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German envoy Martin Kobler 'disappointed' over Mazari's refugee statement


Jul 22, 2012
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German Ambassador to Pakistan Martin Kobler expressed his disappointment on Friday with Shireen Mazari’s statement regarding the European Union’s (EU) approach towards refugees.

The human rights minister had condemned the EU’s approach towards refugees being “either to pay other Muslim states to take on the burden (& then forget abt them) or to simply turn them away from EU shores - despite many conflicts, from where refugees escape, having a major EU/US role.”

Shireen Mazari


EU's approach to refugees is shocking. Their answer to refugee issue is either to pay other Muslim states to take on the burden (& then forget abt them) or to simply turn them away from EU shores - despite many conflicts, from where refugees escape, having a major EU/US role.

Afzal Khan MP


This week I returned from Lebanon, where I visited Syrian refugee camps. Shocking to learn that 1 in 4 people are refugees, which is a huge burden for Lebanon. I was saddened by the conditions of the camps & desperately urge the Intl community to help Lebanon manage this crisis.[URL='https://twitter.com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1083046420989521926']
10:27 AM - Jan 10, 2019

The envoy retorted clarifying that Germany had taken in one million Syrian refugees in 2015 under directives by chancellor Angela Merkel.

“disappointed by this statement: i think its not fair. chancellor merkel took courageous decision in 2015 to receive around 1 mio refugees in #germany who fled syria. #germany hosts today 1,4 mio refugees. last week german government accepted many refugees crossing mediterrean,” he tweeted.

Martin Kobler


disappointed by this statement: i think its not fair. chancellor merkel took courageous decision in 2015 to receive around 1 mio refugees in #germany who fled syria. #germany hosts today 1,4 mio refugees. last week german government accepted many refugees crossing mediterrean.

Shireen Mazari


EU's approach to refugees is shocking. Their answer to refugee issue is either to pay other Muslim states to take on the burden (& then forget abt them) or to simply turn them away from EU shores - despite many conflicts, from where refugees escape, having a major EU/US role. https://twitter.com/Afzal4Gorton/status/1083046420989521926 …

10:58 AM - Jan 11, 2019

Akela aek Germany hi tou chala raha hai EU. Mazari should have made it clear which countries she was talking about.
to be fair EU is Germany. They are the powerhouse on the continent.
Yes, but there is more to EU:

either to pay other Muslim states to take on the burden (& then forget abt them)

Our minister is aware of the situation esp when she said pay Muslim countries to deal with it (when Muslim countries have to "deal with it" it stops their development as they are left "dealing with it"):

Why should poor countries host refugees and stunt their growth when rich country refuse to share?:

to simply turn them away from EU shores - despite many conflicts, from where refugees escape, having a major EU/US role.

Italy is well known for "turning away" refugees:

So, in her own right she is just telling the truth!

UN has literally failed the whole world....It was silent for US/EU 's silent war for resources ESP in Africa...and now these same EU/US refuse to take the refugees?

Akela aek Germany hi tou chala raha hai EU. Mazari should have made it clear which countries she was talking about.
An one who is updated on the issue cant deny what she said...EU has tons of countries...exactly how many are taking the refugees that she has to name all 20+?

Mazari should have made it clear which countries she was talking about.

This news says "central Europe says no to refugee": Although Germany is part of CENTRAL EUROPE!


European divisions over migration brutally exposed by EU court judgment on refugee quotas


One could say BUT BUT Germany took 1m refugees...how many other are rejecting should not be given a blind eye!

This is a little old (2015 I think)

09/09/2015 02:43 pm ET Updated Jan 04, 2017
Here Are The European Countries That Want To Refuse Refugees
They don’t want to open the doors any wider.

By Willa Frej

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker spoke harshly on Wednesday about countries that seek to keep out refugees. But his words may have fallen on deaf ears.

A number of European nations have made clear they aren’t willing to welcome many newcomers, despite the current crisis. The resistance has been heard loudest in Central Europe, although Western Europe has not exactly thrown open its doors either.

“Pushing boats from piers, setting fire to refugee camps or turning a blind eye to poor and helpless people — that is not Europe,” Juncker said. “The Europe I want to live in is illustrated by those who are helping. The Europe that I don’t want to live in is one that is refusing those who are in need.”

Juncker announced an emergency quota system that would spread out the deluge of refugees across the EU member states. Twenty-two of the 28 states will be required to open their doors to a total of 160,000 people.

And here’s what the response looks like:


Children peer from a train window at the station in Roszke, Hungary September 15, 2015.
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban called Juncker’s plan “mad.”

Orban prefers to see refugees and asylum seekers bypass Hungary in their journey west. He built a barbed-wire fence along Hungary’s entire border with Serbia and just last week introduced a new law making any fence crossings a criminal offense.

The prime minister has even invoked religious fears about the rising presence of Muslims in Europe to defend his anti-immigration stance. “Is it not worrying in itself that European Christianity is now barely able to keep Europe Christian?” he wrote in an op-ed last week.

Orban has also accused Germany of worsening the influx. “As long as Austria and Germany don’t say clearly that they won’t take in any more migrants, several million new immigrants will come to Europe,” he told Austrian broadcaster ORF.


A group of Migrants charging their phones as they awaiting for the train to Austria and Germany at Budapest Keleti railway station. Friday, 4 September 2015.
Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka is “convinced that Europe does not need new plans” for resolving the crisis. He wants any cooperation on refugees to be voluntary.

Although Interior Minister Milan Chovanec has said the Czech Republic is willing to provide “financial, technological, human or material aid,” the country has detained some refugees and even written numbers on their arms with felt-tip pens.

A recent poll found that 94 percent of Czechs believe the EU should deport all refugees.

Andrew Stroehlein


Czech police pull 200 #refugees off trains & mark them with numbers on their forearms http://bit.ly/1Q7xUvD

9:26 AM - Sep 2, 2015
1,960 people are talking about this

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said this week that “migrants arriving in Europe do not want to stay in Slovakia. They don’t have a base for their religion here, their relatives, they would run away anyway.” Unlike the diverse societies in Western Europe, Slovakia “has no migration experience,” according to Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak.
Both Fico and Sobotka have pushed for the Schengen Area’s outer borders to be strengthened to keep people out. The Schengen zone encompasses the 22 of 28 EU member states who allow travel across their mutual borders without passport or customs controls.

Xenophobic rhetoric has begun to pervade Slovak culture. Television ads depict a Slovak family rejecting foreign and diseased chickens, opting instead for well-bred domestic chicken.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis has said his nation is only willing to take in a total of 1,785 refugees and plans to reject Juncker’s proposed allotment of 4,646.

Because Romania is not part of the Schengen Area, it doesn’t expect to face the same heavy waves of refugees and migrants. “This can’t happen. ... We’re not part of Schengen, and migrants must fulfill some rules if they want to enter Romania,” Iohannis said on Monday.

Lest it seem like the resistance to accepting refugees is confined to Central Europe, note that Denmark has also taken a stand against helping. The Western European nation is reacting to the rising power of right-wing parties there. Most notably, the Danish People’s Party finished second in the parliamentary election in June and has pledged to strengthen border control and cut the number of asylum seekers.

Denmark’s anti-immigrant tactics have been targeted and strategic. The Danish government spent 30,000 euros on an advertising campaign in major Lebanese newspapers discouraging migration to Denmark. The ads touch upon all of the difficulties of assimilating in Denmark: Newcomers must learn the language, those granted permanent residency cannot bring their families over for one year, and welfare benefits for refugees have been slashed by 50 percent.

Zaid Benjamin@zaidbenjamin

#Lebanon | Denmark puts ad in Lebanese newspapers about "tightening regulations"

5:07 AM - Sep 8, 2015
35 people are talking about this

Western European countries generally are struggling with the tide of refugees, despite having advocated for the new quota system.

France announced Monday that it would accept 24,000 asylum seekers, which many view as an inadequate number. Germany expects up to take in 800,000 refugees and asylum seekers by the end of the year. According to a poll in Le Parisien, 55 percent of French people are opposed to increasing the number of refugees the nation accepts the way Germany has.

British Prime Minister David Cameron argues that his country has a “moral responsibility” to welcome Syrian refugees, yet he announced on Monday that the U.K. plans to accept only 20,000 over a five-year period. In an emergency Parliament debate on Tuesday, the Labour Party fiercely criticized that plan as simply “not enough.”
I think Martin here needs to understand that EU is bigger than ONLY what Germany does!

He cant deny that MANY EU countries are not as generous as Germany!

EU means something to Germany though, she should've been a bit more careful with her statement. Why do you want to turn everyone against you, specially a country like Germany with whom Pakistan has above-okay relations.
EU means something to Germany though, she should've been a bit more careful with her statement. Why do you want to turn everyone against you, specially a country like Germany with whom Pakistan has above-okay relations.
Who would have thought that Germany thought itself as the ONLY member of EU and ignored the fact that there are ISSUES regarding refugee migration within EU states?!

EU is Germany.
EU is a union even if Germany is a powerhouse, independent states can deny laws as we can see with the denying of helping the refugees!
Who would have thought that Germany thought itself as the ONLY member of EU and ignored the fact that there are ISSUES regarding refugee migration within EU states?!

EU is a union even if Germany is a powerhouse, independent states can deny laws as we can see with the denying of helping the refugees!
This is easily fixable if Mizari just issues a statement clarifying that yes Germany is the only EU country that showed any sympathy.

Personally speaking, Angela Merkel gained respect in my eyes when she made this decision a while back. She knew there would be backlash but she still decided to do the right thing risking her political career.

Also there are other non EU rich countries that can take in these refugees fleeing for their lives from countries like Syria. These include their oil rich neighbors.
This is easily fixable if Mizari just issues a statement clarifying that yes Germany is the only EU country that showed any sympathy.

Personally speaking, Angela Merkel gained respect in my eyes when she made this decision a while back. She knew there would be backlash but she still decided to do the right thing risking her political career.

Also there are other non EU rich countries that can take in these refugees fleeing for their lives from countries like Syria. These include their oil rich neighbors.

You really need to put yourself in their shoes. They won't appreciate something negative regarding EU considering they are a big part of it. No one likes outsiders making fun of your group, and it puts you on more defensive when they make you an exception from the group.

Who would have thought that Germany thought itself as the ONLY member of EU and ignored the fact that there are ISSUES regarding refugee migration within EU states?!

EU is a union even if Germany is a powerhouse, independent states can deny laws as we can see with the denying of helping the refugees!

It's their problem, it isn't our problem. Why are we getting involved and risking our relations with EU and Germany? Whatever issues EU has, with migration or the refugee crisis, we should stay out of it and not poke our nose in there.
You really need to put yourself in their shoes. They won't appreciate something negative regarding EU considering they are a big part of it. No one likes outsiders making fun of your group, and it puts you on more defensive when they make you an exception from the group.
I didn't say that Germany was wrong to issue that statement. I said this situation is easily FIXABLE by Mizari issuing a second statement rectifying it.
Muslim countries should adjust remaining refugees.
It's their problem, it isn't our problem. Why are we getting involved and risking our relations with EU and Germany? Whatever issues EU has, with migration or the refugee crisis, we should stay out of it and not poke our nose in there.
It is a human rights problem ...Human rights minister has rights to say so ESP when she is told repeatedly Pakistan violates human rights decrees....How is showing the mirror wrong? They spent billions in media to show us in bad light when we told NGO to pack up!

You see the problem here? We are scared to call a spade a spade when it comes to whites...While they feel no shame calling us out when they themselves have a SIMILAR problem!

This is easily fixable if Mizari just issues a statement clarifying that yes Germany is the only EU country that showed any sympathy.

Personally speaking, Angela Merkel gained respect in my eyes when she made this decision a while back. She knew there would be backlash but she still decided to do the right thing risking her political career.

Also there are other non EU rich countries that can take in these refugees fleeing for their lives from countries like Syria. These include their oil rich neighbors.
I agree with this!
As for the oil rich neighbours, they have taken a good share and many too just throw money - as how Germany and France are making the EU countries who dont want take refugees to pay up so that money can go to those who are ...

You can look up the UN report on Saudi and UAE ...I was shocked how this isnt shown in the media!
How many Afghan refugees have been taken by Britain, who has been directly involved in the Afghan War?

Mazari is 100% correct.
Countries that are involved in war with the country of refugees should, since they pretend to be such "well wishers".
America is such country who is running in the opposite direction while Canada taking in some 10,000 is expecting the world to bow at that number! Pakistan a poor country can take million why cant rich countries with high GDP?!

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