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Death toll in Indian capital communal violence rises to 46

Wrong. Out of 36 dead, 24 were muslims , 12 Hindus.
This was a deliberately started riot , the criminals should be hanged.

I don't know from where did you get the numbers but my source is GTB hospital staff... NO OFFICIAL NUMBERS... so we can disagree on this...

And yes roiters should be hanged... and instigators too...
but we have a constitution and penal code... my feelings and thoughts are not going to have any impact on legal action...
I don't know from where did you get the numbers but my source is GTB hospital staff... NO OFFICIAL NUMBERS... so we can disagree on this...

And yes roiters should be hanged... and instigators too...
but we have a constitution and penal code... my feelings and thoughts are not going to have any impact on legal action...

30 written but 36 in report.
We have to start with the truth , not WhatsApp.
Bhai mere
1. You are exaggerating a lot.
2. The real situation isn't as bad and you know it. Gang raping muslim women. Come on man are you even serious?
3. About attack on muslims
A. It is to be condemned
B. Even this is not one sided. Look at case of Ankit Sharma in recent delhi riots and presence of acid cannons in muslim houses.
4. You should be the last nation on the earth to talk about minorities.

Ofcourse there are flaws. I call it a messed up hell you see. But it is free. And I cherish that.

You think there is much to be gained by illustrating facts to those (of both wings, but especially the more virulent one) living in downstream operation searchlight + hamoodur repression?

Leave them be, they know not one iota of the hurt (by similar sheer hypocrisy) they have done to good Turkish members of this forum. That is voiced elsewhere now.

Let's just say that they have to cry each time they see what Turkey trades with them compared to India and Israel....and they simply can't open their mouth about it given their own full on certain master-client chup-chup silence.
I am not saying but I am quoting from open source.
Really show us the source then. If it is really true Chinese government knowingly sending muslim women for rape.

you are talking about a global power not your endia of 2000 per capita third world where your leaders regularly announce to rape helpless muslim women. And jerks off on the idea of minor helpless girls getting raped.
I am not saying but I am quoting from open source.

Really dont bother with the swine. It has been provided with the YT links from Turkish TV with actual family members being quoted, and it still refuses to check them in even cursory way.

This is the underlying reason they do as they do (in uneducated stupor), wherever they go and forced to live where they live (and everyone sees it for themselves, be it UK, US or Canada)....and think they are to be taken seriously when they call India whatever....that too after so many depend on the name and identity "India" for livelihood (or deflection from heat of their actual one they can only express in echo chambers here along with their strange desires and affinity for certain topics)

Just leave both the 1971 psychology remnants (layered on all else before it) to be. When it isnt a bricklaner, its a bradford type....all have a known propensity for things, and all are now getting even more pushback from the actual civilisation types that matter.
Only country in the world whose own government sets fire to it's own capital and let's it burn.
Was just watching the news and thousands are now homeless and have taken shelter with their friends and relatives in Delhi.
And the compensation drama has started. In a bad economy, you are wasting more resources for petty political gains. And it seems the AAP party has also joined the cynical vote bank politics by not coming out strongly against the rioters.
Home minister is in Bengal campaigning.
And giving other countries examples is so stupid. Are we competing to be foolish ?
Dark1 = humbl. (banned) = other spam generating desperate "new" accounts.

So funny.
Yes coming from:


Just one example. So very credible yet again.

We aren't allowed to call others swine here?




Let's report everyone for the word and create a big logjam!

Meanwhile all kind of other insults get a full free pass (incl in this thread alone). Maybe there should be an official vetted list so consistency can be checked?
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You drag in the mods, they can see where you fit in the scheme of things :D
Those are mostly vocational training centers. China doesn't have a problem with Uighur culture, what China doesn't like is this

Without reading the Arabic, you can't know what they are doing or what they are part of.

Just some Uyghurs with guns, they can be Taliban or fighters in Syria, who knows. Or just some guys with guns.

However, Arabic says IS (Daesh) of Iraq and Syria.

I think also your mindset is the problem. However that needs another thread.

Indians are very clever. Look carefully they love encouraging fight between pak and bd. Also pak againt china and pak against turkey and bd against china. Indians are truly cunning ppl.

India did more to unite Pakistan and BD than we ever did. They should blame themselves.

Muslims from all over the world, Arab countries, Iranians, Turks, Indonesians, Malays, Africans, Balkans are condemning the Hindus.

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