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Why is the bridge shape circular instead of making the bridge along red lines drawn in pic ?

Pakistani thinking:
1. Contractor Making more money
2. patwari gol chakar plan
3. Army making DHA inside circle

Actual thinking:
1. To protect the bridge from large waves going down the channel/waterway. The arch (circle) makes it resist pushing pressure. If it was straight across a wave could push right through.
2. Circles are the strongest shape inside water channels.
3. sneaky u-turn possibility
4. Pedestrian access
An extract of the various types of members of PDF :

Photo on the right is from the Indian crowd-sourced donation-appeal organization Ketto asking for donations from citizens for this girl's face treatment which may cost lakhs and who the money-worshiping Modi government refuses to treat without exchange of money, for free. On top left is my post about my thrice-expulsion from LinkedIn for talking against Capitalism. My post was Liked by Indian progressive and rational @Drizzt and had a Ha ha by the notorious Modi lover @-=virus=-. Below my post is the mullah @Mujahid Memon who regularly insults me :
Photo on the right is from the Indian crowd-sourced donation-appeal organization Ketto asking for donations from citizens for this girl's face treatment which may cost lakhs and who the money-worshiping Modi government refuses to treat without exchange of money, for free.
God, how dense are you, man? We've discussed this about a zillion times by now and yet you keep harping on about it.

Healthcare IS ALREADY FREE for the needy !! go to AIIMS and other govt. facilities, free for the needy and very subsidized for everyone else for most common ailments and operations. What you're talking about here is a face transplant.. sorry bro, the govt. can not provide highly specialized procedures, vaccines and treatments costing in the multiple tens of lakhs and going upward of or into multiple crores etc to everyone. ARE YOU INSANE ? .. and don't come back with a ":argh:bu-bu-but those fighter jets and submarines cost billions of $, why no free heart transplants ? :argh:"

You, sir, need a brain transplant, or a psyche transplant.

On top left is my post about my thrice-expulsion from LinkedIn for talking against Capitalism. My post was Liked by Indian progressive and rational @Drizzt and had a Ha ha by the notorious Modi lover @-=virus=-. Below my post is the mullah @Mujahid Memon who regularly insults me :
What on earth were you doing on linkedin of all places ranting about capitalism ? Log portfolio bana k naukri dhoond ne jate hai, tu BC communism this that kar raha.. wtf man :lol:
God, how dense are you, man? We've discussed this about a zillion times by now and yet you keep harping on about it.

Healthcare IS ALREADY FREE for the needy !! go to AIIMS and other govt. facilities, free for the needy and very subsidized for everyone else for most common ailments and operations. What you're talking about here is a face transplant.. sorry bro, the govt. can not provide highly specialized procedures, vaccines and treatments costing in the multiple tens of lakhs and going upward of or into multiple crores etc to everyone. ARE YOU INSANE ? .. and don't come back with a ":argh:bu-bu-but those fighter jets and submarines cost billions of $, why no free heart transplants ? :argh:"

You, sir, need a brain transplant, or a psyche transplant.

What on earth were you doing on linkedin of all places ranting about capitalism ? Log portfolio bana k naukri dhoond ne jate hai, tu BC communism this that kar raha.. wtf man :lol:

Please update yourself. Government does provide vaccines free to all Indians. The Indian UIP is the largest of it's kind in the world. And we birth an additional Australia every year. It's no mean feat.
Government does provide vaccines free to all Indians. The Indian UIP is the largest of it's kind in the world. And we birth an additional Australia every year. It's no mean feat.
That's what I said. Not these relatively cheap ones but, our man Jamahir was on about some super specialized vaccine that costs 1+ cr a jab for some super rare disease once

and complaining about it not being free. :disagree:

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