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China Has Lost Taiwan, and It Knows It

No one can be Chinese besides Chinese, No one can be Japanese besides Japanese, No one can be Koreans besides Koreans. US eventually will perish one day due to its multiculturalism.
If you guys -- Chinese -- believes race to be a vital component of national unity, have the balls to say so. After all, China during the Cold War yrs did say so. Lee Kuan Yew confronted Deng Xiaoping about that.
It sounds like Taiwan has freedom and independent.

But what is actually happened, Taiwan is chained to the USA.
How many 'ifs' are you going to put in your argument? Enough 'ifs' of course the US will fail this and that and those and anything you can list. But how many people are going stop coming to the US or stop investing just because of some 'ifs' that will most likely will never occur? The fact that you point out weak democracies -- like Mexico -- actually support US and our soft power. People sees the differences and they wonder why those differences exists, and once they stopped wondering, they come to US and/or start investing in US. Our soft power works and there is not a damn thing you can do about it no matter how many 'ifs' you posits on the Internet. :lol:
Damn you killed that boy! Great post.
If you guys -- Chinese -- believes race to be a vital component of national unity, have the balls to say so. After all, China during the Cold War yrs did say so. Lee Kuan Yew confronted Deng Xiaoping about that.
I m just saying multiculturalsm is never part of east Asian culture. Japan has been a developed country which tops many global human development index for at least 50 years, but it still doesnt take any foreign immigrants.
Multiculturalism is the future of the world. This is why the Western world will always be the peak of human civilisation as we accept people from all around the world. Our freedoms. Our values. Our rule of law. We are the guardians of human civilisation. A human being will always choose freedom over oppression.

American soft power was always a part of the conversation for decades upon decades, lol to imagine it's something new. It is why Made in America is still such a vital part of Brand America. I forget, one or both of you came to the US to study because of brand America

The fact you only associate immigration is also telling. There are several other developed nations in the west, rich countries, yet people aspire to be American residents more.

All the money in the world won't make brand China as attractive because nobody aspires for Brand China.

There is absolutely nothing attractive about China. An ethno-nationalist Communist dictatorship that has no political opposition, no free media, no rule of law, no independent judiciary and total censorship is not attractive to the free world.
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Lost taiwan? I didn't realise we had ever controlled Taiwan.... Ask them to declare independence if they are free and lost! Ask US carriers to dock there now and see what happens. The US knows our red line, once
That will eventually bring the downfall of US, in 30-50 years, there'll be no clear ethnic majority in US, the country will be falling apart by the divisive force of peoples of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

A country needs a mainstream, predominant culture tied with some ethnicity, which US always had before, once that's gone, the country will be gone with it. Same is also true to Canada and Australia.

There you have it, folks, @beijingwalker in his own words and for all to see how the Chinese openly fanaticize Racist ideology and another reason why brand China will fail.

Thank you for being honest and for all to see. KKK espouses the same sentiments.

Hello Pakistani-Americans, your dear ally considers you as immigrants who will bring the downfall of America, because of your ethnicity dirtying up American white- majority.

Diversity is our strength.
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There you have it, folks, @beijingwalker in his own words and for all to see how the Chinese openly fanaticize Racist ideology and another reason why brand China will fail.
I said a country needs a main stream predominant culture and a predominant ethnic groups to ensure order and development, if there are no clear majorities a country could break up like former Yugoslavia cause ethnic strife can become unmanageable , how is that a racist theory?

I hate racists to the core !
I said a country needs a main stream predominant culture and a predominant ethnic groups to ensure order and development, if there are no clear majorities a country could break up like former Yugoslavia cause ethnic strife can become unmanageable , how is that a racist theory?

I hate racists to the core !

It's kind of telling when you are clueless about sharing a racist ideology. Espousing one race = purity for the country = success for a country? That is a fundamental basis of racists ideology. Brand China ladies and gentleman
It's kind of telling when you are clueless about sharing a racist ideology. Espousing one race = purity for the country = success for a country?
Which race I support? I said a country needs a clear majority group to stay stable and you automatically believe I support one race? who is a racist?
I don't think KMT has any moral ground to govern China too. What has they contributed to China? Not much... They do burden most of the WWII fighting against Japanese but need to be remind. Their performance are quite poor especially in 1944. They still can lose a major ichi-go campaign against Japanese. Communist army were seriously weaken in 1936, so I don't think it will be fair to fault them not contributing much in WWII campaign.

You didn't get what I mean. Whatever the reasons the KMT or the ROC is irrelevant today, and that's exactly where the problem lies: the people of ROC (Taiwan) increasingly don't identify with China because ROC is just but a name, unless they want to identify with the PRC because everyone today refers China as the PRC.

Only the KMT today still 'claim' the right to govern mainland China, but that's all just political correctness. They know it's impossible to 反攻大陆.
I m just saying multiculturalsm is never part of east Asian culture. Japan has been a developed country which tops many global human development index for at least 50 years, but it still doesnt take any foreign immigrants.
Whenever I see 'just saying' I know the person is dodging. Your China played the race card during the Cold War.

Chapter 37

Deng Xiaoping's China

The Malaysians must be suspicious of Deng. There were underlying suspicions and animosity between Malay Muslims and Chinese in Malaysia, and between Indonesians and their ethnic Chinese. Because China was exporting revolution to Southeast Asia, my Asean neighbors wanted Singapore to rally with them, not against the Soviet Union, but against China.

Asean governments regarded radio broadcasts from China appealing directly to their ethnic Chinese as dangerous subversion. Deng listened silently. He had never seen it this light: China, a big foreign power, going over the governments of the region to subvert their citizens. I said it was most unlikely that Asean countries would respond positively to his proposal for a united front against the Soviet Union and Vietnam and suggested that we discuss on how to resolve this problem. Then I paused.

Deng's expression and body language registered consternation. He knew that I had spoken the truth. Abruptly, he asked, "What do you want me to do?" I was astonished. I had never met a communist leader who was prepared to depart from his brief when confronted with reality, much less ask what I wanted him to do. I had expected him to brush my points aside as Premier Hua Guofeng had done in Beijing in 1976 when I pressed him over the inconsistency of China's supporting the Malayan Communist Party to foment revolution in Singapore, not Malaya. Hua had answered with bluster, "I do not know the details, but whenever communists fight, they will win." Not Deng. He realized that he had to face up to this problem if Vietnam was to be isolated. I hesitated to tell this seasoned, weather-beaten revolutionary what he should do, but since he had asked me, I said, "Stop such radio broadcasts; stop such appeals. It will be better for the ethnic Chinese in Asean if China does not underline their kinship and call upon their ethnic sympathy. The suspicion of the indigenous peoples will always be there, whether or not China emphasizes these blood ties. But if China appeals to these blood ties so blatantly, it must increase their suspicions, China must stop radio broadcasts from south China by the Malayan and Indonesian Communist Parties.


Your China will not hesitate to resort to the race card if the Party deems it necessary to gain supremacy in Asia. In this, you are no different than the JPNese who co-started WW II and whose racialist and racist views contributed to the cause of that war.

China will start a second race war in Asia.
Your China played the race card during the Cold War.
That's what you always do

Because China isn’t ‘Caucasian,’ the U.S. is planning for a ‘clash of civilizations.’ That could be dangerous.

That's what you always do
You cannot escape the fact that your China uses the race card to the extent that other Asians found it distasteful and disturbing at the national level. They do not care what happens in the Western Hemisphere but only what damages your China will do in Asia.

Your China WILL ignite the next race war.

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