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Pregnant elephant dies in Kerala after being fed with fruit filled with explosives by locals

It was just a matter of time before some sanghi would make it about Muslims. Also what's with the sheer amount of sanghi women now a days? Did they offer a buy one membership get your females friends in for free deal?

It's cool to hate Muslims in India now. You have to have very strong morals and ethics to resist. Everyone has gone over to the dark side.
Update :
Kerala elephant death: Probe on, officials suggest pachyderm ate explosive meant to kill boars


Next sanghi argument.

Illegal Muslim Bangladeshi immigrant fed the elephant the explosive laden food because the elephant asked him to show his passport and called him a 'ghuspetia'.

The dangerous Muslim terrorists illegal ghuspetia bangali took immediate action and pulled out a explosive from under his lungi.

We illegal ghuspetia Muslim Bangladeshis, keep at least 71 explosives under our lungi, just waiting for a sanghi elephant to ask us for our documents.

The illegal bangali ghuspetia Muslim terrorists can be easily identified by listening for the battle cry before they blow their explosive jacket. Instead of Allahu Akbar it's Joy Bangla.

You have been warned, report all such lungi wearing individuals for immediate lynching to neareast RSS sakha. The safety all elephants depends on adherence to this directive.
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Next sanghi argument.

Illegal Muslim Bangladeshi immigrant fed the elephant the explosive laden food because the elephant asked him to show his passport and called him a 'ghuspetia'.

The dangerous Muslim terrorists illegal ghuspetia bangali took immediate action and pulled out a explosive from under his lungi.
So, CAA-NRC will help "oppressed elephants" or not?
So, CAA-NRC will help "oppressed elephants" or not?

CAA NRC will not stem the tide of the gazwa e ghuspetia.

Us Bangladeshi, we goto sleep dreaming of the day we can jump the fence into India while wearing our explosive laden lungi. When I was born, my father said with tear filled eyes and a voice full of pride 'My son will grow up to be the best ghuspetia of all time'.

I'm currently training and waiting for my opportunity to carry out my nefarious acts .
As soon as covid passes I will jump the border and begin my mission as a ghuspetia.

For Bengal, I will be the most nefarious ghuspetia man has ever seen.

Behind me are 170 million more ghuspetias, we eagerly wait for our time.

Coming soon gazwa e ghuspetia.

Our long term goal is to get Mamata Banerjee installed as prime minister of United Hilsa Land.

Joi Bangla! Joi Hilsa!
Meaning please?

“The Congress party failed to evict the 'ghuspetia' (Bangladeshi infiltrators) in the past 70 years, BJP government led by Modiji has started the same in the past five years.


In other words, we the proud ghuspetias are the biggest threat to India sovereignty.

The joke is on all of you for thinking Bangladesh is subservient to India, our master plan is coming along just fine.

Jump border! Breed like 'rats'! Take over India! Install Mamata Banerjee as prime minister of Sovereign People's Republic of Hilsa!

Gazwa e ghuspetia coming soon, tremble sanghis!

Photos showed the elephant standing in the river with her mouth and trunk in water

New Delhi:

As the tragic death of a pregnant elephant in Kerala after it ate a pineapple filled with explosives continues to generate shock and anger, a second elephant death has emerged from the state. A young female elephant reportedly died in April in a similar manner in the forests in Kollam district.

A post-mortem shows this elephant suffered jaw fractures that "could have been through something it consumed," but it is not confirmed yet. Forest officials say a chemical analysis report is awaited. "We suspect it to be crackers," a senior forest official told NDTV.

Officials found her near a stream in the Pathanapuram forests. "She was very weak and we could not tranquilise her. We did try to give her some medication but she moved away a few kilometers. The next day, she had collapsed," a senior forest official told NDTV.

There has been an outpouring of grief for a pregnant wild elephant from Silent Valley that died after eating a pineapple filled with firecrackers. After the fruit exploded in her mouth, the elephant walked for days in pain before she went into a river and died standing on May 27.

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said strict action would be taken against those responsible for the elephant's death. "The forest department is probing the case and the culprits will be brought to book," Mr Vijayan said.

Photos shared on social media showed the elephant standing in the river with her mouth and trunk in water, perhaps for some relief from the unbearable pain. She died in that position.

"We don't know when the incident happened. But because of the starvation and shrinking of the elephant, we suspect that it would have happened around 20 days ago," forest officer Aashique Ali U told NDTV.

The heartbreaking incident surfaced after Mohan Krishnan, a forest officer, posted an emotional note on his Facebook page. "When we saw her she was standing in the river, with her head dipped in the water. She had a sixth sense that she was going to die. She took the Jalasamadhi in the river in a standing position," Krishnan, who was tasked with bringing the elephant back to the shore, wrote.

The elephant had left the forests of Silent Valley and strayed into a nearby village in search of food.

Pineapples or similar fruits with country-made crackers are usually used by locals to protect their fields against wild boars. According to forest officials, the elephant is suspected to have eaten one of such fruits.

"I have directed the forest officials to arrest the culprit. We will punish him for ''hunting'' the elephant," Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) and Chief Wildlife Warden Surendrakumar told PTI.

Investigating such incidents is difficult because elephants travel several km a day and locating the place where they may have eaten the fruit is not easy, according to officials. Forest officials come across such incidents after the elephants are found separated from their herds, that too weeks later.


And Indians claim that they are wonderful people and love animals, just go to India and see the way they actually treat animals, cows on the street eating plastic and rubbish, that is just the start of it, India and Indians are liars are a disgrace.
Whats wrong with India? Can Indian members shed some light?

In Assam and Bengal, elephants are now actively 'hunting' humans in an evolving human animal conflicts.

The video is from one of the unfortunate incidents in South India where Elephants are revered and celebrated in seasonal festivals.

The younger generation of Mahouts are too callous to judge the early signs when their elephant is going in 'Mast'.

Just look at him calling 'Allah' out of fear of deportation. Now I'm not one to mock others religious beliefs but this is just pathetic that you are using others God's name as a get out of jail card.
The elephant bit on something that's used to kill Wild boars that cause damage to agriculture land. It was an accident but an unfortunate one. Better forest control is needed to prevent animals from coming to populated areas. And Humans from invading forest land for plantations.
Hardly unexpected, but Sanghis are making this another issue to vilify Muslims.


This is how disgusting these RSS animals are. They use every opportunity to malign Indian Muslims.
I agree, south states are also set to witness deadly anti-Muslim riots in near future.

We racially ethinically different than illegal Bangladeshis .
Irrespective of religion we will kick out BDis from South India we dont care about your religion.

Update :
Kerala elephant death: Probe on, officials suggest pachyderm ate explosive meant to kill boars


Whatever it is we cant tolerate this kind of incident .
Using explosives to kill boar is also illegal.
We Keralites are watching this one.
Our agencies already got the clue about culprits

Some poor elephant got killed and the first thing that comes to this individuals mind are the alleged ever elusive illegal BDshis.

Btw 200,000 illegal Indians are getting deported from Kuwait, currently they're enjoying detention camp lifestyle. Mostly mallus, why don't you come help them instead of talking of the fabled illegal BDshis, perhaps keep some coconut water ready for when they are sent back to from whence they came.

One should see the keralites in Kuwait, licking Kuwaiti Muslim boot. 'maa'lish baba', 'baba baba', 'mafi mushkil baba', 'ana mafi arabi baba' :enjoy:
They get slapped and they take it and continue to work no self respect.

Just look at him calling 'Allah' out of fear of deportation. Now I'm not one to mock others religious beliefs but this is just pathetic that you are using others God's name as a get out of jail card.

@Michael Corleone
Our people are everywhere in this world .
We have poor people with a tea shop in GCC but most of them are rich in state .No tax money .
Between Lulu owner is also a Malayali.
We are in all sectors in foreign nations.
IMF chief also a Malayali .

Where does the Bangladeshis stand?
Last time we heard that some gulf nations banned BDis because of their service .
So we knows how to look after ourselves .
But in our state we dont allow illegal Bongs no matter what .
That is our prime concern

There is a hell of difference between BD and Southern India.And our HDI is not your cup of tea

Rest whatever happens in our society we will take care .
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Still we keralites cant tolerate these kind of action.
Hopes the officials took the strict action

Our prime concern is the illegal and criminal activity of illegal BDis in South states including our Kerala.
Everything aside- This is so sad to hear- Humans are really the worst kind.

A famous quote, often attributed to Mohandas Gandhi, asserts that, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Besides the obvious meaning — that treating animals inhumanely undermines the moral standing of a society

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