantra of peace, whatever it may be, some would doubt the wisdom of agreeing to a ceasefire without a bargain.

We only hope Pakistan and China have unanimously agreed to let india off the hook with a more strategic goal in mind.

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @waz @PaklovesTurkiye @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Psychic @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Starlord @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dalit @masterchief_mirza @Meengla @Pakistan Ka Beta @Clutch

Sorry could not tag more respected members

Happy for Kashmiris though...They can live in peace for a moment at least
Happy for Kashmiris though...They can live in peace for a moment at least

Are you sure? All India is doing is silently pouring the valley with migrants from most radical Hindu states to change the demographics of Kashmir, permanently.

Meanwhile in Pakistan, the term geoeconomics get thrown in the mix. The government has purposely screwed the states policy on Kashmir and Palestine while it sent military 2 decades back with a botched notification.

It's just absolute content control that is keeping GoP one step away from anarchy.

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