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J-10C A sole international market for China's J-10 fighter jets is taking shape

The Mirages are indispensable for PAF at the moment because of their strike potential via H2/4 missiles. I doubt JF-17 will have the ground clearance to carry these as havnt seen specs stating it can carry those. Can any member check if J-10C has the required ground clearance for the H2/4. If yes then the J-10C is a perfect Mirage replacement, because don't expect Azm/J-31 to be able to carry H2/4 as well.

For the AA role JF-17 Block-3 offers similar capabilities but the H-2/4 capability is something which really gave PAF a edge over India in strike capability.

Even if PAF has ordered any J-10C to counter Rafael acquisition we will only find out when they will be delivered.

Bingo. You got it. Ground Clearance. Pictures of the J-10 show it carrying large anti-radiation missiles, it could potentially carry the CX-1 anti-ship missile.

Inducting the J-10 can fly further, carry more, and linger longer over an area. Its large radome allows a more advanced radar, and its shape indicates it will be more maneuverable. While the JF-17 Block III can be made to have modern electronics and weapons, it is not large enough to carry certain missiles such as the large anti-shipping missiles, and long range air to ground cruise missiles like Babur.

PAF also needs to speed up replacing older aircraft. The mirages are antiquated, and if we are to field a decent platform for strikes, we need to start now, so our pilots can get the necessary training time in.

Finally, the J-10 can be a replacement for the F-16, as the MLU aircraft will need to be retired in 8-10 years, the political risk of spares being cutoff it any hostilities flare up similar to post 1998 Tests / 1999 Kargil, and the expense of inducting the twin engine stealth J-31 will make it miss match for countering the bulk of even a revamped IAF fleet.

We have 139 F-7P/PG, 172 Mirages, and eventually 59 F-16A/B MLU that need replacing within the next 10 years, If we commit to two squadrons now at 36 J-10CE, we can see how the threat build up develops and buy a further 36 J-10CE thereafter accordingly.

We have 101 JF-17s and Plan to build 50 more Block III JF-17s. That leaves 160 more planes that need to be replaced if you exclude the F-16s. Work on Project AZM will hopefully yield a Decent Stealth Fighter or Stealth UCAV, and hopefully the JF-17 Block I and II can be rebuilt to Block III standard to keep up within our means.

BTW, With the Rafale induction by the IAF, and offering like the F-21 (F-16 Block 70), what enhancements does the J-10CE need? One Enchancement is the need for an Active Decoy on a tether.
JF-17 Block III will be a very potent multi-role fighter.

Biggest hurdle in way of J10C in PAF is F-16. Is J10C going to replace F-16 or Azm/NGF?

If PAF goes for J10C then it has to be produced in PAC and in large numbers. Replacing F16 needs to be part of overall strategic planning of PAF.

A 100+ J10s would make sense. Economy of scale and localised production will bring the cost down. PAC would have to build another factory which later on can be converted to AZM production.

Anyhow, it is not that simple. It is not just about a platform but about strategic direction Pak wants to take.

Pak State doesn't want to be in one camp only. But build a multi vectored relationship with the world.
I think buying the J-10 was a backup plan in case JF-17 gets failed
J-10A were offered during Musharraf era, J-10C is much better platform. PLAAF / PAF should take a cue from JAS-39 weapons pylon, modern and highly stream lined. The one for AAM looks sharp and extremely streamed lined.
Actually PAF need immidiately at least 4 squadrons of high tech 4.5 gen platform to counter IAF Rafales and updated MiG-29s . This induction should also be a stop gap requirement until they can get their hands on J-31s . Best choice would have been Su-35 from Russia but because of reluctance of Russians to supply to us plus high cost PAF may look at J-10C instead to complement with current F-16s and JF-17 Thunders . A combination of J-10s +F-16s+JF-17s will replace all aging Mirages and F-7Ps !
I still have a feeling that PAF will get some J-10C's as a surprise to india's new jets but again I can be wrong I sure hope we get some J-10C's.
That is AVIC but PLAAF has reserved about exporting it.

I was expecting some inside info as the news article we were discussing is from Chinese newspaper itself.Current weapon sales market reaching around 100 billion dollars with USA shares around 34% of it.China is current around over 5% and Russia facing low sales (as its biggest partner India moving to US and Europe more) .You need to export weapons not its important of promoting your own defence industry(which cant survive only on internal orders until you are state controlled and run no chances of subsidies and bailouts for private sector ) and which is ciuurent China current policy promoting private sectors to involve even pouring over 50 billion dollars.ALso its also give political and economic capital to buyer's state to promote your national interest.If u say it about J 20 can understand in future 5th gen technology may not be as easy to trade like before thats why more countries focusing to start their own programs
Except slight disadvantage in range and payload jf17 block 3 will be as good as a j10c that too at half the price plus the advantage of being indigenous. We can buy two jf17s block 3 in the price of one j10 and we know quantity has a quality of its own. Therefore no need for j10c

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