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Aliens exist but are yet to visit earth

The only way we will ever leave this solar system is if there is some sort of physics breakthrough - folding space or something. I think that is a loooong way off. In the meantime, we are stuck on this miserable rock, and we'd better learn to get along.

we don't need to bend space to get to moon or mars or Europa. If we got better systems on those planets, than difinatly human can survive on those planets.
Some scientist believe that "life could be just an accident on this earth that somehow bunch of molecules linked up and formed life".

I wonder if it's true, cuz if indeed that is is the case, than finding intelligent life in out side of our solar system, is very low. :cry:
If they come in peace, more than welcome.

If not? They better wear a good Body Armor.

why do everyone thinks that alines will be bad?? :disagree:
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Chogy...The only way we will ever leave this solar system is if there is some sort of physics breakthrough - folding space or something. I think that is a loooong way off. In the meantime, we are stuck on this miserable rock, and we'd better learn to get along.

Oh comeon, The Rock we live on ain't miserable but we're the miserable ones to ruin that poor rock!, give it a break..
we don't need to bend space to get to moon or mars or Europa. If we got better systems on those planets, than difinatly human can survive on those planets.

I thought the idea was to find alien life! Despite all the scientists' excitement, I think the odds of finding life (probably microbial) anywhere in this solar system is probably a trillion to one.

Oh comeon, The Rock we live on ain't miserable but we're the miserable ones to ruin that poor rock!, give it a break..

Your tone is a bit harsh. "Miserable rock" is a simple appelation. Of course parts of it aren't miserable. But a lot of it is, and yes, we are the cause. Our human written history is about 6,000 years old. If we are to hang on another 20,000 years, let alone millions of years, we'd better figure out how to put violence aside, and learn how to husband resources.
There billions of galaxies each with billions of stars. According to Drake equation there are at least 10,000 advance civilizations in our Milk Way galaxy alone.

The Drake Equation is probably the biggest piece of junk in modern science. For most of the terms in the equation, you can put in any number from one billion to one billionth, and you will end up with any final answer you want.

Since all we have is one data point (Earth) for our guesses, there is absolutely no way to justify any number you plug into the equation.

what if they fry us and eat or make our kabab:frown:

The classic Twilight Zone episode which popularized the phrase "It's a cookbook". Even the Simpsons had an episode modelled after this theme.

I'm no astro-physisist but even I know that the earth is a freak. The chances of another earth like planet are too slim because there are too many factors that separate earth from other planets. Size, Distance from sun, Axis of rotation, Atmospheric composition are amongst some of the most SIMPLE of these considerations.


According to some theories, multicellular life, let alone intelligent life, is a freak of nature. Earth got lucky because of a combination of factors including just the right sized moon to create tides and regulate the axial tilt (= stable climate), Jupiter to sweep up the otherwise constant barrage of comets (= relatively long span without mass extinction events), and any number of other chance factors that just happened to work out on Earth.
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According to some theories, multicellular life, let alone intelligent life, is a freak of nature. Earth got lucky because of a combination of factors including just the right sized moon to create tides and regulate the axial tilt (= stable climate), Jupiter to sweep up the otherwise constant barrage of comets (= relatively long span without mass extinction events), and any number of other chance factors that just happened to work out on Earth.

I would say the universe itself is a freak of nature.

The numerical values that nature has assigned to the fundamental constants, such as the charge on the electron, the mass of the proton, and the Newtonian Gravitational constant, may be mysterious, but they are critically relevant to the structure of the universe that we perceive. As more and more physical systems from nuclei to galaxies have become better understood, scientists have begun to realize that many characteristics of these systems are remarkably sensitive to the precise value of the fundamental constants. Had nature opted for a slightly different set of numbers, the world would have been a very different place and we would not be here to see it. (Davies 1982)
We have a whole mess of illegal aliens locked up in Arizona.

Message to all Aliens:

You must register with the USA ICE and obtain a visa to visit Disneyland or Disney World!! Got it? No exceptions!!!
What if the aliens didn't have a quicker (FTL) interstellar travel method but just lived a lot longer than us humans?
The Sci Fi FTL engines, easily possible.

We all know E= m x (c x c). Taking c as speed of light or just the goal speed, the energy required to go at that speed means the mass of the object multiplied by Speed of light x Speed of light.

c = sqrt(E/m). If m = 0 (or nearly zero) then that means Infinite speed can be achieved with the tiniest amount of energy.

If Aliens are not corporal beings or have devised ways of becoming non-corporeal then its a good possibility they can achieve FTL. Basically we humans can't even achieve FTL, till we are able to make our masses 0, since that would put an unimaginable amount of exertion on our bodies.

It will be quite prudent for anybody to say with certainty that Aliens haven't visited us yet.
Reminds me of of Gulf of Eden Stargate Conspiracy! youtube/google..
That's new for me. I always wondered that the idea for stargates in scifi literature must have come from ancient text with similar 'gates'.

Although Google shows nothing but clouds...
If Aliens are not corporal beings or have devised ways of becoming non-corporeal then its a good possibility they can achieve FTL. Basically we humans can't even achieve FTL, till we are able to make our masses 0, since that would put an unimaginable amount of exertion on our bodies.

It will be quite prudent for anybody to say with certainty that Aliens haven't visited us yet.

But surely their spacecrafts have weight, don't you think?
And why must the requirements be the same for us and aliens? You guys seem to take it for a given that all life will be Carbon based or something. Like Developereo already posted, we only have one data point to base our calculations off of, so its not that accurate. Carbon chauvinism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We have a whole mess of illegal aliens locked up in Arizona.

Message to all Aliens:

You must register with the USA ICE and obtain a visa to visit Disneyland or Disney World!! Got it? No exceptions!!!

LOL, imagine, if Indian (native American) started calling Americans Europeans aliens!!! :D
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I thought the idea was to find alien life! Despite all the scientists' excitement, I think the odds of finding life (probably microbial) anywhere in this solar system is probably a trillion to one.

Aliens life is not just refereed to intelligent life. Scientists are trying to find any kind of life such as bacterias.

There are some theories that there could be bacterias living under the ice of Europa. So that will be a BIG news. Finding Life outside of our planet. :tup:

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