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US kills al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in drone strike in Afghanistan


So, we finally have bases ?????
I won't be surprised if Bajwa allowed US drone to operate from Pak airspace. The truth will come out. There is a reason why the Americans are in Bajwa's knickers nowadays. More pressure against Bajwa if US drone operated from Pak airspace.
It's been known for months that USA is operating drones from Pakistan

I even made a thread on it.

How do you think they found him?! Drones

View attachment 867227

So, we finally have bases ?????
For months now

What I wonder is which one and what are the terms of agreement
Neutrals earning their slave master's kudos/bakhsheesh, pray tell what airspace/bases these drones are using?
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It's been known for months that USA is operating drones from Pakistan

I even made a thread on it.

How do you think they found him?! Drones

For months now

What I wonder is which one and what are the terms of agreement
Over a decade.
Neutrals earning their slave master's kudos/bakhsheesh pray tell what airspace/bases these drones are using?

Even giving airspace (overflight) is worrisome. IEA has repeatedly warned about foreign interference post NATO withdrawal.

Amreeka to drone attack karkay nikal jayega, phir pakistan taliban/ttp ka crosshair mein ajayega. Thus the never ending war..
Wonder what airspace was used to get to target? Looks like policy was reversed since IK was ousted.
Or IK was ousted so the policy could be reversed? ECP's judgement today is evidently a diversion tactic by property dealers.
Per US law official members of a foreign government are not allowed to be attacked as it would be considered an assassination.

This move was a signal to the Talibs to adhere to the Doha Agreement. Hopefully they got the message to not host any threats to countries beyond their borders.
You can look at it two ways: Either we were stupid or too idealistic.

No arguments there. But is that the best you got? :lol:
Or we have terrible allies?

Had the full reins been taken off the military - the result would be pretty different (and were when just SF and Loitering B-52s pushed the Taliban back out)

But, the allies in the Northern Alliance were just corrupt dirtbags whom the government wanted to work with - what is a army major to do when the sector he is assigned requires him to work with a warlord who is corrupt to the core and sodomizes young boys but higher ups say its the only choice?

To call it the military’s fault is unfair and falls more on the various government and state dept/pentagon bureaucracy that basically set it all up for defeat.

if true its great news
this scumbag recruited Osama and introduced brutal violence in the terror attacks including recorded executions and attacks on mass populations.
on the side note. this attack will be used by TTP to suspend the "peace" talks with pakistan.

another killing season will open both in Pakistan and Afghanistan to avenge the death of Zawahiri

America doesnt request permission in its attacks on Afghanistan

or Abbotabad.
Frankly - even IK wouldn’t dare beyond the public “Absolutely not” bravado to oppose a US strike.

You want to put the PAF up against the US military?
Then it would be expensive and beyond a drone but good luck doing anything against a F-35/ F-22 combo out of Dhafra which would stroll through Pakistani airspace with total impunity
Or we have terrible allies?

Had the full reins been taken off the military - the result would be pretty different (and were when just SF and Loitering B-52s pushed the Taliban back out)

But, the allies in the Northern Alliance were just corrupt dirtbags whom the government wanted to work with - what is a army major to do when the sector he is assigned requires him to work with a warlord who is corrupt to the core and sodomizes young boys but higher ups say its the only choice?

To call it the military’s fault is unfair and falls more on the various government and state dept/pentagon bureaucracy that basically set it all up for defeat.
So if you want to make social changes, are you going to wait until social workers arrive? Or 'voluntold' the military to do it? That is what happened in just about everywhere the US military engaged. Somewhere along the way, the US military WAS and WILL BE asked to do things a military, any military, is not structured to do. You can back to the ancient Romans, if you want, and you will see the same things. You send the military in to first do terrible things, then because they are already there, now you ask them to do debatable 'good' things, and expect them to succeed.


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