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Beaten and humiliated for being a Muslim in India


Aug 22, 2019
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Beaten and humiliated for being a Muslim in India
By Geeta Pandey
BBC News, Delhi
Published50 minutes ago
A Muslim man was paraded through the streets as his crying daughter begged the mob to stop hitting him
image captionA Muslim man was paraded through the streets as his crying daughter begged the mob to stop hitting him
Unprovoked attacks on Muslims by Hindu mobs have become routine in India, but they seem to evoke little condemnation from the government.
Last month, a video that went viral on social media showed a terrified little girl clinging to her Muslim father as a Hindu mob assaulted him.
The distressing footage showed the 45-year-old rickshaw driver being paraded through the streets of Kanpur, a city in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, as his crying daughter begged the mob to stop hitting him.
His attackers asked him to chant "Hindustan Zindabad" or "Long Live India" and "Jai Shri Ram" or "Victory to Lord Ram" - a popular greeting that's been turned into a murder cry by Hindu lynch mobs in recent years.
He complied, but the mob still kept hitting him. The man and his daughter were eventually rescued by the police. Three men arrested for the attack were freed on bail a day later.
A few days later, another viral video surfaced showing a Muslim bangle-seller being slapped, kicked and punched by a Hindu mob in Indore, a city in the central state of Madhya Pradesh. The attackers could be heard abusing Tasleem Ali and telling him to stay away from Hindu areas in future.

In a police complaint, he later alleged that he had been "beaten by five-six men who hurled communal slurs at him for selling bangles in a Hindu-dominated area and robbed him of money, his phone and some documents".
But in a strange turn of events, Ali himself was arrested the next day after the 13-year-old daughter of one of his alleged attackers accused him of molesting her. His family and neighbours have strongly denied the accusation. They said it was inconceivable that the father of five would do something like that.
And eyewitnesses, quoted in the Indian press, said he was attacked because of his religious identity and the molestation accusation against him seemed to be an afterthought.
The two attacks were among several instances of anti-Muslim violence in August, but the last month by no means was cruellest for India's biggest religious minority group, with a population of more than 200 million.
A 'Not in my Name' protest against anti-Muslim killings in India in Delhi, on June 28, 2017
image captionCritics say anti-Muslim violence has risen sharply since 2014 under the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Similar attacks were reported in the preceding months too - and many made headlines.
"The violence is overwhelming. It's rampant and common and also very acceptable," says Alishan Jafri, a freelance journalist who's been documenting attacks on Indian Muslims for the past three years.

He says he comes across "three-four such videos every day" but is able to verify only one or two which he then shares on social media.
Religious faultlines have existed in India for a long time but, critics say, anti-Muslim violence has risen since 2014 under the Hindu nationalist government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"Communal violence is not a recent phenomenon, but it grows in sync with the strategies of those in power and political mobilisation," Prof Tanvir Aeijaz, who teaches politics science at Delhi University, told the BBC.
"The distrust was always there but cleavages have been sharpened now by religious nationalism and ethno-nationalism."
During Mr Modi's first term in power, there were numerous incidents of Muslims being attacked by so-called "cow vigilantes" over rumours that they had eaten beef, or that they were trying to smuggle cows - an animal many Hindus consider holy - for slaughter.
The prime minister did not condone such attacks, but was criticised for not condemning them quickly or strongly enough either.

Prakash Javadekar, a senior BJP leader, told the BBC that "the government believes that lynching is bad, wherever it happens. But law and order is a state subject and it is their responsibility to deal with it".
He then went on to accuse the media of "biased and selective journalism" by focusing on attacks on Muslims.
"If you look at official data, there were 160 Hindus among the 200 people who were lynched. People of all faiths were targeted," he said, but did not give details of where the data could be found. India does not gather such data.
In 2019, a fact-checker website that counted "hate crimes" in India reported that more than 90% of victims in the past 10 years were Muslims.
A screen grab of the viral video showing a bangle-seller being assaulted in Indore
image captionA screen grab of the viral video showing a bangle-seller being assaulted in Indore
And the perpetrators of the attacks remain unpunished amid accusations that they enjoy political patronage from Mr Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party after a government minister garlanded eight Hindus convicted for lynching a Muslim.
"Such attacks have become so common in our country today only and only because of the impunity these thugs enjoy," says Hasiba Amin, a social media co-ordinator for the opposition Congress party.
"Today hate has gone mainstream. It is cool to go attack Muslims. The hate mongers are also rewarded for their actions."
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Read more from Geeta Pandey
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Critics say since Mr Modi's return to power for a second term in 2019, the anti-Muslim violence has expanded in its scope.
Sometimes, the violence is not even physical and takes a more subtle, insidious form that appears aimed at vilifying and demonising the minority community. For example:
  • Last year, as Covid-19 began to take hold of India, Hindu leaders, including Mr Modi's ministers and party colleagues, accused Muslim men, who had attended a religious gathering in Delhi, of "corona jihad" by indulging in behaviour that would spread the virus
  • Then followed "roti jihad" which included wild allegations that Muslim cooks were spitting on roti - handmade bread - to spread the virus to Hindus
In recent months, several states have introduced laws to curb "love jihad" - an Islamophobic term fringe Hindu groups use to imply that Muslim men prey on Hindu women to convert them to Islam through marriage.
The laws are being used to harass and jail Muslim men in interfaith relations with Hindu women. Last December, the plight of a pregnant Hindu woman, who was forcibly separated from her Muslim husband, made headlines when she suffered a miscarriage.
A Muslim protest in Mumbai on 28 June against the recent mob lynching of Tabrez Ansari in Jharkhand state
image captionMuslims protest against the mob lynching of Tabrez Ansari in June 2019
Muslim women haven't been spared either - in July, dozens of them found they had been put up "for sale" online. In May, many of them, including Ms Amin of the Congress party, were offered in a mock online "auction".
And last month, participants at a rally, organised by a former BJP leader in Delhi, shouted slogans calling for Muslims to be killed.
"It's a very sustained, organised campaign by nationalist politicians to radicalise Hindus into believing that Muslims need to be marginalised if Hindus are to progress," says Mr Jafri.
Prof Aeijaz says the attack on working class Muslims, such as tailors, fruit vendors, electricians, plumbers and bangle sellers, is also an attempt to take control of the political economy and jobs through religious nationalism.
"The religious divide has deepened. The distrust has deepened. But the hate is also for profit. The idea it to make Muslims the other, the enemy.
"The process of creating the other is by propagating the idea that if we don't destroy the other, we will be destroyed. So you stoke hate, create fear, and violence is part of this larger narrative."
But religious nationalism, Prof Aeijaz says, is a dangerous idea that can lead to sectarian violence.
"The buck stops with the political executive in a parliamentary democracy. How long can they look the other way?"
The Indian Muslims need to pickup AK-47S and make another Pakistan.

Well you have some Pakistanis saying we should have never split some imageinery strength in numbers nonsense they spewing. What good is numbers when the arms are with Hindus.

IMs need to pop a few heads open, and sadly they can’t even learn from the Afghans they imported cause their cucks to.
Ali himself was arrested the next day after the 13-year-old daughter of one of his alleged attackers accused him of molesting her.
You can not go around molesting little girls and get away with it.

Good job by the good samaritans who roughed him up and handed him to the police, the law will now take its course and handle it.
You can not go around molesting little girls and get away with it.

Good job by the good samaritans who roughed him up and handed him to the police, the law will now take its course and handle it.

Another fake claim by alleged attackers who were inciting others to beat him because he was a muslim.

First they claimed he was a pakistani because he had two adhar cards , when that lie was busted he is accused of molesting girls.

India is turning into a communal sh!thole.
You can not go around molesting little girls and get away with it.

Good job by the good samaritans who roughed him up and handed him to the police, the law will now take its course and handle it.

The concept of equality and fairness does not exist in the depraved society that you belong. Therefore, it is quite natural for members of the depraved society to concoct lies to blame the victim. Unsurprisingly, members of the depraved society on this forum will happily defend and support any injustice.
Human rights are granted by God and guarded by humans, but in a culture which equates animals to humans, or elevates animals above humans, human rights are alien. Hindus are in delusion they have a morally advanced civilization.

Wikipedia: Human rights
Human rights are moral principles or norms[1] for certain standards of human behaviour and are regularly protected in municipal and international law.[2] They are commonly understood as inalienable,[3] fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being"[4] and which are "inherent in all human beings",[5] regardless of their age, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status.[3] They are applicable everywhere and at every time in the sense of being universal,[1] and they are egalitarian in the sense of being the same for everyone.[3] They are regarded as requiring empathy and the rule of law[6] and imposing an obligation on persons to respect the human rights of others,[1][3] and it is generally considered that they should not be taken away except as a result of due process based on specific circumstances.[3]
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You can not go around molesting little girls and get away with it.

Good job by the good samaritans who roughed him up and handed him to the police, the law will now take its course and handle it.

muslims should be use to with it now . jab bhi bahir gya 2-4 thapar muka laat kha ker gher aya :rofl:
You can not go around molesting little girls and get away with it.

Good job by the good samaritans who roughed him up and handed him to the police, the law will now take its course and handle it.
Why are you so quick to believe one side and not the other?

I do believe Modi or Shah should make a public statement declaring how such anti-Muslim hate crimes will not be tolerated. A public show of strength from the highest office goes a long way.
Why are you so quick to believe one side and not the other?

I do believe Modi or Shah should make a public statement declaring how such anti-Muslim hate crimes will not be tolerated. A public show of strength from the highest office goes a long way.

Yeah but they won't will they

Do you know why??

Because 👇👇👇👇

Yeah but they won't will they

Do you know why??
They probably wont because of vote bank politics. Both camps (BJP & opposition) rely on creating sectarian rifts to win elections.
This is not Vajpayee's BJP anymore but Modi's.
I do hope better sense may prevail on the electorate in 2024.
I do not want Rahul led Congress but I dont want Modi / Yogi / Shah led BJP as well at the helm.

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