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Discussion of Iranian support for Palestinian resistance groups

No one in Gaza, not even the officials, care about that Muslim baby-killer.

Every Resistance group in Palestine considers itself deeply grateful towards Qassem Soleimani and hasn't stopped praising him. Proof posted all along the thread.

The Palestinian Resistance are neither lunatics escaped from some mental asylum, nor pathologic liars with highly un-Islamic manners. We all trust their statements over unsubstantiated rhetoric by random internet users.

Not even your IR regime officials care about him as they refused to even avenge his blood.

"Avenge his blood". As if this was some schoolyard fight. Complex geopolitics call for sophisticated policymaking. As if every Palestinian official or Resistance member martyred by the zionists is avenged on a 1 to 1 basis.

That said, Iran directed its allies to conduct 300 attacks on US interests in Iraq over the past year alone, including the destruction of a secret CIA hangar in Erbil, struck US military bases in Ayn al-Assad and Erbil with ballistic missiles, and most probably had the CIA's top mastermind for the region, nicknamed "Ayatollah Mike", eliminated over the skies of Agfhanistan, in addition to rushing in to support Gaza during the recent war and increasing nuclear activities including uranium enrichment.

Gaza officials will say what they need to get continued support as Iran conditions that they make positive statements on their behalf to help improve their reputation after they became despised since Syria/Iraq conflicts.

Behold the "logic" everyone:

a) "The Palestinian Resistance do not care for Iran and even hate it."
b) "Iran is a sidelined actor in the Palestine-Isra"el" conflict, its assistance is not unique" and thus not needed.
c) "The Palestinian Resistance are paragons of Islamic ethics."


c) "The Palestinian Resistance lie chronically like no honest Muslim should, by praising Iran all day in order to help Iran improve its public image".

First-rate tinfoil hat level argumentation.

All they interested in is getting military support to continue Jihad against Israel

Interesting. So Islamic Iran's assistance to the Palestinian Resistance is of an extraordinary, irreplaceable nature after all. Good to see the quoted user admit he was wrong all along.

they didn't care about Qasem, just public property. It was property of another group in Gaza.

Statements and actions by the Palestinian Resistance say otherwise.

Don't take credit for Hamas's Jerusalem uprising, courage, culture and product. I see it a lot here. And this thread itself was created as you guys derailed the Jerusalem conflict thread to take credit for Hamas's doing.

No such thing occurred. Only sourced facts were posted.

will refute anyone who tries to take credit for Holy Hamas's courage and actions.

Islamic Iran's role will keep being presented to all with the help of valid factual sources.

If you are such sophisticated people who do amazing work, you can show us actions against Israel any time.

Shown for over 40 years through Islamic Iran's principled and unparalleled backing of anti-zionist Resistance movements in both Lebanon and Palestine. A globally unequalled feat and proof of courage.

The truth is, however, you are just sidelined spectators who sit down comfortably without initiating Jihad and try to take credit for Hamas's Jihad and blood.

So "sidelined" that the Palestinian Resistance will dishonor themselves and break Islamic rules of conduct only to benefit from the military backing of a "sidelined" and dispensable actor. Laughable.

I already debunked your exaggerations and lies in post #29.

No such thing. Merely a mix of strawman arguments, gross mischaracterization of Iranian policy, unsubstantiated claims and false analogies was offered.

Ahahahaha, so you all have is fake delusional propaganda. Of course.

No propaganda posted by me. Only hard hitting facts supported by solid reasoning.

Seek help for your delusions.

Projecting. Typical.

you make in fun of Saddam

Where is this supposed to have happened? User needs an urgent appointment with an ophthalmologist. Two separate medical appointments would now seem appropriate.

So, if Iran was attacked for nuclear program you would say Iran didn't fight a war with the US? No, you would be spreading 24/7 propaganda on their behalf here. Saddam fought two wars with the US. And fired missiles at Israel's capital. It's fascinating how you make in fun of Saddam when he actually fought wars with US/Israel , unlike Iran which is only good for talking.

Bottom line: Saddam fought two wars against the US only because he was subjected to large scale aggression by the US. If Iran was in the same situation, Iran would not hesitate to fight back as well - and much more effectively at that.

Saddam fired missiles while under full fledged US aggression, not otherwise. Under similar circumstances, Iran would do the same and actually much, much more.

US killed your general, what are you talking about?

What I was talking about is actually very easy to comprehend.

US will never do regime change to Iranian regime

The US strives to "regime change" Iran through every conceivable means at its disposal. But has miserably failed at doing so.

which is very useful to US, EU, and Israel.

Islamic Iran is the main geopolitical adversary of the US, EU and Isra"el".

Iran is front for war against Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey , and Saudi Arabia.

Baseless, gratuitous drivel. The US is a major ally of all the mentioned governments, and as such exerts great influence upon them. Washington doesn't intend to have anyone wage war on its regional allies.

It can be used to take down all those regional powers, and US has no interest in regime change in Iran.

Iran does not let itself be "used" by anyone, nor does Iran have any interest nor plans to initiate a war against any of its neighbors, as anyone with elementary knowledge of the situation will know.

The US has gone out of its way to overthrow the Islamic Republic. Its readily observable and announced policies and multi-pronged efforts to this effect testify of it.

Your terrorist regime is so hated and despised in the region

Says an American citizen raised in the US, who isn't a resident of the region...

Islamic Iran enjoys great popularity across its neighborhood, despite the massive propaganda war waged against it by the world's major power block and its regional puppets, propaganda war that is totally unprecedented in scope.

Zionists and western imperialists use the label "terrorist" to refer to Islamic Iran. I.e. the same powers which also classify the Palestinian Resistance as a "terrorist" movement. The roots of the quoted diatribe are thus well identified.

you need to fall back on Palestinians and exploit their achievements to boost your reputation.

"I" certainly do not. If however Islamic Iran is meant here, then no, the reason Iran accepts to be the only state actor worldwide to extend significant military-level assistance to the Palestinian Resistance and suffer the costs, is not some desire to score simple PR points. That's a ridiculous, highly illogical contention. Iranian leaders might not be perfect, but certainly aren't dumb to the extent of engaging in such irrational behavior.

You regime is bunch of sidelined spectators in the whole conflict.

Islamic Iran is the main foreign actor in the Palestine-Isra"el" conflict. As attested to by the discourse of the noble leaders of the Palestinian Resistance, as well as by all available information from reputable sources.

Only active killing Muslim baby's in Muslim nations.

Not really, no. Islamic Iran is only active in fighting zionism and imperialism in Muslim nations and even beyond.

No it wasn't

Yes, it was. And even twice (once when I registered here, and then a week ago when moderator The Eagle asked me to open a thread about it in the GHQ section, which I did). Funny to see people comment on things they aren't even privy too. What a joke.

your real location(USA),


while talking people down for living in the US. Textbook hypocrite.

Not "taking down" anyone for living in the USA, but rightfully insisting on the fact that American citizens residing in the US can hardly lay claim to representing the people of Gaza.
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Pure rehashing of zionist / US propaganda. Iran's nuclear program is a civilian, peaceful one, even though it allowed Iran to become a nuclear threshold state - which is perfectly legal in international law and thus not a valid justification for sanctions (Japan, south Korea, Germany and others are threshold states too, but are not sanctioned). Therefore, Iran's nuclear program is merely played up and sensationalized as a pretext by western powers and their zionist masters. The real reasons for their hostility against Iran lie of course elsewhere.

The US imposed its first sanctions against the Islamic Republic only a few months after the Victory of the 1979 Revolution. And the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) or d'Amato Law, the centerpiece of the anti-Iranian sanctions scheme, dates from 1996, long before Iran started being falsely accused by Washington and Tel Aviv about its nuclear program. Better to learn the history of the topic before commenting on it.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is incomparable to Iran under many aspects (much smaller domestic market, much fewer natural ressources, less allies, smaller diaspora, no geostrategically crucial location etc), hence why sanctions affect it differently.

It has everything to do with Islamic Iran's anti-imperialist and anti-zionist foreign policy, which primarily revolves around Tehran's principled and selfless assistance to the Palestinian Resistance (but isn't limited to it, given how Iran is challenging zio-American hegemony across the entire region and beyond). Hence the rabid, out-of-the-ordinary hostility, unprecedented propaganda campaign, recurrent sabotage and terrorism as well as the extensive sanctions regime Iran has been subjected to by global hegemonic powers right from 1979 onward.

Another proof for this is that the west has always explicitly and clearly treated the nuclear deal or JCPoA as a first step towards similar agreements on Iran's regional policy and ballistic missile arsenal. The request for Tehran to end any and all military support to the Palestinian Resistance (and to its other allies) is a permanent and prominent feature Washington's policy towards Iran.

Baseless slander and ad hominem / insult by a person with a bias against Islamic Iran and therefore shaken by the fact that Iran leads the way in supporting the Palestinian Resistance and in empowering the global struggle against zionism.


Original proposition: "we must applaud Islamic Iran for its unparalleled efforts in assisting and arming the Palestinian Resistance".

So yes, Iran's role has clearly been far more important and significant than that of any other state.

Of course the Syrian Arab Reoublic under the leadership of presidents Hafez and Bashar al-Assad, as well as Lebanon (mainly Hezbollah) have aided the Palestinian Resistance in various ways. Which is why Iran came to Syria's rescue when western-sponsored armed groups threatened to overthrow the government there.

Sudan is out of the picture since the recent western- and zionist-engineered "regime change". And when Khartoum was participating in this effort, it was actually in a close strategic and military cooperation with Islamic Iran inaugurated as far back as the early 1990's (Iran is the one which largely set up Sudan's local defence industries, and Sudan was in fact working with Tehran by allowing its territory to be used as a transit route for Iranian weapons destined to Gaza etc).

Tunisia, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are largely a thing of the past in this regard. Especially the monarchies of the Persian Gulf, which are currently engaged in a treasonous process of normalization with Tel Aviv.

But most importantly, evoking the past when the original proposition deals with the present, fulfills all criteria of how a the definition of a strawman argument.

Only after being attacked by the US. Under the same circumstances (i. e. if under an fully fledged, large scale military aggression by the US), Iran would not only fire ballistic missiles at the zionist regime, but take even more drastic measures.

One can only compare what is comparable. Obfuscating the circumstances in which an event takes places is profoundly unscientific, and will always lead to erroneous conclusions if not to baseless analogies like the one quoted above.

Worse sanctions, no. At present Iran is the most sanctioned country in history.

Worse consequences yes, but that is solely due to the fact that Iraq's degree of economic self-sufficiency and resilience was much lower than Iran's.

No exaggeration whatsoever on my part. Only facts, hard hitting ones, coupled with solid enough logic (however unpleasant for persons whose thinking may be marred by some long-standing, ingrained bias against Islamic Iran).

Ad hominem, reported.

Also, my comments yet need to be challenged in a logically and factually sound manner, which is far from having taken place.

Third ad hominem in a single post, a clear sign of desperation stemming from an incapacity to produce any valid counter-arguments.

Reminding some facts and giving credit where it's due (in this case, to Islamic Iran for its outstanding efforts and sacrifices in resisting zionism and imperialism, something Muslims and free people worldwide recognize and are grateful for) is not a sign of craziness nor does it necessarily point to a political agenda, it is actually something every person with a sense of dignity, equity and righteousness should want to do.

Trying to minimize or even deny Iran's role however, is playing into the hands of the zionist enemy.


Iran's sanctions are baby sanctions compared to Iraq's sanctions.

Airliners still fly in and out of Iran, Iraq had no fly zones in the 90s. There were no airliners, nothing was coming in or out in a normal way.

You write a lot, a lot of nonsense.

Iran's sanctions are baby sanctions compared to Iraq's sanctions.

Airliners still fly in and out of Iran, Iraq had no fly zones in the 90s. There were no airliners, nothing was coming in or out in a normal way.

Iran is the single most sanctioned country on earth right now. Fact.

Another fact is that Iran's economy is much more self-sufficient and developed than the Iraqi economy used to be back then. Hence why sanctions tend to affect Iran less.

As for airliners, there may be foreign airliners flying into and out of Iran, but their number is ridiculously low compared to any other country of comparable size. Even North Korea is still served by a limited number of international airlines.

Then, let's not pretend that Iraq's borders with Jordan, Islamic Iran and Turkey were being surveilled by the US regime, the UN or anybody else. A baseless assertion that would be.

Especially since Iran was actually the main source of black market exports into Iraq. As per the words of a former official (yavar has a video about this on YouTube).

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Obama Administration Designations by Country, January 2009–January 2017

Trump Administration Designations by Country, February 2017–June 2020

Overall Designations by Country, 2010–2020

You write a lot, a lot of nonsense.

Says a user whose posting activity here mostly consists of avowed trolling. Very funny indeed.
Ayotollahs pretending to support Palestine is one of the biggest PR scams in the Muslim world. Palestinians have always suffered when ayotollahs allied/backed factions have come into control in other countries. Iraq is one example where the Palestinians were subjected to atrocities. The americans and israelis have given them several reasons for war or to become far more aggressive such as the killing of Soleimani but the ayotollahs always become chicken when push comes to shove. It's a shame that neighbouring muslim countries like egypt betrayed the Palestinians and they have pretend to like ayotollahs for money for weapons.

Ayotollahs talk so much rubbish about doing xyz against Israel and America but the vast majority of their victims are innocent sunni arabs. Not much can be expected from a group of people like the IRGC who tried to bomb hajj. You will never find a more hypocritical people. They talk about freeing Palestine whilst they massacre syrian and iraqis and yemenis. Iran, alongside the UAE, are one of the biggest problems of the Muslim world.

Rather than talking about saving Palestine, it would more useful if Iran stopped killing arab Muslims in other countries first. Bonus points if they stopped training terrorists from Pakistan and Afghanistan who bring back their evil to our country.
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Every Resistance group in Palestine considers itself deeply grateful towards Qassem Soleimani and hasn't stopped praising him. Proof posted all along the thread.

The Palestinian Resistance are neither lunatics escaped from some mental asylum, nor pathologic liars with highly un-Islamic manners. We all trust their statements over unsubstantiated rhetoric by random internet users.

Lol, you are only lunatic here. Pakistani guy living in US using vpn with multiple accounts on forum while talking down others for being US residents. Put your real location flag up and don't feel shame about it.

"Avenge his blood". As if this was some schoolyard fight. Complex geopolitics call for sophisticated policymaking. As if every Palestinian official or Resistance member martyred by the zionists is avenged on a 1 to 1 basis.

Iranian regime consider their general life to be cheap. Did nothing to avenge him. This is the truth about this so called God like general of yours that you try to make him out to be.

That said, Iran directed its allies to conduct 300 attacks on US interests in Iraq over the past year alone, including the destruction of a secret CIA hangar in Erbil, struck US military bases in Ayn al-Assad and Erbil with ballistic missiles, and most probably had the CIA's top mastermind for the region, nicknamed "Ayatollah Mike", eliminated over the skies of Agfhanistan, in addition to rushing in to support Gaza during the recent war and increasing nuclear activities including uranium enrichment.

All fake stories.

Rest of your post was rhetorical gibberish spam as usual. No one will entertain it.
Ayotollahs pretending to support Palestine is one of the biggest PR scams in the Muslim world.

Documented facts about Iran's arms exports and tech transfer, as well as statements from Palestinian leaders themselves disprove this bogus claim.

Palestinians have always suffered when ayotollahs allied/backed factions have come into control. Iraq is one example where the Palestinians were subjected to atrocities.

Palestinians subjected to atrocities in Iraq? Rubbish.

The americans and israelis have given them several reasons for war or to become far more aggressive such as the killing of Soleimani but the ayotollahs always become chicken when push comes to shove.

300 attacks on US objectives in Iraq in just a year, destruction of a secet CIA hangar by Iranian drones in Erbil only weeks ago, probable elimination of CIA mastermind Michael D'Andrea, ballistic missile attacks on two US bases. Aggressive enough if I'm asked.

They talk so much rubbish about doing xyz against Israel and America but the vast majority of their victims are innocent sunni arabs.

Iran has not targeted any ordinary civilians. Also, apples and oranges and flawed analogy. Of course when faced with a technologically and economically much superior enemy, one will inflict less casualties. Which is why the Soviet Union beat Germany in WW2 despite losing 8.6 million troops while "only" inflicting slightly more than a million casualties on German forces.

Not much can be expected from a group of people like the IRGC who tried to bomb hajj.

No such thing. Saudis brutally crushing peaceful anti-zionist and anti-US demonstration which Iranian pilgrims organized, is what actually happened.

They talk about freeing Palestine whilst they massacre syrian and iraqis and yemenis.

Whilst being the only state actor to arm the Palestinian Resistance.
Ayotollahs pretending to support Palestine is one of the biggest PR scams in the Muslim world. Palestinians have always suffered when ayotollahs allied/backed factions have come into control in other countries. Iraq is one example where the Palestinians were subjected to atrocities. The americans and israelis have given them several reasons for war or to become far more aggressive such as the killing of Soleimani but the ayotollahs always become chicken when push comes to shove. It's a shame that neighbouring muslim countries like egypt betrayed the Palestinians and they have pretend to like ayotollahs for money for weapons.

Ayotollahs talk so much rubbish about doing xyz against Israel and America but the vast majority of their victims are innocent sunni arabs. Not much can be expected from a group of people like the IRGC who tried to bomb hajj. You will never find a more hypocritical people. They talk about freeing Palestine whilst they massacre syrian and iraqis and yemenis. Iran, alongside the UAE, are one of the biggest problems of the Muslim world.

Rather than talking about saving Palestine, it would more useful if Iran stopped killing arab Muslims in other countries first. Bonus points if they stopped training terrorists from Pakistan and Afghanistan who bring back their evil to our country.

It is all about PR for them, on top of PR campaign they come to try take credit for Hamas's military resistance while they share multiple borders with Israel, and have a ton more weapons, but scared to fire one rocket at Israel. All they are good for is killing Muslim baby's and Iraqi Shia activists who speak out against them.
Lol, you are only lunatic here. Pakistani guy living in US using vpn with multiple accounts on forum while talking down others for being US residents. Put your real location flag up and don't feel shame about it.

Go seek medical help. Your repeated delusions are started to get worrying.

Iranian regime consider their general life to be cheap.

No, they don't.

Did nothing to avenge him.

Did tons of things.

This is the truth about this so called God like general of yours that you try to make him out to be.

No such intention on my part, no. The quoted user should learn to read properly.

All fake stories.

All facts.

Rest of your post was rhetorical gibberish spam as usual. No one will entertain it.

Facts backed up by sound logic. Easily perceptible to every rational person.
300 attacks on US objectives in Iraq in just a year, destruction of a secet CIA hangar by Iranian drones in Erbil only weeks ago, probable elimination of CIA mastermind Michael D'Andrea, ballistic missile attacks on two US bases. Aggressive enough if I'm asked.

300 attacks, you mean firing one small rocket far outside US embassy, killing Iraqi civilians throughout the year. Never crossing US red lines, never achieving anything or impacting their mission in Iraq in any way. Just for PR purposes to save face.
Go seek medical help. Your repeated delusions are started to get worrying.

You go seek help dude, you are clearly triggered I'm ignoring your rhetorical spam. You are getting angrier by every post, it can be seen in your tone. Much of your anger is as a result of your fanatical mindset where Iran can't do anything wrong and you are having trouble defending some of their actions. Simply don't try taking credit for Hamas's Jerusalem uprising. It is not about you Iranians or your allies who is killing Muslim babies across the region and afraid to fire one rocket at Israel.
It is all about PR for them,

Palestinian leaders and hard facts disagree.

they come to try take credit for Hamas's military resistance

Never seen such a thing.

while they share multiple borders with Israel,

There is no legitimate state by the name of Isra"el". We don't want zionist-approved spelling in here, just as we don't want any mischaracterization of Iranian policy, another thing that serves only zionist interests.

Also, Iran shares "multiple borders" with Occupied Palestine? This person is not even familiar with basic geographic realities.

and have a ton more weapons, but scared to fire one rocket at Israel.

By that childish pseudo-logic, Hamas are the most scared people in the world. Never fire any rockets at the zionists unless the latter commit some new massacre. Despite the fact that >90% od Palestine is in a permanent state of occupation and colonization.

All they are good for is killing Muslim baby's and Iraqi Shia activists who speak out against them.

Zionist / western propaganda.
Iran is the single most sanctioned country on earth right now. Fact.

Another fact is that Iran's economy is much more self-sufficient and developed than the Iraqi economy used to be back then. Hence why sanctions tend to affect Iran less.

As for airliners, there may be foreign airliners flying into and out of Iran, but their number is ridiculously low compared to any other country of comparable size. Even North Korea is still served by a limited number of international airlines.

Then, let's not pretend that Iraq's borders with Jordan, Islamic Iran and Turkey were being surveilled by the US regime, the UN or anybody else. A baseless assertion that would be.

Especially since Iran was actually the main source of black market exports into Iraq. As per the words of a former official (yavar has a video about this on YouTube).

- - - - - - - - -

Obama Administration Designations by Country, January 2009–January 2017

Trump Administration Designations by Country, February 2017–June 2020

Overall Designations by Country, 2010–2020

Says a user whose posting activity here mostly consists of avowed trolling. Very funny indeed.


We were talking about the 90s. 1991-2003 Iraq sanctions.

Obviously Iraq isn't sanctioned anymore, yet ironically Iraq is a major shithole under the Iranian groups. Can't beat retardation more than these Iranian militias.
Says a user whose posting activity here mostly consists of avowed trolling. Very funny indeed.

That's right.

In Saddam's time you can't bribe a soldier or policeman, he will tear you a second asshole. Today bribing is the norm.

I hope Iraq's Shia are enjoying Iranian influence, they can keep swimming in shit till they decided they're done with it.

Iran's regional growth is a byproduct of American policy. If they wish to do so Iran's infrastructure is crippled. I don't want to see this happen as it didn't give me joy to see Israelis dancing, but you export a lot of shit to the Arab world. If you think my opinion is unpopular visit Iraq and see how done they are with you. Shias of Iraq today are missing Saddam. He's more popular than he has ever been.

Saddam the sheikh of the Arab world.
Palestinian leaders and hard facts disagree.

Never seen such a thing.

There is no legitimate state by the name of Isra"el". We don't want zionist-approved spelling in here, just as we don't want any mischaracterization of Iranian policy, another thing that serves only zionist interests.

Also, Iran shares "multiple borders" with Occupied Palestine? This person is not even familiar with basic geographic realities.

By that childish pseudo-logic, Hamas are the most scared people in the world. Never fire any rockets at the zionists unless the latter commit some new massacre. Despite the fact that >90% od Palestine is in a permanent state of occupation and colonization.

Zionist / western propaganda.

All you people are on this forum trying to take credit for Hamas's Jerusalem uprising and Jihad/Sacrifice it made to defend Jerusalem. Don't ever try taking credit for something you didn't do. And a decision you had nothing to do with.

No, Hamas is a pro-active Resistance movement which believes in Jihad against Israel, unlike the lying Iran and its allies which market themselves as pro-active Resistance groups and in turn go murder Muslim babies in other Muslim countries and try to spread Iranian influence there.
300 attacks, you mean firing one small rocket far outside US embassy killing Iraqi civilians throughout the year.

US propaganda.

Never crossing US red lines, never achieving anything or impacting their mission in Iraq in any way.

The US is being challenged all the time. If this is to say Iran should provoke a war like Saddam in his idiocy did, then the person who makes that claim is confusing Resistance with amateurism.

Just for PR purposes to save face.

Just to keep up the pressure on US occupation forces.

You go seek help dude, you are clearly triggered I'm ignoring your rhetorical spam.

I could not be more calm.

You are getting angrier by every post, it can be seen in your tone.

The opposite is actually the case.

Much of your anger is as a result of your fanatical mindset where Iran can't do anything wrong and you are having trouble defending some of their actions.

I have had zero trouble cutting right through the nonsense being peddled by three different users at once. No "anger" whatsoever on my part. Only gratitude towards Islamic Iran for its outstanding and selfless efforts in support of the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist cause.

Simply don't try taking credit for Hamas's Jerusalem uprising.

Haven't seen anyone do such a thing here. Islamic Iran's role will keep getting highlighted, like it or not.

It is not about you Iranians or your allies who is killing Muslim babies across the region and afraid to fire one rocket at Israel.

Iran is the only state actor arming the Palestinian Resistance at enormous political cost. Also, western- and zionist-backed terrorists sent to destroy Muslim nations aren't exactly "babies" in my book.

Hamas never throw a simple firecracker at Isra"el" under normal circumstances. Only when 9 Palestinian children are murdered and al-Aqsa raided will Hamas lift a finger.
Zionist / western propaganda.

Nah not really, I've spoken to fam in Baghdad. Your Militias killed a lot of innocent people. It's the reason why your consulates are getting torched every now and then

Iraq's army should start killing the militias like in 2007. I'll bet you Iran won't do anything, if they will America will lite you up again like soleimani. Kek
US propaganda.

Nope, it's the truth.

I could not be more calm.

You are fuming.

I have had zero trouble cutting right through the nonsense being peddled by three different users at once. No "anger" whatsoever on my part. Only gratitude towards Islamic Iran for its outstanding and selfless efforts in support of the anti-zionist and anti-imperialist cause.

You are suffering from delusions of grandeur. And other delusions in general which is evident by the crazy stuff you're writing. You live in alternate reality which is being kept up Iranian regime knows how to play game for PR purposes. If they put their rhetoric/lies into practice, your alternate reality will be shattered very easily. This is why they just sit on the side and watch while Hamas lead the pro-active resistance and jihad against Israel. And Iran and allies just kill Muslim babies.

Hamas never throw a simple firecracker at Isra"el" under normal circumstances. Only when 9 Palestinian children are murdered and al-Aqsa raided will Hamas lift a finger.

You are jealous liar that is jealous of Hamas and hates Hamas. And wanting to take credit for their Jihad and Sacrifice. Hamas is the only pro-active Resistance group in the world, whether you like it or not. They never limited their cause to defending Gaza, and are active in defending all of Palestine. You advocate national defense policy which is no different than any other country in region. And are against initiating Jihad against Israel. You are a Zionist by heart. Who hates Muslims and wants Iran to continue killing Muslim babies in region to achieve Persian domination.

Your jealousy towards Hamas will not change anything. They will drag you into war if it is reignited again, against your will. And your alternate reality will be shattered.

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