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Myanmar trying to grab Bangladesh territory in Bay of Bengal

I thought you Chinese were satisfied with claiming Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan and SCS

Seems like China has no set sights on Burma as well.

Guess Chinese territorial greed has no end

Being a hindu you really have no idea of serious stuff, do you?

Same can be said of Tibet :D

Aren't you typical Indians reactive, Nilgiri?
In that case, accept your ancestors originally came from Africa.
Sure, but your ancestors aren't! It seems that your ancestors are from Bollywood
Sagaing was once Chinese administration but now part of Burma. Both Chin and Kachin have Chinese links but historical. We just hope Burmese government handles everthing OK.

We don't have any claim of the present burmese territories.

It's molecular anthropology, my Indian gentlement! Don't you think that Indians are sometimes dirty in mind?

What are you talking about Chinaman? When has Sagaing been under Chinese administration? Chin are more closely related to the Thais. I'm glad the boys in your politburo are smarter than you.

Burmese historically had very little control over their Northwest territories. They had the luck to grab a big trunk of Chinese .territory from the weak CCP leaders, where they have intensive gun fights now. Burmese to their minorities are more like Indian hindus to their Northeastern minorities! Thanks to the British, anyways...

There are small pockets of the NORTH EAST, like Wa and Kokang, which were never historically under Burmese control, but they both signed up to Panglong. Kachin on the other hand was long subjugated by the Burmese and have historically been part of the Burmese empire. Further to that, Kachin were one of the most loyal until a few years ago. The reason they are being bolshie is that their leaders are drug dealers and smugglers. They would run foul of Myanmar law so they want to encourage open rebellion to preserve their privileged status. That is all Kachin is.
What are you talking about Chinaman? When has Sagaing been under Chinese administration? Chin are more closely related to the Thais. I'm glad the boys in your politburo are smarter than you.

You take a mirror and look at yourself. You burmese were not at all related to Sagaing.
You take a mirror and look at yourself. You burmese were not at all related to Sagaing.

You take a map of Myanmar and have a look. Sagaing is a Burmese city founded opposite the river from Mandalay. There are no 'Sagaing' people. You're severely confused.
Aren't you typical Indians reactive, Nilgiri?

All I'm saying is if we are "occupying" N.E, then you are definitely occupying Tibet. N.E people are well integrated with India for the most part....whereas Tibetans are made to feel like prisoners in their own land. If you don't like that truth, don't bring up N.E India in the first place. Even the anti-India people in N.E hate China much more. Genetics matters zilch when we are talking about what lies in the hearts and minds of people.

N.E Indians, Burmese and the rest have no personal connection or affinity to China, so China ought to focus on making Tibetans and Xinjiang Turks feel more Chinese (at least politically) first before preaching about "Chinese genetic connection" with people that frankly do not and will never see themselves as related to Chinese.

Sure, but your ancestors aren't! It seems that your ancestors are from Bollywood

I dislike bollywood mostly and I don't know what you are trying to say here? :what:
What are you talking about Chinaman? When has Sagaing been under Chinese administration? Chin are more closely related to the Thais. I'm glad the boys in your politburo are smarter than you.

There are small pockets of the NW, like Wa and Kokang, which were never historically under Burmese control, but they both signed up to Panglong. Kachin on the other hand was long subjugated by the Burmese and have historically been part of the Burmese empire. Further to that, Kachin were one of the most loyal until a few years ago. The reason they are being bolshie is that their leaders are drug dealers and smugglers. They would run foul of Myanmar law so they want to encourage open rebellion to preserve their privileged status. That is all Kachin is.

They are not small pockets. Burmese had never ruled or reached the northwest of present Burma. Burmese lured everybody into Panglong agreement but betrayed the minorities.

You take a map of Myanmar and have a look. Sagaing is a Burmese city founded opposite the river from Mandalay. There are no 'Sagaing' people. You're severely confused.

No You are!

You take a map of Myanmar and have a look. Sagaing is a Burmese city founded opposite the river from Mandalay. There are no 'Sagaing' people. You're severely confused.

Do you think that you are here in a position of discriminating Chinese? You are such a dependent, backward and yet a beggar type of nation!
Do you think that you are here in a position of discriminating Chinese? You are such a dependent, backward and yet a beggar type of nation!

Oh no doubt. We are quite behind in terms of development. But you yourself don't know what you're talking about. Infact I would say you are a bit stupid.
Whatever Burmese (or Indians) want to do with Bangladeshis, they should do fast before Hasina's departure.
How are Burmese beggars?

The Burmese I have met are proud, honourable people...who love their country whatever its faults.

They still talk about the sacking of Ayutthaya like it happened yesterday :D

I don't know why a Chinese person has such an axe to grind with Burma and the areas and peoples it has dominion over.
It's not like China can talk from some moral high ground here.
Maybe he is sitting in Yunnan. Cant set his perspective, contradicting Burmese view.

Maybe, but he said Sagaing, which is on the opposite end of the country from China and he said Sagaing people, who don't exist.
@Aung Zaya let's have a formal military alliance....we are ready to provide you will nuclear weapons design & ready to transfer one of our nuclear reactors.....You don't have to repay even a penny of debt taken from India.....

If Myanmar attacks BD & occupy any (or whole part) of BD, India will quickly & swiftly recognize that (or whole) part as Burmese Territory.

We are ready to transfer Burma state of the art Brahmos, Barak 8, Sukhoi 30MKI, Agni V, INS Arihant, Second Akula to be leased, Project 17A & Project 15B warships to our beloved brothers of Burma!!!
No. We Burmese need economic growth, social peace, better education system, better medical facilities not nuclear weapons. Our role model is India, Japan, Germany, Italy not North Korea. We will do what is best for our people. Unfortunately our stupid generals are hell bent in trying to make our country another North Korea.
If I wish anything bad for a nation , I wish them a military dictatorship. Nothing works better.
I want to know the percentage of people who supports military rule in Bangladesh considering the fact that your PM Hasina is hated in Bangladesh.

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