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Hijab - An Elegant Fashion

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This is not the type of Hijab Islam tells to observe. Few mullah has themselve messed Islam with these type of things!

I think it's really ugly, i hate it.

When i was in Pakistan i only seen 1 woman covering herself like that.
says who?

There is absolutely no prohibition on using multiple colours within the Ahadith...

This is where the Mullahs make it so ludicrous my dear... be careful...

Now i hate this :angry:
adding things from them selves, and making the religion look bad.
Since when did Islam become a simple dress code?? By defining ourselves by a particular form of dress, we denigrate our great religion and also our civilization.

The Hijab of the heart is the most important, so modesty in your gaze both for men and women is important.
She can show her face and hands and carry an AK 47 also...

haha... and why does it always have to be black... Let it be a combination of colours...

Burqa is not Islamic.. people who think Burqa is what Islam wants from a women then those are mistaken. Wearing Burqa is uncomfortable and you cannot eat while wearing that. Muslim women are asked to cover head and body parts except face, hands and feet. Look at Hijab at the time of Haj is what Allah may want from a women.

An Amazing article by a girl who wanted to realize how it feels being Muslim and started wearing Hijab for whole 1 month. At the end of 30 days long experiment, she says..

I’ve been asked, “Will you wear the hijab when it’s over?” and initially, I didn’t think I would — because I’m not Muslim, I don’t personally believe in hijab. Now that I see it hanging on my wall and I am able to reflect on the strength it gave me, I think, yes, when I need the headscarf, I might wear it.

Ashraf said, “A non-Muslim woman who wears a hijab is just wearing a headscarf.” (and apparently, my face “looks better.”) Appearances aside, when I wore the hijab, I felt confident and focused. I wore the hijab to a news conference for Rand Paul, and although an event coordinator stopped me (just me, except for one elusive blogger) to check my credentials, I felt I accurately represented myself as an intelligent, determined journalist — I was not concerned with how I looked, but rather, I was focused on gathering the story.

A very interesting experiment.. worth reading I would say.
Resource URL: ?Undercover? in hijab: unveiling one month later | Ikhwanophobia
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