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[Ladakh] Chinese Captured Several Indian Soldiers, After Indian Captured Chinese Messenger

Latest Development,
Chinese Mobilize Thousands of their Airborne Corps soldier from Central Theater Command to Ladakh

To support 76th Group Army from Western Theater Command already stationed there since mid may.
76th Group Army
View attachment 639300

Yes, this happen in may.
I rarely visit that section since couple weeks ago.
Too much in Americas forum section :D seeing america in chaos
Thanks bro. You're doing the good work. :D
Please update us when possible.
Found some funny pictures :D


EZVqDFhXgAItkuj (1).jpeg
Do you think war will happen? Lots of my friends are saying it's just war of words.

Depends on indian side, honestly.

If indian cross the red line, of course there will be a border war between two countries.

But right now, Chinese still calm and trying to 'safe' modi face in india.

But whatever the outcome from indian side, Chinese Military is Ready.
Just look at from the latest mobilization there. China is serious this time
Depends on indian side, honestly.

If indian cross the red line, of course there will be a border war between two countries.

But right now, Chinese still calm and trying to 'safe' modi face in india.

But whatever the outcome from indian side, Chinese Military is Ready.
Just look at from the latest mobilization there. China is serious this time
Let me get the popcorn out. Just in case. ;)
In May, there is an incident between Chinese and Indian in Ladakh.

In the beginning,
Chinese Patrol in Ladakh meet with indian soldiers blockading the road.

Then, they sent Messenger with 1 vehicle forward to talk to Indians.
But the Indians captured the messenger

Then the main Chinese unit moving forward and chase back retreating indian, leaving several of their injured soldiers.
The photos of indian soldiers captured by Chinese side.

In the End,
View attachment 639288View attachment 639291
In the Video Indian Soldiers are Wearing BPJ And Ballistic Helmets

that is missing in the image

So Definitely Its not same incident

Image Also has Boat In Back end Which nullify your theory

Also Captured PLA Soldier is in Different Attire one in picture

There Lot Of Anomalies in Image And videos that only depict that Incident Not same

Nice Nice Try
Earth moves slow in some part of the world, so do some brains.
Lot Brain washing you accept from CCP citizens

Poster Clearly missed Boat in the Second Image in the back ground before
Co relating Two Incidents into one

For False Pride of the PLA

they will come back quick and beat you guys again
See Boat in the back ground Chacha

Its Not same Incident boat is missing

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