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India paying price for Modi’s myopic China strategy

China is actually not practicing effective diplomacy. Its global image is atrocious. Sure, it is misrepresented but China's actions often exacerbate the problem.

Effective diplomacy involves effective communication and "framing" of the situation to the public. China is absolutely incompetent when it comes to this. If what you were saying is the case, China could've easily issued a statement saying that it regrets that deaths and casualties were suffered by both sides. That the conflict was not planned and it had transpired because India had transgressed on its LAC. Instead just staying silent makes you appear guilty.

I see the same type of mentality among many Chinese fobs and immigrants. They despise having to explain themselves, reveal information and communicate with other people. Sometimes they are unfairly treated but they stay quiet just because they despise having to communicate with others. It is a form of social retardation and autism that really hurts you. Although at the same time, many of these Chinese fobs also do things illegally so they in fact do have something to hide. So as you can see, by staying quiet only proves your guilt.

Yep, you're right, I did grow up in the US and that gives me another perspective. It gives me a perspective that is impossible for Chinese people in China to understand, how deep social autism, the inability to communicate, the absolute lack of care for image building, ends up damaging your interests severely. American society is a master at image crafting and this is why the American media has been very successful at making the world over hate China. Of course, China often shoots itself in the foot and their socially retarded and autistic citizens are their worst ambassadors. Literally most non-Chinese who come across large numbers of Mainland citizens come to despise them because they are so unlikeable and have terrible social skills. So it's no wonder that the Chinese government is a reflection of the culture of their own citizens.
I think you are right that the Chinese image is not as good as it might be but you are not going to dispel that when dealing with the West. They have a century headstart in creating an image about themselves in people's heads, not always an accurate image, but people tend to believe them because that is how they are indoctrinated and they therefore allow their perceptions rather than reality to inform their thinking.
An example of this is the Afghan Mujahideen who were feted as freedom fighters when it suited the West and terrorists also when it suited the West. Saddam Hussein was the same transformation and so was Pakistan. We were their allies when we were towing the line and the mothership of terrorism when we started looking after our own interests.
It's something China is going to have to live with until it breaks out of the dominance of the West through economic, technological, and geostrategic progress, and if anyone has had a chance to do this in the last century, it is China.
The alternative is to knuckle down and be a rich but subservient slave to the interests of the West, which I don't think any nation with the history, culture and dignity of the Chinese could ever be expected to do.
Whatever path you take, the Americans will try to malign you and cut you down, not because of who you are but because you are threat to their economic and military dominance.
That's just how it is, China is going to have to learn to live with it.
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I think you are right that the Chinese image is not as good as it might be but you are not going to dispel that when dealing with the West. They have a century headstart in creating an image about themselves in people's heads, not always an accurate image, but people tend to believe them because that is how they are indoctrinated and they therefore allow their perceptions rather than reality to inform their thinking.
An example of this is the Afghan Mujahideen who were feted as freedom fighters when it suited the West and terrorists also when it suited the West. Saddam Hussein was the same transformation and so was Pakistan. We were their allies when we were towing the line and the mothership of terrorism when we started looking after our own interests.
It's something China is going to have to live with until it breaks out of the dominance of the West through economic, technological, and geostrategic progress, and if anyone has had a chance to do this in the last century, it is China.
The alternative is to knuckle down and be a rich but subservient slave to the interests of the West, which I don't think any nation with the history, culture and dignity of the Chinese could ever be expected to do.
Whatever path you take, the Americans will try to malign you and cut you down, not because of who you are but because you are threat to their economic and military dominance.
That's just how it is, China is going to learn to live with it.

I absolutely agree with your assertions. In terms of hard power, China has been very competent. However, when it comes to its soft power, China often helps its enemies because of its retarded soft skills.
clearly Beijing now perceives India as already in the US camp. which means gloves are off.

India will get crushed and made an example of, so that others may learn from its stupidity.
If that's how you want to see it. China could've stood firm against Modi without escalating the conflict violently. India is not the country being contained by the world's strongest superpower, China does not need more enemies. Sure, Modi is being opportunistic, but nothing that China can't rebuff. By escalating the conflict into violence, China is entrenching hostilities that will remain far beyond Modi and destroying the viability of Chinese brands in the Indian market. It's like killing a fly with a hammer.
Sovereignty above everything else.

India can hate n boycott china all she wants.
While it is true that Modi has been opportunistic in his dealings with China. China's actions, especially leading to the killing of Indian soldiers, have been pretty stupid as well. I don't think China's leaders are anywhere as smart as they think they are. They don't have a good grasp of understanding other societies. They might've thought they were showing Modi a strong face, instead they've destroyed any prospects of workable Sino-Indian ties for at least 20 years.
Hahaha... workable Sino-Indian ties? Where have you been all these years? Do you have any idea what is going on? Sino-India ties have already been long dead and gone. Please don't come here and show your ignorance.
The US can do what it wants because it is the global hegemon. It also uses its media and image crafting to negate the negative effects of its foreign policy to influence global culture. By doing so, it maximizes its power potential.

Image crafting is important. China's interests are being hurt because of its poor image. Those are real world consequences to having a negative image. You spent all this time responding yet you never even answered my questions about the details of the conflict. Did China break conventions re sharp objects, did China actually confirm deaths and casualties?
In past 3 decades. US wasted all the resources and potential, increased national debt to 26 trillions, eroded domestic infrastructure, vetocracy, democrazy.
By doing so, US distribute tremendous fortune and resource worldwide, help EU/NATO on defense, help Japan/South Korea on defense, help Gulf countries on defense.
After 3 decades, US watched China grow and grow, until today, when US realized not enough resource to counter China.
How much national debt can US afford?

"War is the continuation of politics by other means." ---Clausewitz

While US keep pushing Russia into China's sphere. Keep burning strategic resource elsewhere other than East Asia.

US has no grand strategic, why China want to complain? Why China want to raise her voice to grab unnecessary attention? Isn't 10% annual grow rate for continuing 30 years good enough?

Don't think like a spoiled child. You knew some thing while everyone knew.

Think something big.

By the end of day, there will be only one country can call herself unbreakable. It won't be US.
While it is true that Modi has been opportunistic in his dealings with China. China's actions, especially leading to the killing of Indian soldiers, have been pretty stupid as well. I don't think China's leaders are anywhere as smart as they think they are. They don't have a good grasp of understanding other societies. They might've thought they were showing Modi a strong face, instead they've destroyed any prospects of workable Sino-Indian ties for at least 20 years.

Obviously the Trump administration has been aggressively pushing a containment of China and other countries, like India, have been persuaded to go along with some of his policies. But China's own reactions are solidifying these commitments that may not have been set in stone before, thus creating even more enemies for itself.
China should have offered tea to indian soldiers trying to penetrate Chinese line of defence ? R u stupid or what?
In past 3 decades. US wasted all the resources and potential, increased national debt to 26 trillions, eroded domestic infrastructure, vetocracy, democrazy.
By doing so, US distribute tremendous fortune and resource worldwide, help EU/NATO on defense, help Japan/South Korea on defense, help Gulf countries on defense.
After 3 decades, US watched China grow and grow, until today, when US realized not enough resource to counter China.
How much national debt can US afford?

"War is the continuation of politics by other means." ---Clausewitz

While US keep pushing Russia into China's sphere. Keep burning strategic resource elsewhere other than East Asia.

US has no grand strategic, why China want to complain? Why China want to raise her voice to grab unnecessary attention? Isn't 10% annual grow rate for continuing 30 years good enough?

Don't think like a spoiled child. You knew some thing while everyone knew.

Think something big.

By the end of day, there will be only one country can call herself unbreakable. It won't be US.
The Russians did it quick n fast. F**k the sanctions n bullsheet. See where Crimea is today.

Who the hell cares about image n relations when sovereignty is concerned?

Of course the US won't send ground troops to help India fight China. At the same time, China is being contained on all fronts, it doesn't need the entrenched enmity of a country of 1.4 billion to its West. It is one thing to counter Modi's moves, it is another thing to cause the deaths of 20 soldiers that would lead to an entire population becoming extremely hostile to you.

China's leaders are truly boneheaded when it comes to image building, PR and soft power. It is probably because China is an authoritarian state, so they don't have to learn these skills.

I have observed your postings for a very long time.

Your posts, language style, choice of words, rhetoric are all very un-Chinese-like, even for an ABC- but I decided not to highlight them at first.

For now, i am unsure of your true flag.

Time to ditch that false flag, buddy
I think you are right that the Chinese image is not as good as it might be but you are not going to dispel that when dealing with the West. They have a century headstart in creating an image about themselves in people's heads, not always an accurate image, but people tend to believe them because that is how they are indoctrinated and they therefore allow their perceptions rather than reality to inform their thinking.
An example of this is the Afghan Mujahideen who were feted as freedom fighters when it suited the West and terrorists also when it suited the West. Saddam Hussein was the same transformation and so was Pakistan. We were their allies when we were towing the line and the mothership of terrorism when we started looking after our own interests.
It's something China is going to have to live with until it breaks out of the dominance of the West through economic, technological, and geostrategic progress, and if anyone has had a chance to do this in the last century, it is China.
The alternative is to knuckle down and be a rich but subservient slave to the interests of the West, which I don't think any nation with the history, culture and dignity of the Chinese could ever be expected to do.
Whatever path you take, the Americans will try to malign you and cut you down, not because of who you are but because you are threat to their economic and military dominance.
That's just how it is, China is going to have to learn to live with it.
well said. The whole world order is a mother fcuker hypocrisy。
In past 3 decades. US wasted all the resources and potential, increased national debt to 26 trillions, eroded domestic infrastructure, vetocracy, democrazy.
By doing so, US distribute tremendous fortune and resource worldwide, help EU/NATO on defense, help Japan/South Korea on defense, help Gulf countries on defense.
After 3 decades, US watched China grow and grow, until today, when US realized not enough resource to counter China.
How much national debt can US afford?

"War is the continuation of politics by other means." ---Clausewitz

While US keep pushing Russia into China's sphere. Keep burning strategic resource elsewhere other than East Asia.

US has no grand strategic, why China want to complain? Why China want to raise her voice to grab unnecessary attention? Isn't 10% annual grow rate for continuing 30 years good enough?

Don't think like a spoiled child. You knew some thing while everyone knew.

Think something big.

By the end of day, there will be only one country can call herself unbreakable. It won't be US.

Are you delusional? You think China is stronger than the US? There are American ships on China's doorsteps, there are no Chinese ships in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Pacific or Atlantic coasts. If there is a war, it will be fought near or in China. The US has a global system of allies, it has a wide range to maneuver and can pressure its allies to cut or limit ties with China, China cannot pressure these countries to do the same with the US. The US maintains dollar reserve dominance and can print an unlimited amount of debt to fund its adventures, China cannot. The US is still technologically far more sophisticated even though its fallen behind on a couple areas, it can sanction the **** out of Huawei and is killing Huawei right now because it has no access to cutting edge chips. The US is ahead of China in building quantum computers, military tech, robotics, space tech, semiconductors, etc. If you count the US led alliance system, it massively overwhelms China.

The Russians did it quick n fast. F**k the sanctions n bullsheet. See where Crimea is today.

Who the hell cares about image n relations when sovereignty is concerned?

I have observed your postings for a very long time.

Your posts, language style, choice of words, rhetoric are all very un-Chinese-like, even for an ABC- but I decided not to highlight them at first.

For now, i am unsure of your true flag.

Time to ditch that false flag, buddy

China has defended its sovereignty for over four decades without leading to loss of life. The escalation in violence has only harmed China's own interests. Again, Chinese members love to kill flies with sledgehammers. Boneheaded and obtuse.

And yes your observations are correct, I am pretty Americanized but this actually gives me perspectives that people from China do not have. They don't realize how ethnocentric, autistic and emotionally retarded their worldview is and this is why Mainland Chinese are disliked everywhere they go. Don't even pretend this is not the case. They have a horrible reputation in Singapore as well.
China does not need anyone to recognize as a superpower. The best position for China is an entrepreneur, not a protector or a leader. The United States was tired of being the world's policeman and Trump succeeded in persuading Americans with the slogan "America first." So why does China have to repeat America's mistakes? Why be ashamed to be a country in 2nd place?

There is no need to waste hundreds - trillions of dollars on the arms race and aid useless allies.
Are you delusional? You think China is stronger than the US? There are American ships on China's doorsteps, there are no Chinese ships in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Pacific or Atlantic coasts. If there is a war, it will be fought near or in China. The US has a global system of allies, it has a wide range to maneuver and can pressure its allies to cut or limit ties with China, China cannot pressure these countries to do the same with the US. The US maintains dollar reserve dominance and can print an unlimited amount of debt to fund its adventures, China cannot. The US is still technologically far more sophisticated even though its fallen behind on a couple areas, it can sanction the **** out of Huawei and is killing Huawei right now because it has no access to cutting edge chips. The US is ahead of China in building quantum computers, military tech, robotics, space tech, semiconductors, etc. If you count the US led alliance system, it massively overwhelms China.

China has defended its sovereignty for over four decades without leading to loss of life. The escalation in violence has only harmed China's own interests. Again, Chinese members love to kill flies with sledgehammers. Boneheaded and obtuse.

And yes your observations are correct, I am pretty Americanized but this actually gives me perspectives that people from China do not have. They don't realize how ethnocentric, autistic and emotionally retarded their worldview is and this is why Mainland Chinese are disliked everywhere they go. Don't even pretend this is not the case. They have a horrible reputation in Singapore as well.
Im saying you r not even an american chinese, get it.

Your posts gave away many hints of this, not just here but in other threads as well
China should have offered tea to indian soldiers trying to penetrate Chinese line of defence ? R u stupid or what?
Exactly. When you bow to your enemy, your enemy will step on your dead body. Slaughtered without any dignity.
It's better to fight back and let your enemy realize you won't bow and come to rational solution than kneel.

USSR was so powerful back then. But we all knew that happened when they compromised. West literally killed USSR twice.
Im saying you r not even an american chinese, get it.

Your posts gave away many hints of this, not just here but in other threads as well

I have a unique perspective because I am well traveled. So no, I'm not like most other ABCs.

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