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Taliban ban women from parks, morality ministry says

Lol people have been saying that for the past 43 years.
43 years is quite short actually. Some african dictators by themselves have ruled even longer than that or as much as that lol . So thats nothing in the lifespan of a country and ruling regime. Saddams regime ruled for almost as long. If not for our intervention he probably still will be there. Doesnt means the people wanted his regime that much .
Seriously i think the other guy has a point. Seeing how barbaric Irans mullah regime has acted with this protests, i can only say they are not very far from their mullah brethrens in Afghanistan. Funny enough Iranian are quite liberal and open people but ruled by a religious islamic cleric regime. One thing is sure the mullah will fall one day as well, just like the Shah, they seem to be out of touch with the people.
you guys problem is that you think this protest was about headscarf or how women only treated , you are wrong on that .and in the protest male were more at target than females but who care about these annoying little details.

also if it is good for us then its good for you . how many woman USA police killed in last two years , how they treated black life matter protest , didn't USA court have a history for freeing the killer of 15 year old black girl by just fining the killer 500$.
do you knew USA police killed around 300 woman on street in last 5 year ,do you knew they kill 1000 people each year on street , why nobody say Barbaric USA regime that's you guys double standards , why you didn't call USA police barbaric after they five time fire at a pregnant woman after she said to them that she is pregnant and then after she fell they handcuff her instead of controlling the bleeding?

Afghan Taliban order NGOs to ban female employees from work​

Some female employees were not adhered to the Islamic dress code for women, reads letter

December 24, 2022

an unhcr worker pushes a wheelbarrow loaded with aid supplies for a displaced afghan family outside a distribution centre as a taliban fighter secures the area on the outskirts of kabul afghanistan october 28 2021 photo reuters file

An UNHCR worker pushes a wheelbarrow loaded with aid supplies for a displaced Afghan family outside a distribution centre as a Taliban fighter secures the area on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan October 28, 2021.

Afghanistan's Taliban-run administration on Saturday ordered all local and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to stop female employees from coming to work, according to an economy ministry letter, in the latest crackdown on women's freedoms.

The letter, confirmed by economy ministry spokesperson Abdulrahman Habib, said the female employees were not allowed to work until further notice because some had not adhered to the administration's interpretation of Islamic dress code for women.

It was not immediately clear whether the order applied to United Nations agencies, which have a large presence in Afghanistan.

It comes days after the Taliban-run administration ordered universities to close to women, prompting strong global condemnation and sparking some protests and heavy criticism inside Afghanistan.

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