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How Will China Fare With Covid? ‘Meaningless’ Data Clouds the Picture.


Jun 9, 2016
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Since China dramatically reversed course and loosened its zero-tolerance approach to Covid last week, Beijing has gone all out to convince the public that it can weather the potential risks of lifting restrictions and still put the world’s second-largest economy back on track.

Its once bleak prognostications have turned downright optimistic: Covid-19 is entering the “last stage” and will soon become a manageable seasonal illness, said one of China’s leading voices on the coronavirus. The virus’s spread will peak in a month, predicted another prominent Chinese epidemiologist. A top state TV news anchor declared that “we are on the road” to ending the crisis, with the latest Covid variants less dangerous and officials saying the country’s medical preparedness will protect against the most catastrophic outcomes.

Despite those assurances, China faces much uncertainty over how the coming months will play out. Information is opaque and unreliable, which will make it difficult to gauge Beijing’s handling of the coming wave of Covid infections. The government’s desire to save face after an embarrassing retreat from its hallmark pandemic policy will only muddy the picture.

Already, there are signs that China is leveraging propaganda to reinforce its message that the situation is under control. And absent a reliable flow of information, businesses and investors from outside the country are left to speculate on just how long it will take for the economy to recover.

Even the most basic question of how many people are infected with Covid in China right now is hard to answer because the government has relaxed mass testing requirements and made reporting at-home test results voluntary.

China reported 2,291 newly confirmed cases on Tuesday, a fraction of the roughly 30,000 new infections a day that the country was reporting before it lifted the mass testing requirement. Case numbers are bound to be suppressed even further after China’s National Health Commission said on Wednesday that it would stop reporting asymptomatic infections, which made up the vast majority of positive results in the past.

The downturn in the number of reported infections belies anecdotal evidence of a surging number of positive cases and crowded hospitals with people waiting to be treated. With the change in testing policy, many cities and counties across the country are spreading the mantra of “don’t get tested unless necessary” on official social media. “The statistics are meaningless,” said Jörg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
通报的感染病例降低,与阳性人数激增的传闻以及医院里挤满了候诊者的情况不符。随着检测政策的变化,全国许多市县正在其官方社交媒体帐号上传播“非必要不检测”的口号。“官方的统计数据毫无意义,”中国欧盟商会会长伍德克(Jörg Wuttke)说。

Some of China’s data stretches the boundaries of reason for a country with a population of 1.4 billion people. China said there had not been a single Covid-related death since it lifted pandemic restrictions six days ago. By comparison, the United States reported 469 Covid-related deaths on Tuesday alone.

Since the early months of the pandemic, virologists have raised questions about China’s official mortality figures, challenging the way that the country’s hospitals classify Covid deaths. Instead of including people who died after contracting Covid-19 in official data, as is the norm in other countries, Chinese hospitals typically attribute deaths to pre-existing or chronic illnesses, such as cancer or a heart condition, they said.

Underreporting Covid cases is not unique to China, but the country remains especially inscrutable. In reporting “severe” bouts of Covid, the government discloses only the change in the number of cases from the day before, without reporting a total figure. China said it had three more severe cases on Tuesday than on Monday.

The lack of reliable data on Covid cases also makes it hard to assess how long it will take the economy to bounce back. The global picture is not looking promising, with both the United States and Europe charting a path toward recession, hurting demand for Chinese exports, a usually dependable pillar of the global economy.

Under China’s no-holds-barred Covid policy, the constant threat of lockdowns and unpredictable quarantines also kept shoppers out of stores, tethered travelers to their homes and discouraged diners from eating out for the better part of three years. But even if customers are now allowed to go out freely, there is still a great deal of trepidation about what lies ahead.

Zheng Jingrong, a shop owner who sells handmade imported clothes in Beijing, said she hadn’t bothered to reopen her store yet because there were still no customers.

“My feeling now is that everyone is afraid of testing positive, and those who are timid dare not go out,” she said. Relaxing the country’s Covid rules is a good first step, but the government needs to do more to support ordinary people and small businesses, Ms. Zheng said, adding that “nothing is certain at the moment.”

Ting Lu, chief China economist for Nomura, a Japanese brokerage, said he wasn’t “too optimistic” about a sharp recovery in the Chinese economy, because he expects continued disruptions from an overwhelmed health care system and a surge in infections. He added that he expected pent-up demand in the economy to be “relatively weak” next year after three years of lockdowns depleted the finances of many Chinese households.

Part of the uncertainty hanging over how China will emerge from “zero Covid” is that no country of this size has pivoted this quickly, this drastically — shifting seemingly overnight from full-on assault against Covid to learning to live with the virus. Long-established rules are changing by the day.

As of last week, asymptomatic or light cases no longer required hospital stays. All restrictions on purchasing flu and pain relief medication were also lifted, igniting a run on fever pills and even some traditional Chinese medicines. On Tuesday, China also disabled a travel tracking app, one of many smartphone apps that the government used to keep tabs on the whereabouts of Chinese citizens to assess their Covid risk.

Two months ago, before throngs of people took to the streets to protest the government’s draconian Covid policies, Xi Jinping, China’s leader, said Covid posed such a grave public health risk that fighting the virus required an “all-out war.”

“It’s amazing how in two weeks the entire control system has evaporated,” Mr. Wuttke said. “What does this do to business? I don’t know.”

Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said when Australia and New Zealand abandoned their zero-Covid ambitions last year, they were able to do so somewhat successfully because they had implemented “effective vaccination programs with effective vaccines.”

However, in the case of China, both of those factors are in doubt. In China, roughly two-thirds of people over 60 and only 40 percent of people over 80 have received a booster shot. The World Health Organization has said the boosters are critical when it comes to China’s homegrown vaccines, which use inactivated virus and are shown to be less effective than foreign alternatives that use newer mRNA technology.

On Wednesday, China’s health regulator said it was rolling out a second vaccine booster for high-risk groups and people over 60.

Without extensive coverage and a highly effective vaccine, there is the “potential for a very big public health problem,” Mr. Woolhouse said.

For Zhu Yan, who owns a hostel by Qionghai Lake, a tourist destination in Sichuan Province, the Covid restrictions had damaged her business. She said there were still no visitors because people are afraid of contracting the virus. While it may take some time for the economy and her business to recover, she said she was at least feeling hopeful again.

Ms. Zhu, 40, said she was hoping that China could reach herd immunity so that life could return to normal. In fact, she hopes to test positive soon because she figures it is better to get Covid early on.

“It is impossible to lock everyone up at home and lock them up forever, right?” Ms. Zhu said. “What should come will come, you can’t escape. You have to take this path, and everyone has to take this step, so that China can get on with normal work and life.”
Since the early months of the pandemic, virologists have raised questions about China’s official mortality figures, challenging the way that the country’s hospitals classify Covid deaths. Instead of including people who died after contracting Covid-19 in official data, as is the norm in other countries, Chinese hospitals typically attribute deaths to pre-existing or chronic illnesses, such as cancer or a heart condition, they said.

Underreporting Covid cases is not unique to China, but the country remains especially inscrutable. In reporting “severe” bouts of Covid, the government discloses only the change in the number of cases from the day before, without reporting a total figure. China said it had three more severe cases on Tuesday than on Monday.

Indeed, at this point, numbers are not very meaningful since they can be manipulated by changing methodology.

It is true for all governments, I guess. So, again, some members pointing fingers at India or others simply does not make sense.

Two months ago, before throngs of people took to the streets to protest the government’s draconian Covid policies, Xi Jinping, China’s leader, said Covid posed such a grave public health risk that fighting the virus required an “all-out war.”

This discrepancy only would require a resignation or a sure loss of power in the first elections in many countries.
China is already preparing to fudge numbers, they just allowed Moderna vaccines to protect westerners and more importantly not let them get infected by covid and report infection rates-

mean while chinese nationals are not allowed working vaccines because China can manipulate number of infections and hide vaccine efficiency.

Neutral sources already placing upto 800 million chinese getting impacted by reopening of China,due to huge failures over the last 3 years by chinese govt.

Indeed, at this point, numbers are not very meaningful since they can be manipulated by changing methodology.

It is true for all governments, I guess. So, again, some members pointing fingers at India or others simply does not make sense.

That's why it's better to refer to estimates for excess deaths instead.

askST: What is excess death and what is Covid-19's true toll on the world?​

SINGAPORE - Singapore saw 2,490 excess deaths due to Covid-19 between January 2020 and June 2022. The Straits Times explains what all this means and how the figure compares with other countries.

Q: What are excess deaths?​

A: Excess deaths refer to the difference between actual deaths from all causes since the pandemic began and expected deaths if there had not been Covid-19.

Measuring excess deaths, including those of people who died due to delayed or inadequate healthcare access, helps people understand Covid-19's impact.

Q: How does Singapore classify deaths due to Covid-19?​

A: There are a few broad categories, said Associate Professor Alex Cook, the vice-dean of research at the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health.

First, people who have died because of Covid-19 will be in the official death toll.

Second, for some people, a Sars-CoV-2 infection contributed to their death, but it was not the main cause. Their death could have been due to a heart attack or some other underlying medical condition, and Covid-19 contributed to their poorer health.

Third, people could have died of Covid-19 but this was misdiagnosed as something else. This number is probably more important in other countries.

Finally, there is also a group who may have died due to other reasons indirectly influenced by Covid-19. An example is the inability to access timely care for other medical conditions because of a lack of hospital resources or beds as they have been used up for Covid-19 patients.

Q: What is Singapore's death toll to date?​

A: There were 2,490 excess deaths in Singapore's population between January 2020 and June 2022, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has reported.

In comparison, the official death toll from Covid-19 is 1,403 as at the end of June.

MOH said the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates the excess mortality for Singapore to be 26 per 100,000 for 2021, among the lowest of the countries that chose to live with Covid-19 in 2021.

Q: How did vaccinations influence Singapore's figure?​

A: It is clear that the unvaccinated were disproportionately affected by Covid-19.

Among the excess deaths in the first half of 2022, 28 per cent were people who had not been fully vaccinated, even though only about 5 per cent of the eligible population were not fully vaccinated by mid-March.

Q: How does Singapore's excess death figure compare with other countries?​

A: To compare countries, one cannot just look at the total number of deaths, because bigger countries will naturally have more deaths than smaller countries, even if their Covid-19 response was better.

Rather, there needs to be some standardisation, such as by looking at the number of deaths per million residents.

For example, the estimated excess deaths per million is in the range of 600 to 700 per million in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and Australia, but four to five times higher in the United States or Britain, Prof Cook said.

"Interestingly, although China's confirmed Covid-19 deaths are minuscule, the excess deaths are not that much lower than in Singapore: 470 per million in China versus 640 per million," he added.

This could be the result of actual Covid-19 deaths not being reported to the central government, or side effects of China's zero-Covid-19 strategy, leading to deaths due the country's strict control policy rather than the virus.

One example is the unfortunate bus accident that killed 27 people en route to a Covid-19 quarantine facility on Sunday in rural Guizhou province, Prof Cook said.

Other causes of big discrepancies between official Covid-19 deaths and excess mortality rates would be if treatment of chronic diseases are postponed because hospitals are working at full capacity, and higher suicide rates during the dark days of lockdown.

"That's why it's not necessarily the case that countries with strict lockdown policies will incur fewer overall deaths, and why the public health response should not blindly focus on reducing the numbers of confirmed deaths," Prof Cook noted.
Indeed, at this point, numbers are not very meaningful since they can be manipulated by changing methodology.
One number that is unambiguously easy to understand is the number of deaths. So, the question is: Will that be reported accurately, or will that be fudged too?
I got it a week ago, it's more powerful than common cold and it comes and goes very fast, I got 3 shots of Sinopharm last year, almost everyone I know in Beijing had already got infected, I would say now at least 70-80% of Beijing's population have been infected, Beijing's herd immunity could be reached within days.

Reports say Beijing's variant is BF7, which causes stronger symptoms than the BA 5 which dominates southern China, in Beijing we all experienced some bad symptoms but in Guangzhou almost all infected are asymptomatic
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This infection tsunami will be over in days at least in Beijing, hellish scene of mass deaths and overwhelmed hosptial beds fighting for ventilators in the west and India won't happen in China
China is already preparing to fudge numbers, they just allowed Moderna vaccines to protect westerners and more importantly not let them get infected by covid and report infection rates-

mean while chinese nationals are not allowed working vaccines because China can manipulate number of infections and hide vaccine efficiency.

Neutral sources already placing upto 800 million chinese getting impacted by reopening of China,due to huge failures over the last 3 years by chinese govt.

What a bunch of nonsense of so called working vaccine.
This infection tsunami will be over in days at least in Beijing, hellish scene of mass deaths and overwhelmed hosptial beds fighting for ventilators in the west and India won't happen in China

Beijing food system crashed due to infections-

Doctors protesting overload across university hospitals for common chinese-

What a bunch of nonsense of so called working vaccine.
Those vaccines ended covid restrictions all over the world, while.China had to follow zero covid, and performed poorly at it leading to protests

Since China dramatically reversed course and loosened its zero-tolerance approach to Covid last week, Beijing has gone all out to convince the public that it can weather the potential risks of lifting restrictions and still put the world’s second-largest economy back on track.

Its once bleak prognostications have turned downright optimistic: Covid-19 is entering the “last stage” and will soon become a manageable seasonal illness, said one of China’s leading voices on the coronavirus. The virus’s spread will peak in a month, predicted another prominent Chinese epidemiologist. A top state TV news anchor declared that “we are on the road” to ending the crisis, with the latest Covid variants less dangerous and officials saying the country’s medical preparedness will protect against the most catastrophic outcomes.

Despite those assurances, China faces much uncertainty over how the coming months will play out. Information is opaque and unreliable, which will make it difficult to gauge Beijing’s handling of the coming wave of Covid infections. The government’s desire to save face after an embarrassing retreat from its hallmark pandemic policy will only muddy the picture.

Already, there are signs that China is leveraging propaganda to reinforce its message that the situation is under control. And absent a reliable flow of information, businesses and investors from outside the country are left to speculate on just how long it will take for the economy to recover.

Even the most basic question of how many people are infected with Covid in China right now is hard to answer because the government has relaxed mass testing requirements and made reporting at-home test results voluntary.

China reported 2,291 newly confirmed cases on Tuesday, a fraction of the roughly 30,000 new infections a day that the country was reporting before it lifted the mass testing requirement. Case numbers are bound to be suppressed even further after China’s National Health Commission said on Wednesday that it would stop reporting asymptomatic infections, which made up the vast majority of positive results in the past.

The downturn in the number of reported infections belies anecdotal evidence of a surging number of positive cases and crowded hospitals with people waiting to be treated. With the change in testing policy, many cities and counties across the country are spreading the mantra of “don’t get tested unless necessary” on official social media. “The statistics are meaningless,” said Jörg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.
通报的感染病例降低,与阳性人数激增的传闻以及医院里挤满了候诊者的情况不符。随着检测政策的变化,全国许多市县正在其官方社交媒体帐号上传播“非必要不检测”的口号。“官方的统计数据毫无意义,”中国欧盟商会会长伍德克(Jörg Wuttke)说。

Some of China’s data stretches the boundaries of reason for a country with a population of 1.4 billion people. China said there had not been a single Covid-related death since it lifted pandemic restrictions six days ago. By comparison, the United States reported 469 Covid-related deaths on Tuesday alone.

Since the early months of the pandemic, virologists have raised questions about China’s official mortality figures, challenging the way that the country’s hospitals classify Covid deaths. Instead of including people who died after contracting Covid-19 in official data, as is the norm in other countries, Chinese hospitals typically attribute deaths to pre-existing or chronic illnesses, such as cancer or a heart condition, they said.

Underreporting Covid cases is not unique to China, but the country remains especially inscrutable. In reporting “severe” bouts of Covid, the government discloses only the change in the number of cases from the day before, without reporting a total figure. China said it had three more severe cases on Tuesday than on Monday.

The lack of reliable data on Covid cases also makes it hard to assess how long it will take the economy to bounce back. The global picture is not looking promising, with both the United States and Europe charting a path toward recession, hurting demand for Chinese exports, a usually dependable pillar of the global economy.

Under China’s no-holds-barred Covid policy, the constant threat of lockdowns and unpredictable quarantines also kept shoppers out of stores, tethered travelers to their homes and discouraged diners from eating out for the better part of three years. But even if customers are now allowed to go out freely, there is still a great deal of trepidation about what lies ahead.

Zheng Jingrong, a shop owner who sells handmade imported clothes in Beijing, said she hadn’t bothered to reopen her store yet because there were still no customers.

“My feeling now is that everyone is afraid of testing positive, and those who are timid dare not go out,” she said. Relaxing the country’s Covid rules is a good first step, but the government needs to do more to support ordinary people and small businesses, Ms. Zheng said, adding that “nothing is certain at the moment.”

Ting Lu, chief China economist for Nomura, a Japanese brokerage, said he wasn’t “too optimistic” about a sharp recovery in the Chinese economy, because he expects continued disruptions from an overwhelmed health care system and a surge in infections. He added that he expected pent-up demand in the economy to be “relatively weak” next year after three years of lockdowns depleted the finances of many Chinese households.

Part of the uncertainty hanging over how China will emerge from “zero Covid” is that no country of this size has pivoted this quickly, this drastically — shifting seemingly overnight from full-on assault against Covid to learning to live with the virus. Long-established rules are changing by the day.

As of last week, asymptomatic or light cases no longer required hospital stays. All restrictions on purchasing flu and pain relief medication were also lifted, igniting a run on fever pills and even some traditional Chinese medicines. On Tuesday, China also disabled a travel tracking app, one of many smartphone apps that the government used to keep tabs on the whereabouts of Chinese citizens to assess their Covid risk.

Two months ago, before throngs of people took to the streets to protest the government’s draconian Covid policies, Xi Jinping, China’s leader, said Covid posed such a grave public health risk that fighting the virus required an “all-out war.”

“It’s amazing how in two weeks the entire control system has evaporated,” Mr. Wuttke said. “What does this do to business? I don’t know.”

Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said when Australia and New Zealand abandoned their zero-Covid ambitions last year, they were able to do so somewhat successfully because they had implemented “effective vaccination programs with effective vaccines.”

However, in the case of China, both of those factors are in doubt. In China, roughly two-thirds of people over 60 and only 40 percent of people over 80 have received a booster shot. The World Health Organization has said the boosters are critical when it comes to China’s homegrown vaccines, which use inactivated virus and are shown to be less effective than foreign alternatives that use newer mRNA technology.

On Wednesday, China’s health regulator said it was rolling out a second vaccine booster for high-risk groups and people over 60.

Without extensive coverage and a highly effective vaccine, there is the “potential for a very big public health problem,” Mr. Woolhouse said.

For Zhu Yan, who owns a hostel by Qionghai Lake, a tourist destination in Sichuan Province, the Covid restrictions had damaged her business. She said there were still no visitors because people are afraid of contracting the virus. While it may take some time for the economy and her business to recover, she said she was at least feeling hopeful again.

Ms. Zhu, 40, said she was hoping that China could reach herd immunity so that life could return to normal. In fact, she hopes to test positive soon because she figures it is better to get Covid early on.

“It is impossible to lock everyone up at home and lock them up forever, right?” Ms. Zhu said. “What should come will come, you can’t escape. You have to take this path, and everyone has to take this step, so that China can get on with normal work and life.”
Keep bashing China on the pandemic measures and vaccines as hard as you can you white lackey, you little SGs will be rewarded handsomely by your white masters.
This infection tsunami will be over in days at least in Beijing, hellish scene of mass deaths and overwhelmed hosptial beds fighting for ventilators in the west and India won't happen in China
Those China haters esp Indian fools on the PDF will find other lies and fabrications to attack China no matter what, they will say big death storm is just months away, these fools just want ills and disasters to fall upon Chinese as in their own countries India and US.

Indeed, at this point, numbers are not very meaningful since they can be manipulated by changing methodology.

It is true for all governments, I guess. So, again, some members pointing fingers at India or others simply does not make sense.

This discrepancy only would require a resignation or a sure loss of power in the first elections in many countries.
Talk to Trump and Modi and even Putin, are they all being charged for failures in the pandemic ?
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Beijing food system crashed due to infections-

Doctors protesting overload across university hospitals for common chinese-

Those vaccines ended covid restrictions all over the world, while.China had to follow zero covid, and performed poorly at it leading to protests
lol, which Beijing? not the one I am living in. do you feel funny yourself when you are lying about what's happening in Beijing to a Beijinger?

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