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America’s deadliest nuclear bomber B-2 spirit could thunder at India-China border


Sep 20, 2014
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The ongoing tension between India and China in Ladakh continues to grow. Both India and China are now preparing for deployment in this area even in winter. China is not taking the name of withdrawal from Pangong Lake and Depsang area after several rounds of talks with India. The United States is now seen coming with India against this dragon’s granddaughter. US media reports claimed that the US could blow up its deadliest nuclear bomber B-2 spirit on the India-China border to give a strong message to the dragon. This American bomber can carry 16 nuclear bombs simultaneously. Let’s know what is the whole issue…
US nuclear bombers are deployed very close to India
The American magazine The National Interest has said in its report that in the days to come, this US nuclear bomber may soon practice extensively with India over flyover missions, preparations for war and use of each other’s facilities. The American magazine said that the special thing in this is that this practice can be carried out on the India-China border. During this time, American bombers may get a chance to test China’s air defense system. Three B-2 bombers are currently stationed at the American Naval Base Diago Garcia, located just 1 thousand miles from India. Explain that the US used to send its bombers to attack from the same Diogo Garcia Naval Base during the Afghanistan War.

Able to attack anytime, anywhere for friends: America

These aircraft have reached Diago Garcia after traveling for about 29 hours. US Air Force Commander Colonel Christopher Conant said that the 29-hour trip shows that the US is fully committed to attack its friends and allies in an extremely deadly and long-range attack anytime and anywhere. Commander Conant said that this bomber task force is part of our national defense strategy. We (in the Indian Ocean) are strengthening relations with our friends and allies as well as intensifying our attack edge. He said that even after the Corona virus crisis, the Airforce is fully prepared to cooperate in the Indo-Pacific region and achieve the country’s strategic goals of the Ministry of Defense. Let us know that the US strategic command has often deployed B-2 Spirit Steel Bombers in different parts of the world according to the danger and the need.

American bomber will be hit by China’s S-400

The magazine’s report states that the direct collision of the B-2 will be from China’s air defense system. It is believed that China has deployed Russia-made S-400 and S-300 along the Indo-China border in view of the tension. China claims that these defense systems are also capable of capturing combat aircraft. On the other hand, the US has been continuously installing new sensors, computers, weapons and electronic equipment in these 30 year old bombers to deal with any such threat. B-2 computers have been replaced and now 1000 times faster workers have been installed. According to experts, this nuclear bomber does not fall under the radar and is capable of carrying out stealth attacks.

B-2 can carry 16 nuclear bombs simultaneously

The B-2 spirit is considered the world’s deadliest bomber. This bomber aircraft can carry 16 B61-7 nuclear bombs simultaneously. Recently its fleet has included extremely lethal and precise hitting B61-12 nuclear bombs. Not only this, it easily penetrates into enemy territory by dodging the enemy’s air defense. One thousand kilo conventional bombs can also be deployed at this bomber. It is considered the most effective bomber for attacking enemy’s land. In 1997, a B-2 spirit bomber cost around $ 2.1 billion. The United States has a total of 20 B-2 spirit steel bombers. This bomber is capable of hitting 11 thousand kilometers while flying at an altitude of 50 thousand feet. Once refueled, it can attack up to 19 thousand kilometers. The aircraft has proved its capability in Kosova, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya.



Ex Pentagon officer Kris Osborn claims B-2 stealth bombers of USAFs Global Strike command may soon be carrying out interoperability exercsies near the Sino-Indian border.

The B-2 spirit is considered the world’s deadliest bomber. This bomber aircraft can carry 16 B61-7 nuclear bombs simultaneously. Recently its fleet has included extremely lethal and precise hitting B61-12 nuclear bombs.
B-2 may be a stealth fighter plane that can carry nuclear bombs as well, but I do not see the USAF will ever use this type of bomb anywhere anytime in the world. Indian govt should also know that China will retaliate by nuclear bombing Indian cities if it itself is attacked by the same.

Nuclear weapon may remain a threat but there is very real prospect of its use. Conventional weapons will remain the way of waging wars.
Hahahah kaka begging in-front of papa for the help... Kaka did this before beating drums for almost 3-4 days when Chinese banged Kaka soldiers in Ladakh. Kaka’s media claims that the US sent 3 aircraft carriers into the South China Sea because of Indo-China (Ladakh) tension. Though Pentagon and State Dept told that the CVBGs was on routine exercise in SCS (protecting Japanese and US interests).

The problem here is no one gives a **** about kaka tho kaka becomes a superr power by clamming himself, through his own media in front of its own public and thoroughly believes that he is soo important. However, I hardly see any single positive or even news about kaka in the west except, Chinese killed Indian soldiers, intruded and Captured kaka’s land or Pakistan has shot down Indian fighter jets and bomb Indian military installations, Abhi-farig-done-dana-done chitrool clips and so on thats what western media showing to the public from the past 2-3 years.

Initially many got surprised and confused but now laughing cuz under Bush and Obama administration portrayed kaka like a powa. Americans need kaka from the containment of China so obvious western media presenting Kaka like Alien/Predator. Since Surrender Modi came into power, the myth of kaka, kaka’s so called phus phus military might fuckedup. Rest, people from kaka who migrated to the western countries exposing true face along with the western media continuously busy in highlighting those news which are against kaka’s perspective.

Ithink Trump administration realized, don’t give much importance to this shit-hole we hired kaka just like many other puppets just for the containment of China. Btw kaka is soo incompetent, getting chitrool from all its neighbours lol thats really pissedoff Americans esp sitting in hexagon :lol:

I have never seen anyone except Indians living in lies, deception, delusions ...

Kaka busted and gang-banged initially from Pakistan and China, now Nepal and Bangladeshis lol

keep waiting dor B-2s :rofl:
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These bombers are for Pakistan. China has nothing to do with their deployment.
despite big talks about two front war Indians cannot even fight one front without American charity?

I don't think you could call a flyover at a Military 'show' a charity - even. These are entertainment exercises for spectators with no military importance.

India won't do squat with China at the border. Starting a skirmish with China is a lose-lose proposition for India at this time. And the US will give verbal support. That India can count on.
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india is so weak that they need such bombers and u.s support for fighting against much smaller country like Pakistan,this is indeed recognition of capabilities and superiority of Pakistan armed forces by india
These bombers are for Pakistan. China has nothing to do with their deployment.
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