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خداۓ بزرگ و برتر نے ہمکو انمول، انوکھی، نرالی اور وکھری ٹایپ کی چیزون سے حضوصی طور پر نوازا ہےماشااللہ



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Apr 27, 2016
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خداۓ بزرگ و برتر نے ہمکو انمول، انوکھی، نرالی اور وکھری ٹایپ کی چیزون سے حضوصی طور پر نوازا ہےماشااللہ

Shahab Uddin Shah of Karachi under above title in this esteem on December 27, 2022 says how the official website of Sindh Public Service Commission was totally useless. He writes that on given Contact information either no one picks up the telephone nor any answers to the emails sent to the given email contact.

2. Pakistan has spent, rather wasted, a huge on introduction of the official independent websites of individual Ministries, Departments. Dr. Atta Ur Rahman the then Information Technology Minister talking with the US Ambassador very proudly claimed that introduction of i.tech was to bring a revaluation in Pakistan through which the pubic will get answers to their queries in minutes. Senior intellectual late Irshad Ahmed Haqqani on this statement wrote a column that while the world was solving their peoples problems in minutes through this revolutionary i.tech, in our case we have distorted even the face of it. How could this technology run as it should when it was introduced by the same very Dr. Atta Ur Rehman who got the Higher Education under him through a special SRO exempt from audit? Who is always afraid of from audits or answerability?

3. I remember about two years back, one in his letter to yhr Editor stated that he took some information from the country’s top agriculture university, referred the same in his research paper. The foreign university rejected his paper with the remarks that the information referred to was obsolete.

4. Long ago when some governance did exist, I posted in Karachi invitation cards of my brother’s marriage. I affixed the postage stamps in accordance with the tariff on Pakistan Post website. Half of the addressees received the Cards after paying double penalty and half the cards came back to me which I received after paying penalty. I approached the Federal Ombudsman against a Government Department misleading and providing obsolete information. The Federal Ombudsman did not accept my complaint, perhaps misguiding the public was no concern for him or not act of mal administration.

5. Our behavior with this revolutionary technology is most regrettable compared to the money being spent on it, in addition to keeping a large regular army on high salaries to “run” it (rather to keep it at standstill). Take for one the example of the most pity situation but it is only for those who are God fearing, honest to the core to themselves and have any real feeling for the country. In 2011 the World Bank donated a big money for reformation of ombudsman system in Pakistan. We so often once in a month or so keep listening through talk shows how the World Bank donated for reformation of our judicial system which, according to the participants of these talk shows, mostly went on renovations, seminars, attending conferences, laptops etc san any real visible reformation to the system. With the coming of this money, as is usual, a Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman was established under the presidentship of the Federal Tax Ombudsman. What reformation it did? Can be seen from this naked example. The official website of this Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman https://fpo.org.pk today Thursday the 20th January 2023 shows Javed Mahmood as the Punjab Ombudsman whereas at this very time the Punjab Ombudsman’s own website https://ombudsmanpunjab.gov.pk names Maj® Azam Suleman Khan as the current Ombudsman. The Forum of Ombudsman Pakistan taking birth on donation from the World Bank today names Anisul Hassan as the current Banking Mohtasib whereas the Banking Mohtasib’s own website https://bankingmohtasib.gov.pk shows today Mr. Muhammad Kamran Shehzad as the Banking Ombudsman since 16 April 2019. Two years have passed, a point to ponder for the honest Pakistanis. FPO website site reads Asad Ashraf Malik and Raeesuddin Paracha as the Sindh and the Federal Insurance Ombudsmen respectively whereas at the same time the official websites of these two ombudsmen name Mr. Ijaz Ali Khan and Dr. Muhammad Khawar Jameel as the sitting Ombudsmen. Hold your breath. Syed Tahir Shahbaz is publicized today for the public digestion as the Federal Ombudsman whereas the official website of the Federal Ombudsman https://mohtasib.gov.pk reads Dr. Ijaz Ahmad Qureshi as the current ombudsman.

6. This Forum, as I understand, holds meetings of all Ombudsmen in Pakistan. I sometime wonder if it is that an ombudsman after completing his four years tenure, though leaves the seat but his membership in the Forum continues and, as such, Mr. Ashraf Malik, Javed Mahmood etc still sit in meetings representing the official current ombudsmen? And that is why the Forum’s official website under the presidentship of a highly educated person rightly displays with their photographs Tahir Shahbaz, Raeesuddin Paracha as current ombudsmen.

7. When I was on duty abroad, three Brits worked closely with me. Advisors to the Ministry Mr. David (Legal), Brig. Low (General Advisor) and Mr. Thornhill aviation engineer. Brig. Low was hired by Singapore Government as Chief Commissioner Police to reform the Police and Thornhill was the pilot with the Orient Airways hence had some mental attachment with Pakistan. One day sitting talking generally, David asked me “Javed, a businessman accused son of Chief Justice for getting money for assisting him through the father in cases. Chief Justice formed a single man Commission whose verdict was that both son of chief justice and the business complainant were tax evaders whereas the issue in the court was not tax evasion rather corruption. Brig. Low commented it is called question banana, answer banana. He added that since the Commission Head man was a Federal Tax Ombudsman, he could think of only about tax. Thornhill commented had the Commission man been Insurance ombudsman he would had declared both having failed to get any insurance cover and had the man been a banking mohtasib he would had declared both bank defaulters of a kind. From my heart, silently I agreed.

8. For the last three weeks the official website of the Sindh Government https://sindh.gov.pk is not working. If the main website of a Government remains inaccessible for two weeks, one can image the real on the earth performance of that Government.

9. About 4-5 months back I approached Director General, Pakistan Post that all emails addressed to Post Master General Karachi on the contact information provided on Pakistan Post website were coming back undelivered with the System remarks that email address in question was non existing. I was told that the email address displayed on the website was “not in use” and I was given a new address.

10. I approached the Federal Ombudsman that not just the email address of PMG Karachi alone was bogus/”not in use”, but almost 80% addresses of other PMGs etc. Long ago all emails addressed to the PIA on its officially displayed address xxxx@piac.com.pk always came back undelivered. An insider told me that this displayed contact info was just for the public consumption whereas the actual PIA emails were xxxx@piac.aero. I prayed the Federal Ombudsman that as to why Pakistan Post had displayed almost 80% “not in use” emails and secondly when through this citizen it came to the Department’s knowledge why were those bogus emails not deleted and displayed correct ones.

11. Civilized Governments universally appreciate and thank the conscientious citizens for their feedbacks or bringing to their knowledge any grey areas for the larger betterment of the country. But perhaps today in our beloved country any citizen’s such a foolish attempt is taken as “how fool you dare looking towards our dear brethren in the bureaucracy - the real rulers”. For this sin of this foolish old, he has been summoned by the Federal Ombudsman for a Hearing in his Regional Office Karachi. Apart from if there was any real, repeat any real remotest need of this citizen’s appearance, a million worth is that this summoning practically is a prescription of about Rs. 3 lac (travel etc) whereas the Federal Ombudsman is never tired of claiming providing justice “Free at door step”. For the sin, first prescription was for a hearing on 11th January 2023. The ‘Sahib’ or perhaps the Post Office representative did not come for the Hearing which of course is no surprise at all. Subject to preparation entailing leave/immigration formalities but mainly huge money for travel from abroad, had I gone spending Rs. 3 lacs approx. for 11th January hearing, it meant I had to come back for another prescription in the same amount for a reschedule hearing on 18th January. God knows better there could be a third one – after all my old age wife was summoned three times during Covid when there were no international commercial flights world over and the airports including that of Karachi were closed and the world Governments restricted movement of their elderly.

خداۓ بزرگ و برتر نے ہمکو انمول، انوکھی، نرالی اور وکھری ٹایپ کی چیزون سے حضوصی طور پر نوازا ہےماشااللہ

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