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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

BERLIN (AP) — European countries said Thursday they have decided to dissolve a system that was conceived in 2019 to enable trade with Iran and protect companies doing business with it from U.S. sanctions, but only ever processed one transaction.

Whoever wrote this pathetic joke of an article seems to know little to nothing of instex history,why it was created and why it failed.Indeed one could rightly say that the very creation of instex was an admission of failure,both political and economic,on the part of the eurotrash.
For the eurotrash to try and blame iran for the failure of instex,I find that rather offensive.

BERLIN (AP) — European countries said Thursday they have decided to dissolve a system that was conceived in 2019 to enable trade with Iran and protect companies doing business with it from U.S. sanctions, but only ever processed one transaction.

Europe’s Lack of Will Behind INSTEX Failure

European countries said they have decided to dissolve INSTEX that was conceived in 2019 to enable trade with Iran and protect firms doing business with it from US sanctions

A senior diplomat hit back at the shareholders of INSTEX, a mechanism the EU had devised for trade with Iran, for blaming Iran for the liquidation of the system, saying Europe is trying to cover up its dismal failure in financial independence from the US.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani on Friday answered a question about the decision made by the 10 European shareholders of the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges to dissolve the system.

The European countries said on Thursday they have decided to dissolve INSTEX that was conceived in 2019 to enable trade with Iran and protect companies doing business with it from the US sanctions, which were reimposed after the US exit from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

“After the US unilateral and illegal withdrawal from the JCPOA, the European governments had committed to adopt the necessary solutions to fulfill the continued economic benefits of Iran from the removal of sanctions under the JCPOA. One of the mechanisms that the Europeans themselves had proposed to meet that commitment was the establishment of INSTEX as a financial channel facilitating trade between Iran and Europe,” Kanaani said, Tasnim News Agency reported.

He underlined that while Iran had never pinned its hopes or relied on the INSTEX, it had spared no effort to cooperate for the function of that mechanism with goodwill.

“However, the European governments sadly failed to operate the INSTEX effectively in addition to their inaction in relation to their other commitments, and refused to take the necessary measures to activate it [INSTEX] within the framework of Europe’s commitments under the JCPOA.”

He noted that the main reason behind the failure of the INSTEX was the European governments’ lack of serious determination and their inability to honor their commitments to make up for the unilateral withdrawal of the US from the JCPOA.

Denouncing the Europeans for obeying the US illegal sanctions against Iran, Kanaani said the EU states failed to inject any financial sources or long-term lines of credit into the INSTEX during the whole years that the channel was in service.

Reiterating that Iran had never counted upon the INSTEX and has conducted its international trade transactions via other financial and international banking channels, the spokesman censured the Europeans’ move to put the blame on Iran in the statement announcing the liquidation of INSTEX as a futile attempt to whitewash their dismal failure in showing the minimum degree of ability to maintain their financial independence from the US.

The German and French foreign ministries said on Thursday that the 10 shareholders of INSTEX (Belgium, Germany, Finland, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK) concluded that there was no basis to keep it going. They also blamed Iran for refusing to work with the institution.
So , as I predicted years ago , the westerns just renew sanction in last month ....
Only this time around they have little ammunition supplies available to pose credible military threats against Iran for not joining back into the JCPOA.

This also proves Iran was right to break the JCPOA deal after Trump broke first.
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Only this time around they have little ammunition supplies available to make credible military threats to Iran for not joining back into the JCPOA.

This also proves Iran was right to break the JCPOA deal Trump broke first.
Ah yes, delusional Iranian being delusional, thinking the West can't destroy Iran...
Ah yes, delusional Iranian being delusional, thinking the West can't destroy Iran...
Well, its been over 40 years since the Islamic revolution and US and WEAK NATO still havent succeeded in destroying Iran, so what else was i supposed to conclude from all that? Actually, US and NATO losing to the taliban confirmed that US and NATO are militarily incompetent forces despite all their "military technology and funding". Iran is at peak power today despite all the sanctions and apparently possesses military tech that makes the west insecure -for example we saw Israel's insecure reaction to Iran announcing the Fattah HGV.

Your small low stamina country cant even defeat Hamas, so why worry about Iran? Learn to defeat hamas..then you can move onto Hezbollah...then you can move onto Houthis...then if your IDF still has any fighterse in it you can try Iran. those air exercises with Greece wont get you guys anywhere and neither will supporting Azerbaijan.
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Well, its been over 40 years since the Islamic revolution and US and WEAK NATO still havent succeeded in destroying Iran, so what else was i supposed to conclude from all that? Actually, US and NATO losing to the taliban confirmed that US and NATO are militarily incompetent forces despite all their "military technology and funding". Iran is at peak power today despite all the sanctions and apparently poses military tech that makes the west insecure -for example we saw Israel's insecure reaction to Iran announcing the Fattah HGV.

Your small low stamina country cant even defeat Hamas, so why worry about Iran? Learn to defeat hamas..then you can move onto Hezbollah...then you can move onto Houthis...then if your IDF still has any fighterse in it you can try Iran. those air exercises with Greece wont get you guys anywhere and neither will supporting Azerbaijan.
Okay, remember to take your pills though!
So , as I predicted years ago , the westerns just renew sanction in last month ....
To keep the UNSC missile sanctions they need to use the snap back mechanism, but they don't mention it. it seems they want to keep the missile sanctions among themselves, as if Iran planned to import missiles from their countries!

In other words, just propaganda.
When an administration closer to the principles of the 1979 Revolution is in charge rather than a western-apologetic liberal one, it makes a real difference on most dossiers including nuclear policy.

IAEA chief Grossi condemns Iran's 'unprecedented' barring of inspectors​

By Francois Murphy
September 16, 20237:51 PM GMT+2 Updated 15 hours ago

VIENNA, Sept 16 (Reuters) - U.N. nuclear watchdog chief Rafael Grossi on Saturday condemned Iran's "disproportionate and unprecedented" move to bar multiple inspectors assigned to the country, hindering its oversight of Tehran's atomic activities.

Iran's move is a response to a call led by the United States, Britain, France and Germany at the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors this week for Tehran to cooperate immediately with the IAEA on issues including explaining uranium traces found at undeclared sites.

Grossi made clear, however, that he believed Iran had overreacted.

"I strongly condemn this disproportionate and unprecedented unilateral measure which affects the normal planning and conduct of agency verification activities in Iran and openly contradicts the cooperation that should exist between the agency and Iran," he said in a statement.

Iran's move, known as "de-designation" of inspectors, is allowed; member states can generally veto inspectors assigned to visit their nuclear facilities under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and each country's safeguards agreement with the agency governing inspections.

But the IAEA said Tehran's decision went beyond normal practice. It said Iran had told it that it would bar "several" inspectors, without giving a number.

"These inspectors are among the most experienced agency experts with unique knowledge in enrichment technology," the agency said. "With today's decision, Iran has effectively removed about one third of the core group of the Agency's most experienced inspectors designated for Iran."

Iran defended its move and accused the United States, Britain, France and Germany of politicising the IAEA watchdog.

"Unfortunately, despite Iran's positive, constructive and continuous interaction of the with the agency, the three European countries and the United States abused the (IAEA's) Board of Governors for their own political purposes," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani told state media.

"Of course, Iran will continue its positive cooperation within the framework of the agreements that have been made, and emphasise the necessity of the agency's neutrality," he added.

A Vienna-based diplomat said Iran had de-designated all the French and German members of the IAEA inspection team. There were already no U.S. or British members.

"This measure, while formally permitted by the NPT Safeguards Agreement, has been exercised by Iran in a manner that affects in a direct and severe way the ability of the IAEA to conduct effectively its inspections in Iran," the IAEA said.

Grossi added: "I call upon the Iranian Government to reconsider its decision and to return to a path of cooperation with the Agency."

The U.S. State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Reporting By Francois Murphy; Additional reporting by Arshad Mohammed in Washington and Dubai newsroom; Editing by Mike Harrison and and Ros Russell
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