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Xi Jinping underestimates US resolve and power: MI6 Chief

Actually, it is the other way around which is why Western containment against China keeps failing disastrously.

The US always overestimates its adversaries. Perfect example is Russia in Ukraine, as it gets obliterated with less than $10B in US military aid.
The US always overestimates its adversaries. Perfect example is Russia in Ukraine, as it gets obliterated with less than $10B in US military aid.

Maybe lay off on the neolib rags.

Russia is about to seal off Ukraine from the sea. Europe's economy is going to crash. Inflation here is going through the roof.
Maybe lay off on the neolib rags.

Russia is about to seal off Ukraine from the sea. Europe's economy is going to crash. Inflation here is going through the roof.

Russia has already strategically lost, to the point where the US no longer considers the Russians a long term threat. Russia is done, and at minimal cost to the US.
Russia has already strategically lost, to the point where the US no longer considers the Russians a long term threat. Russia is done, and at minimal cost to the US.
Right, US has somehow negated Russia's strategic non-conventional assets. All them nuclear warheads and ICBMs are made of paper Mache.

China fell for the Putin trap, wondering if the cia is going to finish off the EU via Chabad-cia Putin or get the EU to back a war on China.

Inquiring minds want to figure this out.

Actually, it is the other way around which is why Western containment against China keeps failing disastrously.

The failure in Afghanistan was a pivot to East Asia. This Trump war vs the EU is to get rid of Chinese support in the EU with the hopes the euro crashes and the cia central bank of bitcoin is the new global currency.

The US always overestimates its adversaries. Perfect example is Russia in Ukraine, as it gets obliterated with less than $10B in US military aid.

This is a psy-op. The US cia is on the side of Russia to weaken the EU. The European community was an enemy of the US before China was. US built China, fattened China for a war to do a Trumpian total recall of the US built rich China with US money from globalism. That was in the plan 40 years ago. Kissinger knew this. China was built up so Europe does not get more powerful than the UK-US. That was the reasoning of the deepstate of Kissinger, to stop German and European rise 40 years ago. The political reason was against the USSR. Economic against continental Europe. China was used decades ago by Kissinger. Being used as pawn of Russia today. Kissinger and zionist cronies don't want a US vs Russia war. Yet, Trump was approved for a China war. Let that sink in. In 2021, with China being the greater threat, US plans to take out both enemies in the EU and China.

The Democrats are Washington loyalists and Trump is the face of the cia.

US DoD has taken the side of Ukraine in a US vs US war. China and Iran fell for the trap. Wondering if the US is going to snap the trap or destroy Europe instead.
Maybe lay off on the neolib rags.

Russia is about to seal off Ukraine from the sea. Europe's economy is going to crash. Inflation here is going through the roof.

More psy-ops. Because that is the cia plan. US cia allies own Russian oil and gas, which is the east and southern part of Ukraine, there is enough gas off Ukraine to help the EU ween off of Russian gas. This was found about a decade ago, and within months, Putin invaded Crimea, taking the gas too. There is going to be a cia bitcoin (dis)order from this crash of Europe. Inflation is planned by Washington to crash global currencies to usher in a bitcoin dystopia.

The entire global economy is run on debt, new money created. Bitcoin is fixed to 21 million max supply. Bitcoin is over 80% bought. Less than 2 million left. And of that 80% is mostly owned by the deepstate. Wall Street, big tech, trumpers, cia assets, bankers, etc own bitcoin. No new money ever created again. The entire globe desperate for those few bitcoins. To take out a loan would be very high interest rates. Bitcoiners could buy whole countries. The cia would own the globe in a few months and nobody would know. That is bitcoin. It is like Elon Musk owning 80% of Tesla stock and bankers owning the rest and making Tesla stock the only currency you can use globally. It is that insane. And bitcoin is going to be sold as the solution to hyperinflation that you are cheering for. It worse than watching a trainwreck. Grab some popcorn. China is about to get owned in 50 trillion ways.
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Russia has already strategically lost, to the point where the US no longer considers the Russians a long term threat. Russia is done, and at minimal cost to the US.
Don’t count the Russians out just yet. If they can bog down the weather the international consequences for a few years and rebuild their economic strength, they will be rebuild their military with all the lessons learned. Their economy depends on high gas/oil/wheat prices. Best way to take them down in the long turn is to sink commodity prices.

As for China, they are probably focused on their current economic issues more than anything else. With inflation the way it is, they don’t think decoupling will really happen, but even if it takes longer the trend lines indicate a big push for some amount of decoupling is about to happen. If China gets ahead of this and builds up friendly nations into decent sized economies tied together through BRI Projects, they can sustain their growth for quite some time.
That's nice vote of confidence from a guy, whose country can't seem to find a PM who can last more than 2 years. If they can now find a PM who at least doesn't look like donkey or buffoon, that would a be great achievement for that nation.
China fell for the Putin trap, wondering if the cia is going to finish off the EU via Chabad-cia Putin or get the EU to back a war on China.

Inquiring minds want to figure this out.

The failure in Afghanistan was a pivot to East Asia. This Trump war vs the EU is to get rid of Chinese support in the EU with the hopes the euro crashes and the cia central bank of bitcoin is the new global currency.

This is a psy-op. The US cia is on the side of Russia to weaken the EU. The European community was an enemy of the US before China was. US built China, fattened China for a war to do a Trumpian total recall of the US built rich China with US money from globalism. That was in the plan 40 years ago. Kissinger knew this. China was built up so Europe does not get more powerful than the UK-US. That was the reasoning of the deepstate of Kissinger, to stop German and European rise 40 years ago. In 2021, with China being the greater threat, US plans to take out both enemies in the EU and China.

The Democrats are Washington loyalists and Trump is the face of the cia.

US DoD has taken the side of Ukraine in a US vs US war. China and Iran fell for the trap. Wondering if the US is going to snap the trap or destroy Europe instead.

More psy-ops. Because that is the cia plan. US cia allies own Russian oil and gas, which is the east and southern part of Ukraine, there is enough gas off Ukraine to help the EU ween off of Russian gas. This was found about a decade ago, and within months, Putin invaded Crimea, taking the gas too. There is going to be a cia bitcoin (dis)order from this crash of Europe. Inflation is planned by Washington to crash global currencies to usher in a bitcoin dystopia.

The entire global economy is run on debt, new money created. Bitcoin is fixed to 21 million max supply. Bitcoin is over 80% bought. Less than 2 million left. And of that 80% is mostly owned by the deepstate. Wall Street, big tech, trumpers, cia assets, bankers, etc own bitcoin. No new money ever created again. The entire globe desperate for those few bitcoins. To take out a loan would be very high interest rates. Bitcoiners could buy whole countries. The cia would own the globe in a few months and nobody would know. That is bitcoin. It is like Elon Musk owning 80% of Tesla stock and bankers owning the rest and making Tesla stock the only currency you can use globally. It is that insane. And bitcoin is going to be sold as the solution to hyperinflation that you are cheering for. It worse than watching a trainwreck. Grab some popcorn. China is about to get owned in 50 trillion ways.

The US holds the most bitcoin at 27℅ but china is not far behind at 20℅. At a time china was the biggest miner.
Determination and strength cannot solve the national debt, reduce the gap between the rich and the poor in the United States, and reduce inflation. Think more about how to solve economic problems. If your competitors really underestimate you, it's a chance to win. Why remind.
US built China, fattened China for a war to do a Trumpian total recall of the US built rich China with US money from globalism.

Typical totally ignorant arrogant narcissistic shameless Westerners like Trump's view that US built China over the last 40 years. How did US build China, did US give free investment money to China for development ? No ! Did US send engineers, technicians , experts or workers to Chinese cities and countryside to help build Chinese cities, roads, railroads, airports, bridges. dams, factories and other infrastructures ? Absolutely not ! Did US transfer any technologies to China for free or any significant amount of key techs for that matter ? No ! Yes, US companies and shops such as most famous Coke Cola, McDonald's, KFC, Walmart and banks are there in China to purely make quick money from Chinese masses and they are not important for China's developments. Also, US investments in China over the past years are not significant at all, accounting for only 4.7 % out of total foreign investments in China. It is shameless of you Westerners to claim the credits of Chinese successful developments in the past 40 years, period !

See the below foreign money invested in China over the years, US contribution is not significant.

Top 15 investors in China to the end of 2014[1]
US$ billion%
Hong Kong746.946.5
British Virgin Islands141.88.8
United States75.44.7
South Korea59.93.7
Cayman Islands28.71.8
United Kingdom19.21.2

The largest source of foreign direct investment in China is what economist Barry Naughton calls “the China circle”, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau. Among the three locations, Hong Kong has remained the largest source since the mid-1980s.

FACT 4 :​


  • Hong Kong was the Mainland's largest source of realised foreign direct investment, accounting for about 53.3% of the national total as at end-2020, with the cumulative value reaching HK$10,094.2 billion (US$1,301.3 billion).
  • Hong Kong's investments in the Mainland concentrate largely in the Guangdong Province. In 2021, Guangdong Province's realised direct investment from Hong Kong reached RMB$143.2 billion, representing an increase of 20.4%.
  • Hong Kong's investments in the Mainland covers a wide range of economic activities, such as information and communications, real estate, professional and business services, financial services, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trades.

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Anyone who wants to sink everything into Bitcoin is a sucker. Sorry. At most and best Bitcoin is simply another currency.

Real assets >> Bitcoin or fiat.

They can hold and control all the Bitcoin but they still need to buy food, equipment, factories, houses, land, mines, Labor, materials, energy and so on. Those things are the real wealth the currency is just a measure and accounting tool to designate value. If they want to buy your house using Bitcoin and Bitcoin is dominant currency, then you get your market share of that value anyway.

You don't need to own Bitcoin, it is more important to own real assets. As a basic individual who is middle class or above this is in the form of houses, land, shares in various public companies, motor vehicles, and above all those, yourself - education, languages, experiences, knowledge, intelligence, usefulness basically and health to be productive with those basic individual attributes.

Bitcoin or RMB, USD or rubles whatever they are all a round way to get to those real assets.

Don't pump Bitcoin here. This conspiracies are wild and numerous but at most gamble what you can comfortably lose on Bitcoin if one must. It's not a terrible idea to hedge with Bitcoin a little.

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