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Why is Dr. Pirzada trolling all the time ??

The guy has become very passamistic and is trolling all the time.

I wonder why šŸ¤”šŸ¤”?

He is trolling here too ?! Lol

I share his sentiments. Im pessimistic as well. Pakistan is completely hapless. The army junta has Pakistanis by the throat and there is nothing being done by the people to change this. Pakistan is a nation of 230m slaves. Our people would rather risk their lives fleeing to mid level countries in Europe than fight for true freedom and "fixing" the broken system that has been chaining them for 70 years.

How much more exposing needs to happen? the puppet leaders in PDM, judges, media houses, along with their masters in GHQ are all naked! Yet very little outcry or anger by our lazy quom. Nothing will change until the people decide enough is enough.
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