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Jordanians accuse 'palestinians' of stabbing them in the back, again.

Israel would decimate any force in the middle east, whether they attack together or individually.

That's your opinion. Why did you let Sinai go if you were in a such strong position? Clearly US thought they won't be able to save you next time.

Israel doesn't need those 4 billion, the US gives it to Israel because it boosts the US defense industry and because Israel upgrades the US weapons and saves billions on R&D.

Why get it as an aid when you can get it through R&D business dealings as you claimed.

Good morning lol, they're fighting them in Syria

Good Afternoon mate, I believe you meant this

Israel Impressed How Turkish Army Crushed Hezbollah In Idlib, Syria

No. Be realistic. You would be dead if Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Hezbollah and Iran launched a joint attack.

Egypt, Jordan already beaten in past, Saudi and UAE especially Saudis are dependent on US for defense same like Japan, S. Korea and even afraid from Turkey than Iran now a days. Forget Saudi, Egypt, Jordan will fight with Israel. And Iran will fight with them only by war threat in words.

This map was till 2012, now is 2022, Palestine map is shrinking day by day. Hizbullah,Hammas failed. Iranian Hizbullah failed to stop them.

Egypt, Jordan already beaten in past, Saudi and UAE especially Saudis are dependent on US for defense same like Japan, S. Korea and even afraid from Turkey than Iran now a days. Forget Saudi, Egypt, Jordan will fight with Israel. And Iran will fight with them only by war threat in words.

This map was till 2012, now is 2022, Palestine map is shrinking day by day. Hizbullah,Hammas failed. Iranian Hizbullah failed to stop them.

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Which part of "joint attack" dont you get? In a hypothetical situation, which could happen in a turbulent region in the not too distant future, a joint attack will leave you zionists no choice but to use nukes because you will get ransacked otherwise....then you will see Iranian nukes.
Which part of "joint attack" dont you get? In a hypothetical situation, which could happen in a turbulent region in the not too distant future, a joint attack will leave you zionists no choice but to use nukes because you will get ransacked otherwise....then you will see Iranian nukes.
Lol, already happened in 1967 and 1973. Didn't work too well for the Muslims. Israel would ground the air forces of the enemy, no matter how many of you stack up.

There will never be Iranian nukes.

Good Afternoon mate, I believe you meant this

Israel Impressed How Turkish Army Crushed Hezbollah In Idlib, Syria
Israel is viewing 2006 as a victory as well,if you don't agree with this, why are you taking Israel's word? Turkey still had way more casualties than Israel, more tanks destroyed, helicopters shot down, etc.
If Israel is pushed to the brink it'll definitely go nuclear. Full scale war with Israel now is not an option for any middle eastern country, with or without uncle sam.
Which part of "joint attack" dont you get? In a hypothetical situation, which could happen in a turbulent region in the not too distant future, a joint attack will leave you zionists no choice but to use nukes because you will get ransacked otherwise....then you will see Iranian nukes.
Your post is good source of entertainment.
Iranian Nukes?
Lol, already happened in 1967 and 1973. Didn't work too well for the Muslims. Israel would ground the air forces of the enemy, no matter how many of you stack up.

There will never be Iranian nukes.
Keep dreaming, Iran has old soviet nukes purchased in the black market. The issue is they are small, but they still have them. This is why Israel is scared and Iran is going underground and has a comprehensive BM program lol you must be mad if you think it's just for conventional use.

So Iran united with Arab states in 68 and 73? Lol are you sure about that? A hypothetical tag team between Arab states and Iran would be disaster for you hence why you're trying drive a divide between them, it's your only hope.

Your post is good source of entertainment.
Iranian Nukes?
So are yours to be fair. Yes from the black market when soviet union collapsed. They are small but Iran has the technology and is developing them underground.
Keep dreaming, Iran has old soviet nukes purchased in the black market. The issue is they are small, but they still have them. This is why Israel is scared and Iran is going underground and has a comprehensive BM program lol you must be mad if you think it's just for conventional use.

So Iran united with Arab states in 68 and 73? Lol are you sure about that? A hypothetical tag team between Arab states and Iran would be disaster for you hence why you're trying drive a divide between them, it's your only hope.
Lmfao sure

Iran doesn't scare us, we are bombing Iranians, killing their generals and scientists in the middle of their capital, attacking their drone factories and blowing up their nuclear facilities and all they can do is sit down and scream how they are going to wipe us out like a little child.

We divide and conquer because we are smart, not because we can't destroy everyone without it.
Lmfao sure

Iran doesn't scare us, we are bombing Iranians, killing their generals and scientists in the middle of their capital, attacking their drone factories and blowing up their nuclear facilities and all they can do is sit down and scream how they are going to wipe us out like a little child.

We divide and conquer because we are smart, not because we can't destroy everyone without it.
Hardly. They definitely scared you in 2006 and to think we're scared of you is also crazy. Iran are the kind of Muslims that rain BMs on US soldiers. This worries you.

Which nuclear facility have you blown up? All nuclear facilies are in tact and on schedule. A couple cannisters blowing up is nothing. Iran has fun hacking you and stealing valuable info. In fact, Iran can switch Israel off like a kettle! Lmao

You've assassinated a couple of scientists, with tit for tat assassinations happening in Israel. You can only do airstrikes in Syria which has limited success and has not deterred Iran in any way...if anything youve alienated your ally in Russia whereby they are not as warm with you as before. Talk about one step forward 3 steps back.

The only people crying right now are Israel about the deal which will be "very bad for Israel". So you admit you're malign and divisive, and not condusive to peace. This is why Israel is called a cancer and despite all these superficial normalisation deals, Israels enemies are getting stronger and entrenching. Your silly planes cant even reach Iran, and you know it, which is why your media has to lie about F35s going over Iranian territory without striking nuclear sites LOL your state can't even lie properly any more.
US....They sheltered your people. Fought your enemies. Provide Billions in military n economic assistance every year. Receive hatred from rest of the world in return for your diplomatic support. Still you think you can survive without them? How ungrateful

Sir, I respectfully disagree. Israel simply doesn't have the geographic depth or economy to sustain a war without US. If I was Israel I'd be worried the day all these neighbours unite. They couldn't even handle hizbullah. Iran is still a major threat out there. Bring in Egypt & Turkey do you think Israel can survive on it's owm? I know this is ideal scenario & possibility of these countries coming togather is next to zero but life is full of possibilities. With evolving tecnology the days of nuclear blackmail is long over. Hint (NK)
Yep. Bunch of ingrates. The US is controlled by the Zionist lobby and they show no gratitude for it.

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