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US warned Israel over Chinese push to get defense tech

Meanwhile... real Israel, real world facts.



I guess China should stop USA from gaining Chinese hand held drone jammers! even such low tech (for China) hand held jammers like this commercial HIKvision before USA gains it through straw companies working in and with Israel! lololol same level of stupidity and exaggeration and USA does every single day. Whining and bitching about nothings non stop.



Oh and I guess since 2018 when they planned to, they have yet to replace even Chinese DJI supplied drones to Israel. Meanwhile China ALREADY has all those toys shown in previous page for years to decades and yet Israel has no such thing as GJ-11, WZ-7, WZ-8, Soar Dragon, Divine Eagle, An Jian UCAV, and so on.

Meanwhile Chinese own anti-drone systems that are already very old.



This above small vehicle mounted one replaced by this.


and this...


and we're the ones after tech?? LOL

China's drone swarm level that is shown to public for years. Not sensitive variants.



AI for autonomous controlled drone swarms since 2017 at least.

No other country ever even shown ANY level of autonomous control of drone swarms.
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MF-STAR, Iron dome to begin with

Did not steal...your guy defected.
MF-STAR? You're making me fun. Only garbage countries want that kind of garbage radar. Do you know 346B? The world's only digital array radar, it has four bands.

Why do you think China needs Iron Dome? Why don't you say China needs mekava? Merkava is the most manned tank in the world, or it is the thickest armored infantry combat vehicle in the world. What a special existence!
MF-STAR, Iron dome to begin with

Did not steal...your guy defected.

1. Only expressUK (LOLOLOL) printed that bullshit story and one random zero level Indian tweet. The best in credibility... indians and Anglo tabloid that constantly prints stories about 100000 year old aliens building Egyptian pyramids.

2. No Chinese like cricket to be that much of a fan.

3. AVIC technician is what ExpressUK claims but AVIC is aeronautical only. DF-17 program was not an AVIC program. Some CASC sub group maybe CALT, maybe CASIC, maybe CAST, or the handful others along with government military branches. Even the source says he's only a technician... if he even exists at all... and if he exists, if he's not a plant and double agent.

And we really don't know MF-STAR or Iron dome compared to any other BMD system or AD system in the world. None have been tested in real world circumstance against any credible adversary ever.

China does not need Israeli UAV technology. On the contrary, China needs to prevent the United States from stealing China's UAV technology.

In fact, only drip irrigation technology in agriculture in Israel can interest China.

View attachment 811650

Comparing MF-Star to Type 346B is like comparing MR-710 Fregat or Type 382 to SPY-6 ... basically LOL

MF-Star is at best barely Type 346 level, it cannot touch Type 346A and is three layers of advancement short of Type 346B. Type 346B has access to the power pool of 055's full 142 (most likely underestimated) megawatts produced. A kolkata produces in total no more than 67MW of power. Less than half.
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Can China obtain data and intel on F-35 through Israel? If it can then this is definitely something it would want to do and these accusations will have merit. Of course China would try to.

Totally agree, with F-35 and any other field the US "still" have superiority
What particular technology does Israel have that China still covet in 2022?

Israeli companies exported cruise missiles to China without permit​

Three Israeli companies were indicted for exporting cruise missiles to China without a permit.​


Published: DECEMBER 20, 2021 21:25
Updated: DECEMBER 20, 2021 21:34
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 Military vehicles carrying hypersonic cruise missiles DF-100 drive past Tiananmen Square during the 70th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China in Beijing (photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

Military vehicles carrying hypersonic cruise missiles DF-100 drive past Tiananmen Square during the 70th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China in Beijing
(photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

Three Israeli companies and 10 suspects were indicted on Monday after they were found to have exported cruise missiles to China without a permit.

The Economic Department of the State Attorney informed the suspects that it would be filing an indictment on charges of committing security offenses, offenses in the field of weapons, offenses under the Defense Export Control Law, offenses under the Anti Money Laundering Law and more.

Ephraim Menashe, the owner of the Solar Sky company, which manufactures cruise missiles, among other things, brokered a deal with entities from China who were competing for a tender to provide cruise missiles to the Chinese military.

The deal was mediated by Zion Gazit and Uri Shachar, the owners of a security consulting company, which deals in consulting and mediation between foreign investors and Israeli tech companies.

Menashe also hired Zvika and Ziv Naveh, the owners of Innocon, which produces UAVs for intelligence purposes. Menashe also recruited other people who worked to produce cruise missiles and all their parts.

Shin Bet, Israel Police investigate 20 Israelis for developing and selling cruise missiles to country in Asia (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
Shin Bet, Israel Police investigate 20 Israelis for developing and selling cruise missiles to country in Asia (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)

The suspects produced dozens of cruise missiles and performed a number of tests with them in Israeli territory, endangering human life, according to the State Attorney. The missiles were transferred to China in a concealed manner and Menashe received millions of dollars in return which he disguised as part of his connections with a foreign company.

The weapons were not used by the Chinese military in the end.

The case is being investigated by the Unit of International Crime Investigations in Lahav 433 organization of Israel Police.

In February, over 20 Israelis were interrogated by the Shin Bet and Israel Police on suspicion that they developed, manufactured, and traded illegal weapons with a country in Asia.

The investigation also found that the suspects received operational orders from people tied to this foreign country, and received money and other benefits in return.
Lol DF-100 was developed years before this alleged Israeli selling some undefined cruise missiles to China.

Israel has no hypersonic missiles like DF-100. Israel has no scramjet technology certainly none in service like DF-100's.

They used a random picture with no connection to the story they wrote.

Now let's ask what cruise missiles they allegedly sold China. Then establishing that, how did China use those? Maybe China just wanted to buy a few American ones (that are used by Israel) to determine weaknesses and see how the Americans are doing? Exploiting whatever intel they can gather from it?

It is unlikely to be used after all the article says itself that "The weapons were not used by the Chinese military in the end."

Whatever these weapons even were. Only millions of dollars?! That's like a few anti-tank missiles or something.

This is what they sold to some buyer... maybe not even the state.


Some Chinese high school kids could make this in their spare time lol

Israeli companies exported cruise missiles to China without permit​

Three Israeli companies were indicted for exporting cruise missiles to China without a permit.​


Published: DECEMBER 20, 2021 21:25
Updated: DECEMBER 20, 2021 21:34
 Military vehicles carrying hypersonic cruise missiles DF-100 drive past Tiananmen Square during the 70th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China in Beijing (photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)'s Republic of China in Beijing (photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

Military vehicles carrying hypersonic cruise missiles DF-100 drive past Tiananmen Square during the 70th founding anniversary of People's Republic of China in Beijing
(photo credit: THOMAS PETER/REUTERS)

Three Israeli companies and 10 suspects were indicted on Monday after they were found to have exported cruise missiles to China without a permit.

The Economic Department of the State Attorney informed the suspects that it would be filing an indictment on charges of committing security offenses, offenses in the field of weapons, offenses under the Defense Export Control Law, offenses under the Anti Money Laundering Law and more.

Ephraim Menashe, the owner of the Solar Sky company, which manufactures cruise missiles, among other things, brokered a deal with entities from China who were competing for a tender to provide cruise missiles to the Chinese military.

The deal was mediated by Zion Gazit and Uri Shachar, the owners of a security consulting company, which deals in consulting and mediation between foreign investors and Israeli tech companies.

Menashe also hired Zvika and Ziv Naveh, the owners of Innocon, which produces UAVs for intelligence purposes. Menashe also recruited other people who worked to produce cruise missiles and all their parts.

Shin Bet, Israel Police investigate 20 Israelis for developing and selling cruise missiles to country in Asia (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)
Shin Bet, Israel Police investigate 20 Israelis for developing and selling cruise missiles to country in Asia (credit: ISRAEL POLICE)

The suspects produced dozens of cruise missiles and performed a number of tests with them in Israeli territory, endangering human life, according to the State Attorney. The missiles were transferred to China in a concealed manner and Menashe received millions of dollars in return which he disguised as part of his connections with a foreign company.

The weapons were not used by the Chinese military in the end.

The case is being investigated by the Unit of International Crime Investigations in Lahav 433 organization of Israel Police.

In February, over 20 Israelis were interrogated by the Shin Bet and Israel Police on suspicion that they developed, manufactured, and traded illegal weapons with a country in Asia.

The investigation also found that the suspects received operational orders from people tied to this foreign country, and received money and other benefits in return.

Be reasonable with this claim at least. You know very well China's cruise missiles technology has been around and done for decades and this garage set up "cruise missile" looks like some infantry use type maybe similar to swarm drone unit.

He asked what technology China covets from Israel and the answer isn't given at all in your article. If so then provide it. The article has zero details on the actual missile. Cruise missiles have been made by China since 1980s.
Ephraim Menashe, the owner of the Solar Sky company, which manufactures cruise missiles, among other things, brokered a deal with entities from China who were competing for a tender to provide cruise missiles to the Chinese military.

The weapons were not used by the Chinese military in the end.

Have you read your article carefully?
Israeli enterprises and some Chinese enterprises (must be private small enterprises, otherwise the article will publish the company's name) jointly bid for parts of a project of the Chinese military.
The Chinese military thought the technology was too poor and didn't choose them.

I remind you that there are always hundreds of enterprises bidding for many military projects in China. For example, 054A has more than 100 shipbuilding enterprises participating in the bidding.
Those "cruise missiles" lol they look like shit and 10km ranged swarm drones. They were probably sold to arms dealers who sell to other countries or organizations.

Chinese FN-6 missiles were bought by American agents and Saudi Arabia then sold to FSA during Syrian war starting and other various groups.

Same as Chinese anti tank missiles. Acquired by Israel, US, KSA and then sold to groups attacking Assad and Russia.

Arms dealers and private enterprises.

China has for over a decade CJ-10 and DH-100 and many more real cruise missiles the Iraelis don't have. This isn't even a real cruise missile from the Israeli private enterprise but some modified drone with a warhead.


What a pathetically sad thing to claim that China's cruise missiles depend on Israel LOL. China had cruise missiles before Israel developed the nuke.

Look at this stuff from "private enterprises" and arms dealers trafficking Chinese weapons bought by Israeli, American agents and country Saudi Arabia then got into hands of various groups (terrorist or freedom fighter whatever).



It's very flattering of Israeli media to call that modified drone they're making in a garage as a cruise missile.

It's probably some deal between arms traffickers. They want to call them Chinese due to their propaganda efforts whatever. Doesn't change China's real experts working on proper cruise missiles and groundbreaking tech like DF-100 and the newer sodramjet hypersonics.

These idiots think they are the best and only people who can think and work.

LOL This "Solar Sky" supa weapon maker of Israel is a UAV maker and an unknown one with no well known products and zero high technology products.

It had some shady deals with some arms traffickers and neither party should be associated with the countries or governments. Probably selling some rubbish home made level drones as calling them "cruise missiles" (nice effort from Israeli media) to sell to some Israeli funded mercenary groups the rest of us call "terrorists" or "freedom fighters". Using criminals and weapons traffickers to do so.

And some idiots think too much of this because they have such a grand sense of themselves.

This is Israeli tech from "Solar Sky"... which looks worse than the DJI drones China sells to Israel.


This is Chinese military tech from CCP.



Just because Times of Israel puts both photos together doesn't mean anything except the typical misleading effort from media and propagandists.

It's like putting a beautiful girl's photo onto a profile who is wearing a hairband that is the same as an ugly girls and then saying the beautiful girl is the same and derived from the ugly one :cheesy:
:cheesy: :cheesy:

I never realized Israel was this low.
In last 10 years, Israel has not even been in the top 10 of world's leader of patent filling. The top 5 are China, the US, Japan, Korea and Germany. Israel is probably behind even Taiwan and Singapore in patents. That is real innovation, not media-invented innovation, as in the cases of Switzerland or Israel.

Despite all the rhetoric by Western media, could never understand what Israel has "innovated" or invented in last 50 years.

Among the smaller countries, Taiwan is leading in semiconductors, Korea is leading in virtually many things, but what the world must buy from Israel? Nothing. Of course, it can make some good software, some small arms, assemble some relatively good tanks or missiles, manufacture relatively effective "Iron Dome", etc. but even North Korea is far ahead in these fields. That's why Vietnam seems to have stopped all major military projects with Israel, since we realize we can do such works by ourselves

One thing which you can't beat them at is "How to milk the USA" and no one knows this better than them.
One thing which you can't beat them at is "How to milk the USA" and no one knows this better than them.

A lot of Vietnamese people, including me, admire Israel, although we generally support Palestinian. As a small country, surrounded by hostile nations, they have done something right.

However, let's give them the due respect for what they have actually achieved, not for the imaginary or over-hyped achievements painted by Western media.
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