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Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive

Only issue is that Pakistan can't economically sustain drawn out insurgencies
cant it sustain militarily? you know how large Afghanistan is? and now Afghanistan has a consolidated Taliban force with no NATO troops in it? uh, this is a trap for Pakistan IMO.
cant it sustain militarily? you know how large Afghanistan is? and now Afghanistan has a consolidated Taliban force with no NATO troops in it? uh, this is a trap for Pakistan IMO.

They have approx. 500k Armed forces + police including an additional 900k reservers + volunteers.. They also have the means to fight conventional warfare with treacherous terrain.

It is definitely a trap and someone wants to trap Pakistan in it's own trap. Some sort of Hubris...
There is no need to make the announcement. Just do your damn job.

Unilaterally declare 10 miles DMZ in Afghanistan and give last warning to Afghan government. If they don’t cleanup the TTP and Baloch Terrorist hideouts, Pakistan will send Drone to takecare of it.
If they make noise, close the border until they take action.
There is no need to make the announcement. Just do your damn job.

Unilaterally declare 10 miles DMZ in Afghanistan and give last warning to Afghan government. If they don’t cleanup the TTP and Baloch Terrorist hideouts, Pakistan will send Drone to takecare of it.
If they make noise, close the border until they take action.

I don't know in what fairytale you dwell inside..

1. First of all we simply ain't going to war with Afghanistan that is number 1 and let it sink in very well..

2. This is a trap for Pakistan nothing to see here (Pakistan-Afghanistan both don't want this) someone else is writting this piece of shxt garbagish

Perhaps we will see some airstrikes into Afghanistan, either by PAF (announced or unannounced) or with US drones, but I do not see any overt on ground action. Covert, maybe, but few and far in between.

Perhaps we will see some airstrikes into Afghanistan, either by PAF (announced or unannounced) or with US drones, but I do not see any overt on ground action. Covert, maybe, but few and far in between.

Please change the thread title it is misleading and against forum rules.. An article has to bear the original article title as per rule
cant it sustain militarily? you know how large Afghanistan is? and now Afghanistan has a consolidated Taliban force with no NATO troops in it? uh, this is a trap for Pakistan IMO.
No I'm talking about internally against TTP

The most that will happen in regards to Afghanistan is airstrikes targeting militant infrastructure (happened in April already) and potentially a buffer zone but this is unlikely too for the same reasons due to economy
Move 300k troops with tanks with aim of capturing Kunar, Khost, Paktia and Khandahar.

It can be done with half the numbers ie 150k.
Objective should be to capture the above cities but not for occupation. The bacha baaz must be ransacked and every ttp/bla/iea leader who is anti pak must be shot dead. Then retreat back to pak.

There must be a final show of force that the afghans remember for next 500 years.

Order of battle for pak-
150k troops
400 tanks
30 drones/attack helis
100 dedicated ground attack aircraft

Day 1- Use A-100s and Fatehs to soften up positions. Follow this up with airstrikes via drones and fighters.

Day 2-7- continue multiple strikes into afghan lands. Air drop ssg accross the border to begin positioning for a full scale invasion

Day 7- pak army moves into afghanistan accross mutiple positions using pincer like movements. Led by infantry and backed by tanks. The objective is to meet up with the ssg units that were earlier air dropped.

Day 7-12- Fierce fighting. Pak forces have captured kunar, jalalabad, khost. Taliban are putting up fierce resistance on the outskirts of kandahar (there main power center). Intense bombardment via artillery, tanks, mrls, and airstrikes are carried out in kandahar.

Day 13- pak forces enter kandahar city center. Supreme bacha baaz Hibatullah akhunzada is captured alive. First time he is shown in media and international television. Akhunzadas capture is used to negotiate a final ceasefire. All ttp/bla leadership is either to be killed or handed over the pak. Wakhan corridor is also handed over to pak. Pak forces retreats back into the motherland
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afterall US couldnt do it in 20 years so how can Pakistani army? Some of you need to calm your egos down..
US and Pakistan's objectives are different. The US failed in installing a permanent puppet govt but succesfully dismantled AQ's terror network which attacked America.

All the drum beaters actully are non-pakistani and want this exact outcome the target is Pakistan and have always been not Afghanistan because they have nothing to lose in a drawn out conflict that could expand decades if one was to dance his way into it.. The target is Pakistan.. They have infras and developed nation someone wants that undone from the outside.. Like A ukraine trap of sort.. The initial target is Pakistan not Afghanistan itself because it has nothing to lose
The objective is not to conquer or destroy Afghanistan, it's to destroy or damage terrorist networks to the extent internal peace is achieved.
Good move.
Doing nothing will only make things worse for us.
Can't afford to have one failure on another.
US and Pakistan's objectives are different. The US failed in installing a permanent puppet govt but succesfully dismantled AQ's terror network which attacked America.

NATO asked Pakistan to secure their tribal areas and meet them at the border but they refused.

Its moronic because they did it anyway 10 years later with zarb e azb op.
NATO asked Pakistan to secure their tribal areas and meet them at the border but they refused.

Its moronic because they did it anyway 10 years later with zarb e azb op.

The double game pakistani military and political leadership played with the west is beyond laughable. Today they look like fools. If one thinks logically it was the US which killed more anti pak terrorist while securing our western border while financing a failed state/economy and supplying billions in modern weapons.

Yet what did we do in return?

Then again we are a double faced society. We see it at the micro level within our families or how we deal with friends. Pakistani society itself is evil

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