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Marching towards Genocide: An Indian Kristallnacht in the Making


Aug 18, 2015
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Racial superiority, demographic terrorism and gross human rights violations are an evidence of the Nazification of India and ideological reincarnation of Hitler in the form of Modi. The forces of evil backed by the fascist Modi government are an open call for the genocide of Muslims in India and Kashmiris of IIOJK.


On November 9 and 10, 1938, in an incident known as Kristallnacht, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht–“Crystal Night” or the “Night of Broken Glass”–some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.

The laws, introduced by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) post-August 5 are indicative of another Kristallnacht, “a step towards systematic ethnic cleansing/genocide of Kashmiri Muslims”. It is safe to say that Modi is following in the footsteps of Hitler, who introduced Nuremberg Laws to segregate, incarcerate and marginalize Jews. Another sign indicative of the Indian plan of carrying out a systematic genocide in IIOJK is the huge deployment of Indian Army troops/police, where the use of lethal force has become the primary response to the conflict. On August 16, 2019, eleven days after India’s revocation of the special status of IIOJK, Genocide Watch issued a genocide alert for the occupied state. It released warnings of “ethnic, religious and racial cleansing of Kashmiri Muslims by Indian military”, and highlighted the stages of genocide that are evident in IIOJK.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion.

In 1920, Adolf Hitler founded the Nazi Party, having a decisive agenda against the Jews. Similarly, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was created on September 27, 1925 to implement the same idea of racial superiority. While the Nazis wanted to eradicate Jewish people, RSS inspired Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to get rid of the Muslims. Hitler’s Greater Germany and Modi’s Akhand Bharat (Greater India) are premised on the same idea.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion. Nazi massacre in Europe ended up in the killing of almost 6 million Jews, while Modi has introduced the same feature against Muslims in IIOJK and in mainland India against all minorities. Over the past few years, thousands of Muslims, Christians and low caste Hindus have been persecuted, assaulted and even killed for reasons ranging from talking to Hindu women and slaughtering cows to their mere existence in the state. Many Muslims were also targeted for allegedly participating in so-called Love Jihad and Land Jihad. Drawing inspiration from the Nazis, one of the leaders of RSS, Golwalkar wrote, “Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.” In its rhetoric/policies, BJP government has systematically sought to exclude the “other”. In today’s India, national registers have been updated to exclude immigrants; cow vigilantism/lynching are encouraged; dissenting journalists, activists, and academics are systematically silenced; and sexual violence against women and children has increased. BJP-RSS regime–just like Hitler’s–includes ‘cleansing’ India of vestiges of its Islamic heritage, making Muslims second class citizens.

Though human rights violations (HRVs) in IIOJK have been noticed by many, yet no significant step has been taken so far. Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2023 exposed India’s real face to the world by highlighting India’s repressive laws in IIOJK. It highlights the grave HRVs in IIOJK, specifically three years after the government revoked IIOJK’s constitutional autonomous status and split it into two federally governed territories, while the fascist Hindutva government continues to restrict free expression, peaceful assembly and other basic rights there. The report mentions that the Indian authorities invoked Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act to conduct raids and arbitrarily detain journalists and activists and even barred a Pulitzer prize winning Kashmiri journalist from leaving India without justification. U.S. Human Rights Watch Report 2022 expressed concern over the excessive use of force and torture in IIOJK during cordon and search operations resulting in civilian deaths.

According to Legal Forum for Kashmir’s annual Human Rights Report 2022, IIOJK witnessed a total of 312 killings, 200 major cordon and search operations, 212 residential houses’ destruction, 116 military operations, martyrdom of 181 freedom fighters, murder of 45 civilians by the occupying forces, seizure/attachment of 24 structures (houses, lands, orchards, and schools) of Kashmiris and numerous cases of intimidation, harassment, arbitrary detention and illegal confinement.

Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in December 2021 deplored that the Israeli model of settler colonialism is being repeated in IIOJK. It was also observed that India has waged a military, political, economic, social, cultural and moral war against the Kashmiris and used black laws as weapons of war. Police, security forces and intelligence agencies use torture in the form of assault, physical abuse, custodial deaths, rape, threats, psychological humiliation and deprivation of food, water, sleep and medical attention.

The systematic state sponsored-discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”.

Four special rapporteurs of United Nations (UN) released a letter written in May 2020 on “Torture in Jammu & Kashmir before and after 5 August 2019” in which they confirmed continued deterioration of human rights conditions in IIOJK after August 5, “in particular citing arbitrary detentions, violations to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment and rights of minorities.” According to the rapporteurs, India has violated seven sections of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which India ratified on April 10, 1979 and two sections of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The systematic state-sponsored discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”. The genocide of Kashmiris and delimitation exercise by Nazi-inspired Hindutva government is a nefarious attempt aimed at converting the indigenous Muslim population into minority within their homeland and obstruct the exercise of their inalienable right to self determination.

For years, international human rights organizations have stated that Indian troops intimidate and control IIOJK’s population with torture, physical and sexual abuse and unjustified arrests. However, no significant measure has been taken so far. The world pays homage to the victims of holocaust by commemorating ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Day’ on January 27, paying tribute to the victims of genocide during Second World War at the hands of Nazi Germany. Similar attention should be given to the ongoing genocide in IIOJK. Despite Pakistan’s efforts to sensitize the world about the designs and machinations of BJP government and dangers that philosophy of Hindutva poses to regional peace and security, particularly dangers lurking in IIOJK due to RSS’ ideology, the international community including UN has failed to hold India accountable for human rights violations. Hence, global powers through their silence have emboldened India and it continues its reign of terror. Unnecessary and excessive use of force and torture against Kashmiris and human rights defenders by Indian security forces and Nazi-inspired BJP not only needs the world’s attention, but warrants strict countermeasures as well.

Hilal noticed it a little too soon.

If pictures of torture and killings of baluch pakistanis start circulating what would military Inc of Islamic Republic of Pakistan say?
PDM government under military Inc under same category as Modi.
Notwithstanding chasing Arshad sharif in another continent, killing him, stalling investigation, and coercing family to accept it as fait accompli.

Racial superiority, demographic terrorism and gross human rights violations are an evidence of the Nazification of India and ideological reincarnation of Hitler in the form of Modi. The forces of evil backed by the fascist Modi government are an open call for the genocide of Muslims in India and Kashmiris of IIOJK.


On November 9 and 10, 1938, in an incident known as Kristallnacht, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht–“Crystal Night” or the “Night of Broken Glass”–some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.

The laws, introduced by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) post-August 5 are indicative of another Kristallnacht, “a step towards systematic ethnic cleansing/genocide of Kashmiri Muslims”. It is safe to say that Modi is following in the footsteps of Hitler, who introduced Nuremberg Laws to segregate, incarcerate and marginalize Jews. Another sign indicative of the Indian plan of carrying out a systematic genocide in IIOJK is the huge deployment of Indian Army troops/police, where the use of lethal force has become the primary response to the conflict. On August 16, 2019, eleven days after India’s revocation of the special status of IIOJK, Genocide Watch issued a genocide alert for the occupied state. It released warnings of “ethnic, religious and racial cleansing of Kashmiri Muslims by Indian military”, and highlighted the stages of genocide that are evident in IIOJK.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion.

In 1920, Adolf Hitler founded the Nazi Party, having a decisive agenda against the Jews. Similarly, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was created on September 27, 1925 to implement the same idea of racial superiority. While the Nazis wanted to eradicate Jewish people, RSS inspired Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to get rid of the Muslims. Hitler’s Greater Germany and Modi’s Akhand Bharat (Greater India) are premised on the same idea.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion. Nazi massacre in Europe ended up in the killing of almost 6 million Jews, while Modi has introduced the same feature against Muslims in IIOJK and in mainland India against all minorities. Over the past few years, thousands of Muslims, Christians and low caste Hindus have been persecuted, assaulted and even killed for reasons ranging from talking to Hindu women and slaughtering cows to their mere existence in the state. Many Muslims were also targeted for allegedly participating in so-called Love Jihad and Land Jihad. Drawing inspiration from the Nazis, one of the leaders of RSS, Golwalkar wrote, “Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.” In its rhetoric/policies, BJP government has systematically sought to exclude the “other”. In today’s India, national registers have been updated to exclude immigrants; cow vigilantism/lynching are encouraged; dissenting journalists, activists, and academics are systematically silenced; and sexual violence against women and children has increased. BJP-RSS regime–just like Hitler’s–includes ‘cleansing’ India of vestiges of its Islamic heritage, making Muslims second class citizens.

Though human rights violations (HRVs) in IIOJK have been noticed by many, yet no significant step has been taken so far. Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2023 exposed India’s real face to the world by highlighting India’s repressive laws in IIOJK. It highlights the grave HRVs in IIOJK, specifically three years after the government revoked IIOJK’s constitutional autonomous status and split it into two federally governed territories, while the fascist Hindutva government continues to restrict free expression, peaceful assembly and other basic rights there. The report mentions that the Indian authorities invoked Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act to conduct raids and arbitrarily detain journalists and activists and even barred a Pulitzer prize winning Kashmiri journalist from leaving India without justification. U.S. Human Rights Watch Report 2022 expressed concern over the excessive use of force and torture in IIOJK during cordon and search operations resulting in civilian deaths.

According to Legal Forum for Kashmir’s annual Human Rights Report 2022, IIOJK witnessed a total of 312 killings, 200 major cordon and search operations, 212 residential houses’ destruction, 116 military operations, martyrdom of 181 freedom fighters, murder of 45 civilians by the occupying forces, seizure/attachment of 24 structures (houses, lands, orchards, and schools) of Kashmiris and numerous cases of intimidation, harassment, arbitrary detention and illegal confinement.

Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in December 2021 deplored that the Israeli model of settler colonialism is being repeated in IIOJK. It was also observed that India has waged a military, political, economic, social, cultural and moral war against the Kashmiris and used black laws as weapons of war. Police, security forces and intelligence agencies use torture in the form of assault, physical abuse, custodial deaths, rape, threats, psychological humiliation and deprivation of food, water, sleep and medical attention.

The systematic state sponsored-discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”.

Four special rapporteurs of United Nations (UN) released a letter written in May 2020 on “Torture in Jammu & Kashmir before and after 5 August 2019” in which they confirmed continued deterioration of human rights conditions in IIOJK after August 5, “in particular citing arbitrary detentions, violations to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment and rights of minorities.” According to the rapporteurs, India has violated seven sections of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which India ratified on April 10, 1979 and two sections of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The systematic state-sponsored discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”. The genocide of Kashmiris and delimitation exercise by Nazi-inspired Hindutva government is a nefarious attempt aimed at converting the indigenous Muslim population into minority within their homeland and obstruct the exercise of their inalienable right to self determination.

For years, international human rights organizations have stated that Indian troops intimidate and control IIOJK’s population with torture, physical and sexual abuse and unjustified arrests. However, no significant measure has been taken so far. The world pays homage to the victims of holocaust by commemorating ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Day’ on January 27, paying tribute to the victims of genocide during Second World War at the hands of Nazi Germany. Similar attention should be given to the ongoing genocide in IIOJK. Despite Pakistan’s efforts to sensitize the world about the designs and machinations of BJP government and dangers that philosophy of Hindutva poses to regional peace and security, particularly dangers lurking in IIOJK due to RSS’ ideology, the international community including UN has failed to hold India accountable for human rights violations. Hence, global powers through their silence have emboldened India and it continues its reign of terror. Unnecessary and excessive use of force and torture against Kashmiris and human rights defenders by Indian security forces and Nazi-inspired BJP not only needs the world’s attention, but warrants strict countermeasures as well.

Lack of scholarship will spell doom for planet pakistan.
Racial superiority, demographic terrorism and gross human rights violations are an evidence of the Nazification of India and ideological reincarnation of Hitler in the form of Modi. The forces of evil backed by the fascist Modi government are an open call for the genocide of Muslims in India and Kashmiris of IIOJK.


On November 9 and 10, 1938, in an incident known as Kristallnacht, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and murdered close to 100 Jews. In the aftermath of Kristallnacht–“Crystal Night” or the “Night of Broken Glass”–some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps.

The laws, introduced by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) post-August 5 are indicative of another Kristallnacht, “a step towards systematic ethnic cleansing/genocide of Kashmiri Muslims”. It is safe to say that Modi is following in the footsteps of Hitler, who introduced Nuremberg Laws to segregate, incarcerate and marginalize Jews. Another sign indicative of the Indian plan of carrying out a systematic genocide in IIOJK is the huge deployment of Indian Army troops/police, where the use of lethal force has become the primary response to the conflict. On August 16, 2019, eleven days after India’s revocation of the special status of IIOJK, Genocide Watch issued a genocide alert for the occupied state. It released warnings of “ethnic, religious and racial cleansing of Kashmiri Muslims by Indian military”, and highlighted the stages of genocide that are evident in IIOJK.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion.

In 1920, Adolf Hitler founded the Nazi Party, having a decisive agenda against the Jews. Similarly, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was created on September 27, 1925 to implement the same idea of racial superiority. While the Nazis wanted to eradicate Jewish people, RSS inspired Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to get rid of the Muslims. Hitler’s Greater Germany and Modi’s Akhand Bharat (Greater India) are premised on the same idea.

Representation of Hitler’s Nazi Party and Modi’s BJP is based on the same Swastika symbols, followed by the same military training, use of salutations, commands and uniform, which shows its affinity to the fascist and Nazi dictatorship. Nazi philosophy revolved around race and ethnicity, whereas RSS/BJP’s idea of superiority is based on religion. Nazi massacre in Europe ended up in the killing of almost 6 million Jews, while Modi has introduced the same feature against Muslims in IIOJK and in mainland India against all minorities. Over the past few years, thousands of Muslims, Christians and low caste Hindus have been persecuted, assaulted and even killed for reasons ranging from talking to Hindu women and slaughtering cows to their mere existence in the state. Many Muslims were also targeted for allegedly participating in so-called Love Jihad and Land Jihad. Drawing inspiration from the Nazis, one of the leaders of RSS, Golwalkar wrote, “Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by.” In its rhetoric/policies, BJP government has systematically sought to exclude the “other”. In today’s India, national registers have been updated to exclude immigrants; cow vigilantism/lynching are encouraged; dissenting journalists, activists, and academics are systematically silenced; and sexual violence against women and children has increased. BJP-RSS regime–just like Hitler’s–includes ‘cleansing’ India of vestiges of its Islamic heritage, making Muslims second class citizens.

Though human rights violations (HRVs) in IIOJK have been noticed by many, yet no significant step has been taken so far. Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2023 exposed India’s real face to the world by highlighting India’s repressive laws in IIOJK. It highlights the grave HRVs in IIOJK, specifically three years after the government revoked IIOJK’s constitutional autonomous status and split it into two federally governed territories, while the fascist Hindutva government continues to restrict free expression, peaceful assembly and other basic rights there. The report mentions that the Indian authorities invoked Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act to conduct raids and arbitrarily detain journalists and activists and even barred a Pulitzer prize winning Kashmiri journalist from leaving India without justification. U.S. Human Rights Watch Report 2022 expressed concern over the excessive use of force and torture in IIOJK during cordon and search operations resulting in civilian deaths.

According to Legal Forum for Kashmir’s annual Human Rights Report 2022, IIOJK witnessed a total of 312 killings, 200 major cordon and search operations, 212 residential houses’ destruction, 116 military operations, martyrdom of 181 freedom fighters, murder of 45 civilians by the occupying forces, seizure/attachment of 24 structures (houses, lands, orchards, and schools) of Kashmiris and numerous cases of intimidation, harassment, arbitrary detention and illegal confinement.

Russell Tribunal on Kashmir in December 2021 deplored that the Israeli model of settler colonialism is being repeated in IIOJK. It was also observed that India has waged a military, political, economic, social, cultural and moral war against the Kashmiris and used black laws as weapons of war. Police, security forces and intelligence agencies use torture in the form of assault, physical abuse, custodial deaths, rape, threats, psychological humiliation and deprivation of food, water, sleep and medical attention.

The systematic state sponsored-discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”.

Four special rapporteurs of United Nations (UN) released a letter written in May 2020 on “Torture in Jammu & Kashmir before and after 5 August 2019” in which they confirmed continued deterioration of human rights conditions in IIOJK after August 5, “in particular citing arbitrary detentions, violations to the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment and rights of minorities.” According to the rapporteurs, India has violated seven sections of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which India ratified on April 10, 1979 and two sections of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

The systematic state-sponsored discrimination against Kashmiri Muslims bears all the hallmarks of a genocide. Dr. Gregory H. Stanton, the founding president of Genocide Watch, described the situation in IIOJK as appalling, “Kashmir is under military rule and it is a very clear pre-genocidal situation”. The genocide of Kashmiris and delimitation exercise by Nazi-inspired Hindutva government is a nefarious attempt aimed at converting the indigenous Muslim population into minority within their homeland and obstruct the exercise of their inalienable right to self determination.

For years, international human rights organizations have stated that Indian troops intimidate and control IIOJK’s population with torture, physical and sexual abuse and unjustified arrests. However, no significant measure has been taken so far. The world pays homage to the victims of holocaust by commemorating ‘International Holocaust Remembrance Day’ on January 27, paying tribute to the victims of genocide during Second World War at the hands of Nazi Germany. Similar attention should be given to the ongoing genocide in IIOJK. Despite Pakistan’s efforts to sensitize the world about the designs and machinations of BJP government and dangers that philosophy of Hindutva poses to regional peace and security, particularly dangers lurking in IIOJK due to RSS’ ideology, the international community including UN has failed to hold India accountable for human rights violations. Hence, global powers through their silence have emboldened India and it continues its reign of terror. Unnecessary and excessive use of force and torture against Kashmiris and human rights defenders by Indian security forces and Nazi-inspired BJP not only needs the world’s attention, but warrants strict countermeasures as well.

Lack of ability of see truth will lead Pakistan to doom,

A country and people for responsible for eradication of all of it's minorities have no right what so ever to lift finger to others specially so call prosecuted minority grew to double in size.

A country / society known for the hotbed and breading ground for terrorism sounds oxymoron if it talks about terrorism somewhere else.

We do expect think tank to think (better argument and analogy) not thinking in tank (aka frog in well)
Yeah, we need lecture on democracy from Pakistan. 🤣 rofl

It’s always darkest before the dawn. Pakistan maybe in a crisis, but not since the 70s or perhaps right after independence has the public seen the fierce open debates on the need for democracy. Alongside bread and butter conversations at the dinner table are discussions about the importance of rule of law.

We are in a struggle to define our national soul, while India is busy losing its own.
It’s always darkest before the dawn. Pakistan maybe in a crisis, but not since the 70s or perhaps right after independence has the public seen the fierce open debates on the need for democracy. Alongside bread and butter conversations at the dinner table are discussions about the importance of rule of law.

We are in a struggle to define our national soul, while India is busy losing its own.
Your national soul is at ransom and you are worried about neighbors! Very noble indeed!
There was a genocide. Muslims from East Punjab and Hindus/Sikhs from West Punjab were practically genocided.
Your national soul is at ransom and you are worried about neighbors! Very noble indeed!
We became independent to prevent what may be about to happen in India to happen to us; There but for the grace of God go I as it were.

A ransomed soul perhaps, but not forsaken , and one going through the process of redemption through self examination and by returning to the original spirit of its founding. Aspiring to be independent as Gandhi once defined it; “voluntary restraints and discipline, voluntary acceptance of the rule of law.” Gandhi who was assassinated 75 years ago this day, by a man that is looked upon as a hero by the current lot steering India away from Gandhi’s own vision.
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It’s always darkest before the dawn. Pakistan maybe in a crisis, but not since the 70s or perhaps right after independence has the public seen the fierce open debates on the need for democracy. Alongside bread and butter conversations at the dinner table are discussions about the importance of rule of law.

We are in a struggle to define our national soul, while India is busy losing its own.
If you haven't already figured it out in 75 years what hope is left for your people. Yet you want Kashmir for what?
India should set up concentration camps or re-education camps in Kashmir like they do in Xinjiang. Only then it can become acceptable to hilal.gov.pk.
Yeah, we need lecture on democracy from Pakistan. 🤣 rofl
I am all for India to progress but like in Pakistan there is a fierce debate on internal conflicts and suffocating hold of military Inc and religious intolerance which is mostly fanned by military for distraction but the danger of a prospective genocide (hope patriotic and open minded Indians will put a break to it) of Muslim minorities is a massive danger, we dont see an effort to stop growing across the board religious atrocities. Cow vigilantes and lynching on the pretext of love jihad are astonishing in 21st century.
Muslims will fight it out though at huge price but so shall be the price for India.
Reading such articles since 2014...may be It will go on till Modi is there so 5-10 more years.

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