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Over 90% of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson voters favor joining Russia — first results


Jun 22, 2016
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Over 90% of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson voters favor joining Russia — first results

Voting on accession to Russia
27 Sep, 16:59

Counting has already begun at a number of polling stations in the territory, and the final results may be known by Wednesday morning


TASS, September 27. Voting in referendums on joining Russia in the Donetsk and the Lugansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR), as well as in the Kherson and Zaporozhye Regions, is coming to an end. In the latter three, voting ended at 4:00 p.m. Moscow time on Tuesday. In the DPR, some polling stations have also already closed, with some remaining open until 20:00 Moscow time. Preliminary results are coming in from polling stations on Russian territory, where refugees and diplomatic corps were allowed to vote.
In the LPR, the referendum has already been recognized as valid, and international observers have not documented any violations during the voting process. Counting has already begun at a number of polling stations in the territory, and the final results may be known by Wednesday morning.
TASS has compiled preliminary results of the voting.

Results from polling stations in the Russian Federation​

- The DPR's accession to Russia was supported by 98.35% after more than 22.48% of the ballots were processed.

- The accession of the LPR to Russia following the results of processing of 21.11% of ballots was supported by 97.83%.
- The accession of the Zaporozhye Region to Russia, according to the results of processing 29% of ballots, was supported by 97.79%.
- 97,05% of voters, following the results of processing 28% of ballots, supported the accession of the Kherson Region to Russia.

Turnout and results from field​

- The tallying of votes has already begun in the Kherson Region and the closed polling stations in the Donetsk People's Republic. The rest of the polling stations in the DPR will remain open until 20:00 p.m. Moscow time.
- According to the local Central Election Commission, turnout in the LPR was 92.6%. The referendum is considered valid, despite Kiev's attempts to disrupt it, Leonid Pasechnik, head of the republic, said.
- In the Zaporozhye Region, the first general results are planned to be announced at 20:00-21:00 Moscow time, the final results will be announced on Wednesday morning.

Reaction of observers​

- International observers from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Serbia, Mozambique, France, and the Central African Republic reported no violations, except for threats and shelling from Ukraine, and noted the enthusiasm of the voters.


Those regions were always pro-Russian so results are no surprise.
You can't win if you are out numbered 1 to 4. Looks like Ukrainians lost these forever, in addition to Crimea. With these new areas, Russia's population tops 150 million for the first time ever. A price they must pay for orchestrating Euro Maidan coup in 2014 during Sochi olympics.


Donbass referendums’ results revealed

27 Sep, 2022 19:39
The republics previously recognized by Moscow have opted to join Russia, based on preliminary polls


The majority of citizens of both the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) have supported the idea to unite with Russia, according to local election commissions.

In DPR, more than 98% of voters supported the idea to join Russia, according to early official figures. The referendum in LPR yielded a similar result, with more than 97% of voters supporting the potential reunification. In Lugansk, all the ballots have been already counted, according to local authorities, while Donetsk, so far, has processed just over a half of votes.

The polls were conducted in the republics, as well as in Moscow-controlled parts of Ukraine’s Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, between September 23 and 27.

Both republics, which broke away from Kiev in the aftermath of the 2014 Maidan coup and the conflict in Ukraine’s east that followed, have shown a turnout of over 80% for the referendums, official figures show.

Ukraine and its Western supporters have already rejected the referendums on joining Russia as a “sham” ballot, vowing to not recognize the results regardless of their outcome. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky warned that completion of the referendums by Russia would “make it impossible, in any case, to continue any diplomatic negotiations” with Moscow.

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The protocols, brokered by Germany and France, were first signed in 2014. Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has since admitted that Kiev’s main goal was to use the ceasefire to buy time and “create powerful armed forces.”

In February 2022, the Kremlin recognized the Donbass republics as independent states and demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

If 90% say they want to join Russia then it's a lie a big fat lie but if the same 90% want be part of Ukraine then it's the truth nothing but the truth... see it was so easy only if you are reasonable. :)
UA should retreat from Russians lands or Kiev will be nuked ✌️
I think first consequences will be:

1) Russia declares annexation.
2) In the first Ukraine strikes over those zones, Russia will declare war to Ukraine as response (instead talking about special military op).
3) ¿nukes?
UA should retreat from Russians lands or Kiev will be nuked ✌️

Why should Russia nuke Kiev ? Russia is not fighting against Kiev, but against England and USA. Without support from England and English colonists in North America Zelensky regime would be already over. One Russian member of parlament already sad that in case of World War 3 they will turn England into radioactive dust.
Another act of desperation by dictator Putin. The fact that they were going to the houses with the occupying army soldiers, proves how blatant the pseudo-referendum is.
Currently Russia population 147 million (2020 census) + 6 million in Donbas + 1 million in Kherson = 154 million after annexation.

Another act of desperation by dictator Putin. The fact that they were going to the houses with the occupying army soldiers, proves how blatant the pseudo-referendum is.

Same as what Americans did in Kosovo during Kosovo independence referendum. It is illegal. But might makes right.
OF course they do, just as 90% of Palestinians' support the State of Israel.
Russia will need to take these land fast and swift and then declare a unilateral cease fire and resume gas supplies to europe

But gas what someone blow up the gas pipeline..it's pretty easy to imagine who did it . likely Ukraine or probably Americans

Russia has enough money to buy equipment from Iran/china if it short..it failure is due to incompetence but even so it has captured 90% of area it want to annex

Question is whether ukraine can take Lyman the first region which Russia didn't withdraw on purpose..

Similarly with regrouping and reconsolidation can Russia move to take zaoprizhzhia and Kramatorsk

Blowing up of Russian Europe gas pipeline by ukraine sobotagers is a big plus for ukraine as huge leverage is gone
Clowns and trolls actually believe this was a legitimate result and totally not faked at all.


Putin is gonna lose all legitimacy once these territories are taken back by Ukraine.

Russia's nuclear blackmail won't work.

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