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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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so now u say salman taseer knew better islam then other people??? while drinking and getting drunk in public???
No sir i did not mention it in my post that salman taseer knew better islam then other people???

haman to 12 islamee month kai nam tak nehai ate to phar kai ata ho ga.........
So is Afia Siddiqui. What's your point?

Blasphemy law is a bad law. Period
. Enough has been said on that.

You don't get to decide that , the bill should be presented to the parliament and they should decide if it stays as it is or should be amended.

Its the democratic right of the Pakistani people to run their country how ever they want to run it.

When French parliament decided that muslim women cannot wear a piece of cloth on and around their head and face and when swiss decided that Muslims aren't allowed to build few meters of concrete over the mosques it wasn't received pleasantly in the wider international community.

People thought that it is discrimination but French and swiss people pulled the middle finger in international community's face because the decision was taken by the french and swiss people and they were democratic decisions.

IF the majority of the Pakistani people decide that Blasphemy laws stay , no one has the right to tell them what to do as its their democratic right same as it was for the french and swiss.
One person, who had announced reward for murder of Salmaan Taseer, has been arrested. Hope the same goes for others of his rank and an example is made.
and what means would that be if they continue you would resort to violence or even murder then ?

Then we draw laws and if the dont obey it the get punished u can't let somebody steal or rob ppl u book them

so now u say salman taseer knew better islam then other people??? while drinking and getting drunk in public???

so wht u mean is if someone didn't know better Islam should be killed.
God help us.
and what means would that be if they continue you would resort to violence or even murder then ?

Yes. This is exactly what he is saying!

So are we still surprised that religious-vigilante has killed Salman Taseer or we continue to lazily believe that it is a PPP conspiracy to bring another 'Shaheed' for political gains?

Oh, Taseer's killer has already managed to find at least a moderate level of support, if not approval in the blogspace. Shudder! This support is not coming from some small villager from inner Sindh or FATA or from some 'pind' from Punjab. These are the self-righteous protector of the Faith. These are the urban well-fed. Often expats.

Indeed, as someone correctly points out above me, these are the ideological Talibans. They don't live in caves. They have the keyboards instead of the Kalashnikov. But the mentality is the same: Intolerance, hate, and violence.
I must admit i am very surprised at some of the childish comments i am reading. I am even more surprised at so many senior members who have double stands and end up resorting to calling people mullah/taliban just because they are against their opinion! Also, i dont think you can change peoples opions by banning them.
The FACT is majority of pakistanis dont want this law to be scrapped. but it seems like even though the vast majority of people in pakistan are not 'liberal' they are all seen as taliban/Mullah in the eyes of people who want to scrap this law!! :disagree:

I think there are two main issues being discussed in this thread:
-one is if it was right for Salman Taseer to be killed
- second is about taking this opportunity to go on a religion bashing and blaming 'Mullahs' and indirectly accusing the rest of the pakistan of being taliban because they want to support the blasphemy law!!

I am glad to say the first issue is not really an issue because majority of people on here agree that it was wrong for Salman to be killed! From what i know, I think there have been onlythe odd one or two people that have said it was good he got killed...so majority of people agree it was wrong so this is not really an issue!

This means the main issue through out this thread is people going on a religion bashing and then other people counter-arguing on this...

I think it is really sad seeing my own fellow pakistanis resorting to this...:(
There should be a stricter process to short-list and select personal body-guards.
Maybe there was. Maybe someone wanted to make sure the governor had a "body-guard" who was willing to murder him on command. That is something for investigators to uncover. So investigators shouldn't be connected to the bodyguard selection process themselves, or there is the untenable appearance of conflict of interest.
When you attack black people, they call it Racism.
When you attack Jewish people, they call it Anti-semetism.
When you attack women, they call it Sexism.
When you attack homosexuality, they call it Intolerance.
When you attack your country, they call it Treason.
When you attack a religious sect, they call it Hate Speech.
But when you attack Prophet Mohammad, they want to call it "Freedom of Speech"!!!!
Maybe there was. Maybe someone wanted to make sure the governor had a "body-guard" who was willing to murder him on command. That is something for investigators to uncover. So investigators shouldn't be connected to the bodyguard selection process themselves, or there is the untenable appearance of conflict of interest.

The killer acted out of his own accord, no need to politicize this issue.....
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