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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

Shouldn't the Taiwanese decide their own fate? And they did. They do not want to unite with you. End of the story.
During US civil war, the south didn't want to unite with the north, guess what happened in the end?
Greece and Turkey like slaves go begging for Chinese loans and Chinese technology every year. You seem braver than your country. lol
You buffoons here give a bad name to mainland China. You're making people dislike the PRC with your dumb narrative.

All I did was disagree on the Taiwan issue and you idiots went ballistic,like always. You especially,started flamebaiting by saying China should have nuked Greece and bomb Athens and do this and that.

I thought you were an ok guy. I even talked to you nicely when you were saying all that nonsense. Now you're proud of being racist. What can one discuss with a person like you?

Let's just say I believe Taiwan,since they chose it,have the right to live as an independent country. Which they have been doing actually. You can't FORCE someone to be with you.

That's like domestic violence. It's like PRC dragging the wife back home and if someone says "Hey,you can't do that!" you go like "Stay out of it! It's our affairs,not yours! She my wife,I do what I want".

During US civil war, the south didn't want to unite with the north, guess what happened in the end?
Yes in 4 years of war and in the 19th century. Not after 70 years of nothing and in the 21st century.
Forget to tell these little mice in the debt trap... China is the world's largest grain producer. lol
Yet you still eat shit man... No matter how much money or grain you have, you'll always be a nation of shiteaters ...and that's rough :-)
Civil wars don't have a time limit, who said they have a time limit? UN? Greece?
My good man,can you understand that it's been 70 YEARS WITHOUT ACTIVE WAR AND MAJOR INCIDENTS and both countries have been living as two different States?

Taiwan has its own government,army,currency,political system and interests. It's a de facto different country. Why can't you make peace with your Chinese brothers and prosper together without threats and plans to annex them?
My good man,can you understand that it's been 70 YEARS WITHOUT ACTIVE WAR AND MAJOR INCIDENTS and both countries have been living as two different States?

Taiwan has its own government,army,currency,political system and interests. It's a de facto different country. Why can't you make peace with your Chinese brothers and prosper together without threats and plans to annex them?
They are still republic of China, China still needs to be renuited. who recognize a country called Taiwan? UN? US? Greece? or maybe just you, what's your name by the way? must maybe someone some important in this world, isn't it?
They are still republic of China, China still needs to be renuited. who said there is country called Taiwan? UN? US? Greece? or maybe just you, what's your name by the way? must maybe someone some important in this world, isn't it?
I'll bang my head on the wall.

They can't even understand what I'm telling them.

who recognize a country called Taiwan? UN? US? Greece? or maybe just you, what's your name by the way? must be someone some important in this world, isn't it? lol..
Doesn't matter. If there's a place in your country that your soldiers can't walk on, that means it's not your country.

Maybe eating too much shit scrambled your brains :-)
I'll bang my head on the wall.

They can't even understand what I'm telling them.

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Greece strictly adheres to a One China policy, and Taiwanese officials in Athens do not enjoy diplomatic or consular status.[6] WHY?

Doesn't matter. If there's a place in your country that your soldiers can't walk on, that means it's not your country.

Maybe eating too much shit scrambled your brains :-)
It got nothing to do with you, you can do nothing other than your filthy mouth.
in US civil war, the south also had all the things you mentioned, but still being reunited by the north in the end.
It got nothing to do with you, you can do nothing other than your filthy mouth.
in US civil war, the south also had all the things you mentioned, but still being reunited by the north in the end.
Good luck. You're gonna get your shit pushed in :)
But little Turks are used to eating shit in debt traps.
It's much better than eating literal shit like chinamen :rofl:

A nation that produces the most amount of grain, but prefers to eat shit :D

Just loves the taste of shit so much they can't stop eating it. Welcome to China!


Doesn't matter. If there's a place in your country that your soldiers can't walk on, that means it's not your country.

Maybe eating too much shit scrambled your brains :-)
exactly. A country is used to eating shit in the debt trap. We cannot consider it a human country.
Baby. You should be honest for at least one minute. You hate the Communist Party. You hate China.
Wrong. I don't hate China. You guys make me wanna dislike it,if the mentality is the same for the majority of people though but...still I don't hate China. Just because we disagree on this subject it doesn't mean I have something against one of the oldest and most sophisticated civilisations in history.

You want to prove to the western countries that you are the best lackey.
Wrong. But maybe you want to prove to the Party that you are the best lackey?

You serve the western interests. You serve the American hegemony.
Because I have an opinion? Do you know what an opinion is? Do they let you have?

You talk so much nonsense (you don't even believe it yourself). Why not use this time to convince your government to "recognize Taiwan as an independent country and establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan"?
I don't represent my government here. I'm just a guy and I'm offering my opinion on the subject. It's a forum.

I shouldn't explain too much to a dog. isn't it?

Promise me. If you want to be a bitch. Don't pretend you are the Virgin Mary. okay?
Don't blaspheme and don't talk like that.
who recognize a country called Taiwan? UN? US? Greece? or maybe just you, what's your name by the way? must be someone some important in this world, isn't it? lol..
Why,is YOUR name important in the world to tell me what I should think on the matter?

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