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Former MNA Ali Raza Abidi shot dead in Karachi

PPP's got its hands full with Zardari's pending cases doubt they would be responsible for this heinous crime. MQM could have done it through its proxies, yes. They'd take money from anyone these days since MQM london is broke.

Now let's talk about our COAS because he gave a sermon inside a church on Christmas today. His message was that of Pakistan being a role model for how it treats its minorities. This act will clearly make headlines that if Shia's aren't safe in Pakistan then how will Sikhs/Chirstians/Hindus..... the ride never ends as it seems.
Oh bhai this has nothing to do with shia-sunni. It is target-killing of a politician and it is not very difficult to find out who is behind this gruesome CANNIBALISTIC act. I hope you got the idea. Someone is broke and he is begging for pennies to survive and it has been a habit for him to kill his own party members...
things aren't good in karachi.it starts again.general raheel sharif made karachi a better place but now there is no one to look after karachi.there are so many robberies in the city.also parchi system start again in some places.this is sad.
This is a covert op to subdue Pakistan's resolve to provide safety to minorities. I believe Abidi came from Shi'tte muslim family and was also targeted earlier at a Majlis in Karachi.

He was a soft-spoken, Decent & Intelligent man. May he rest in Peace and may Allah help his family overcome this tragedy...
Sheas are not minority they are Muslims We all are Pakistani Muslims which sect one belong does not matter
Oh bhai this has nothing to do with shia-sunni. It is target-killing of a politician and it is not very difficult to find out who is behind this gruesome CANNIBALISTIC act. I hope you got the idea. Someone is broke and he is begging for pennies to survive and it has been a habit for him to kill his own party members...

"MQM could have done it through its proxies, yes. They'd take money from anyone these days since MQM london is broke."

It has everything to do with whatever narrative our enemies feed overseas and one of them would be to undermine minorities. The timing of the event gives it away. Don't be so short-sighted, think long-term effects especially with Kartarpur Corridor in full swing.

Sheas are not minority they are Muslims We all are Pakistani Muslims which sect one belong does not matter

I agree, unfortunately our enemies don't see it that way.
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PPP's got its hands full with Zardari's pending cases doubt they would be responsible for this heinous crime. MQM could have done it through its proxies, yes. They'd take money from anyone these days since MQM london is broke.

Now let's talk about our COAS because he gave a sermon inside a church on Christmas today. His message was that of Pakistan being a role model for how it treats its minorities. This act will clearly make headlines that if Shia's aren't safe in Pakistan then how will Sikhs/Chirstians/Hindus..... the ride never ends as it seems.
Hmm...this is something that worries me.In addition to that it seems clearly quick move by foreign elements to stir up secto-political tension in the city.Also, please note that Karachi was decorated with banners thanking military for restoring law and order situation in Karachi.
The ones those used to set target for killing are targeted today. What goes around comes around.
seem PPP or MQM activated sleeper cell. Graduated from good US school. Very decent person.
Hmm...this is something that worries me.In addition to that it seems clearly quick move by foreign elements to stir up secto-political tension in the city.Also, please note that Karachi was decorated with banners thanking military for restoring law and order situation in Karachi.

Agreed, also could be in response to ISPR's night street-cricket portraying an image of peace and prosperity in Karachi; the "City of Lights" - This was also a deliberate move to embarrass our security forces and XMAS was selected to cause maximum damage to our global-peace outreach. RAW's desperate to salvage its imminent defeat; best we hang yadav sooner than later.
Two days back 2 PSPs workers were shot dead in gulberg area Karachi. Mustafa Kamal put blame on mqm and today this. Revenge attack?
most probably foreign agencies target both parties to disrupt the peace in Karachi.
@VCheng, seems like Establishment has got rid of another thorn in their side. He was vehemently anti-establishment.

And then they say Pakistan is safe for minorities. I'd rather be a Muslim in India than a non-Sunni in Pakistan.

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