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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Every such attack is a failure of ISI. Instead of turning into video/audio production company, they should allocate those resources towards protecting the nation.

All the best to police/rangers to sort this out.
lol the idiots on twitters going across the board at calling the attackers every name in the book.
Sindhudesh TTP, BLA, BRA, Taliban, lmao
They are all the same bloodthirsty monsters sponsored from the same place.
We are truly back

I think balochs are behind this

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PSL should immediately be canceled. Once again, neutrals have let us down. Rather than militants, agencies are busy is purging PTI.
Yaar bas. Enough with the CIA RAW MOSSAD nonsense.

Clean up your own house first.

I mean, I didn't really feed the nonsense.
I just said an Intel agency would do it better.
or CIA, or RAW.
But if it was any intel agency this would be more elaborate.

only an amatuer would try to hit a target that public wouldn't give a shit about.
That's my point. Terrorist's would never waste 10 highly trained guerrillas over police HQ where the Police Chief won't even be present at that time. Instead, they'd try their luck on Saddar Cantt, ISI Office at Lucky Star, IB Office in Saddar or some other Military base.

Also, imagine how dumb they're, or maybe they wanna act dumb. They turned off the electricity of vicinity. Noq those terrorists can gladly wear police/rangers uniform and get away taking the cover of chaos.
PSL should immediately be canceled. Once again, neutrals have let us down. Rather than militants, agencies are busy is purging PTI.
A-either our agencies or LEA's are garbage (I don't think so)
B- Their priorities are somewhere else
C- they are in on it
D- mix of B and C (maybe this one)
Good God it keeps on getting worse. I hope this ends soon inshallah.
A-either our agencies or LEA's are garbage (I don't think so)
B- Their priorities are somewhere else
C- they are in on it
D- mix of B and C (maybe this one)

this is why Pakistan always ends up shooting itself in the foot.
Awam like this is not meant to be.
From blaming India for false flag operation good blaming own army for false flag

Bajwa what have you done
Surprised how quickly this news is already being carried by Indian media.

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