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ROBO-SOLDIERS China unveils ‘Robocop’ exo-skeletons, gun wielding killer robot dogs & ‘X- ray’ tech to help soldiers see through walls

The Chinese drone helicopter lifts a heavy load to be transported to the frontline

Chinese PLA Military Augmented Reality System and Intelligent Squad Ecosystem

为提高部队遂行任务能力,我们以军用增强现实系统(Military Augmented Reality System,简称MARS系统)为单兵节点,以MESH战术自组网为神经网络,结合智能化无人平台和智能化的指控系统,组成了智能班组系统(Intelligent Squad Ecosystem),打造战场上的“万物互联”。



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Chinese PLA battle field wounded treatment and rescue​

Chinese PLA battle field wounded treatment and rescue Helicopter drones drop the medical supplies Exoskeleton wearing medics remove big barriers Robotic vehicles move in to carrry the wounded to safety

Mechanical Dog + individual UAV + gyrocopter + mechanical exoskeleton + intelligent helmet.

This can indeed become a new generation of equipment for future infantry. However, these are still only illusions and have not yet become reality.

BTW: I searched the civilian versions of these equipment and found that they were not expensive. It will not cost much to popularize these equipment to all soldiers.

Some robot dogs sell for only 8088 CNY ($1200) and can carry 50kg, it can carry a heavy machine gun and two or three hundred bullets:
View attachment 876429

DJI Mini se popular in Ukraine and Syria. The maximum load is 6kg and the maximum flight distance is 5km. Price: 1999CNY (290 US dollars):
View attachment 876432

Gyrocopter, the range is over 600 kilometers.
Reported cost of each craft is 30,000 CNY (4,480$)

Industrial mechanical exoskeleton, price 4528CNY (US $700).
View attachment 876433
IAm up for the exo skeleton mini drones and smart helmet but the robodogs seem out of place to me what will be there role? Just a begining step and a test bed for future human sized robo soliders?
IAm up for the exo skeleton mini drones and smart helmet but the robodogs seem out of place to me what will be there role? Just a begining step and a test bed for future human sized robo soliders?

they are light and provide extra firepower from the ground.
in a counterinsurgency scenario, imagine your urban outpost got surrounded and ambushed, the closest fire team is hours away and you can't just drone strike everything because of collateral damage. command could airlift these robo-dogs via drones in mere minutes and they can provide cross fire from different angles.
or, you know, have you seen black hawk down? when the helicopter pilots went down? imagine if they could get a dozen robo-dogs alongside them in 20 minutes, securing the flanks and such until an actual extraction team could make it there.
they can also be used to check rooms in case there are trip wires or a armed militant inside trying to ambush you.

in a peer-peer war, they could act as a flanking/scouting force along with smaller drones.
These dogs could be modified as mine sweeper robots, mine sweeper is a daunting job.
So this is how the globalists plan to keep control on populations.
Lockdowns, prisons, crush any dissent or govt disobedience

Otherwise why would these weapons be needed ??? To control and subjugate common man. Machines designed to instantly kill humans.

Truly dajjali world its becoming.
Otherwise why would these weapons be needed ??? To control and subjugate common man. Machines designed to instantly kill humans.

Truly dajjali world its becoming.
The west had been doing these for at least 300 years, why would people need cannons and bombers?
The west had been doing these for at least 300 years, why would people need cannons and bombers?
Exactly when you start seeing this at such minute level, something isn’t right. And since wars don’t happen everyday, these be used to suppress and subjugate people according to any agenda/govt to ensure compliance. The weapons mounted on those are instant killing….target is people who don’t comply……totalitarianism and fascism at its peak

Won’t be surprised to see these being used to bring in the new world order.(in every country)

China Builds Giant Walking Military Robot

9/7/2022 7:01:00 AM


This 'mechanical yak' is an absolute beast.​

This 'mechanical yak' is an absolute beast.

China claims to have built the 'world's largest quadruped bionic robot,' a gigantic 'mechanical yak' that can carry over 350 pounds at a shambling 6.2 mph.

and was capable of lugging 340 pounds at 4 mph.China's new robot yak is capable of moving forward, backward, and diagonally. According to state media, it can even "dash and jump."The country's military is apparently envisioning using it to lug materials including munitions and food through mountainous regions or deserts where conventional vehicles struggle.

More worryingly, the report also suggests the robot could be weaponized for recon missions — the equivalent of a drone, but on the ground.China also developed amuch more compact dog-sized quadruped, dubbed Geda, could also help schlep supplies in remote areas.



by Zaveria K October 13, 2022

China creates a dangerous robot, a drone that drops a robodog with a huge gun anywhere

Avideo showing a Chinese-made drone carrying a dangerous robot has begun to circulate on social media, and it appears to be a scene from a futuristic war film. As seen in the viral video that a four-legged robot was dropped by a drone that carried a huge gun around.

Although it’s not immediately clear whether the video was shot as part of a Chinese military practice or more likely as an attempt to demonstrate how the pairing will work, even without that information, the scene may provide a glimpse of the robot technology that could be used on future battlefields. China creates a dangerous robot, the one-minute video was first published on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo by a user who was either connected to or standing in for the regional defense business that, according to reports, produces the drone being used to launch the robot weapon, a robodog.

The customized semiautomatic assault rifle that the robot appears to be holding has been the standard service rifle for China’s paramilitary organizations and the People’s Liberation Army since 1995.

The drone is seen in the prologue of the video approaching the rooftop of a building in a plain urban setting while carrying a small, armed robot dog underneath its frame. The drone releases the robodog before taking off, operating as a sort of robotic dropship, and landing on the roof. The dangerous robot soon unfolds from its folded state and starts traversing its new environs with what appears to be a Chinese QBB-97 light machine gun attached to its back (known as a Type 95 LGM in the United States).

The 5.8x42mm QBB-97 shares around 70% of its components with the QBZ-95 assault rifle used by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Its longer, heavier barrel with a folding bipod and capacity for sustained bursts of automatic fire is what most distinguish it from the assault rifle.

Although the machine gun version is compatible with the 30-round box magazine used by its assault rifle cousin, the drum magazine seen in the video can carry up to 80 rounds. The QBB-97 is competent, albeit somewhat constrained, a weapon that can shoot up to 650 rounds per minute, however it is unclear how firing it from a robodog would operate.

According to the defense business, the drone, which Kestrel calls the Red Wing, may sneak behind enemy lines and launch a “surprise strike” by dropping the robot dog. And those robots with four legs are designed to resemble dogs.

“War dogs flying overhead, air assault, Red Wing”, according to an English translation of the caption for the video, “Forward heavy-duty drones deliver combat robot dogs, which can be directly inserted into the weak link behind the enemy to launch a surprise attack or can be placed on the enemy’s roof to occupy the commanding heights to suppress firepower.

The drone-robodog combination was designed with the intention that it may be used during assault operations, particularly in metropolitan areas, at the very least it can be inferred from the additional color provided by this description. In these circumstances, which frequently consist of big buildings and intricate structures that are challenging to breach, it appears that the corporation believes this skill could be most useful. The Weibo account has also posted further videos of several robodogs in related locations, indicating that the business specialized in technology made with these settings in mind.

The caption adds, “And ground soldiers launch a three-dimensional pincer attack on the enemy within the building.”

China’s robots frequently make the rounds on English-language social media, but nowadays they follow a somewhat darker route than when they used to wear goofy little hats and dance together. It is also simple to understand why movies of murderous robots draw so much interest on the internet given the rising tensions of the so-called “New Cold War,” which pits the United States and its allies against Russia, China, and Iran.

Given that Atlas can do backflips and is now highly nimble, Boston Dynamics is, of course, the name most intimately link with America’s prospective robot insurrection. However, Boston Dynamics is not the company creating the robot killers of the future for the American military. Boston Dynamics even committed to stopping producing deadly devices only last week

The Multi-Utility Tactical Transport (MUTT), introduced in 2016, is an example of a less agile robot-controlled death machine that the U.S. military is developing on its own.

While MUTT may be more maneuverable, Ghost Robotics also produces a Spot-like robot for the American military. Of course, its quadruped Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) aren’t yet being shown off with potent weapons.

The dog looks slow and clumsy. But I guess future generations may be more terrifying.
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