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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Bro honestly don't reply to those Pajeets, best ignore them, this is just entertainment and trolling for them

You are the one who always on such kind of threads. Was MQM made by Afghans ? Was Sipahe Sahaba made by Afghans ? Was LEJ creation of Afghans ? Was Punjab Taliban creation of Afghans ? Look at your own house. All these were made by you for one reason or another and now they are haunting you. Stop demeaning Pashtuns in every thread. Your state supported those pashtuns when they were fighting Soviets, now if you cannot give them proper education, jobs then state is at fault.
You're happy you're being raped by Afghans?

Is this a symptom of low IQ or what? They don't care about your politics they just want targets to hurt you in general this isn't something to celebrate

Maybe if they killed some key figures like Zardari we can celebrate that but all you're celebrating is yourself getting fucked by Afghans

Nah it’s because Sindh police in general is extremely corrupt and is ran by a bunch of thugs which is why I’m hearing people who are not Afghan or Pashtun online celebrate and sort of give a pat on the back to TTP for doing this.

Great job to whoever created the rot in our institutions the own people are celebrating attacks that are supposed to protect the people.
Patwaris are now the official force to protect army image online now . Patwaris have been given special permission from maryum media cell to defend brave pakistani army and security forces on internet. They will now confront injuns online.
You're no different to Patwaris this is what's ironic lmao

The whole point of the attack is literally probably because they want PSL to be cancelled for security reasons, but youthiya chutiyas like you want to hand everything into the hands of the enemy because of your temper tantrums with GHQ daddies 😹
No, ordinary Pakistanis as well, I've seen those simpy begs suck off Afghans quite commonly and defend their blatant actions.

So this is deserved for as long as they continue to suck them off

I disagree bcoz the Afghans were imposed by the decision makers on ordinary people. And the common people have suffered the most in terms of crimes.

Gunmen barged into a police office on Karachi’s main Sharea Faisal ..
Enough is enough, USA has fcKed off. The only ones ruling Kabul nowadays are Islamic Taliban it’s about time they are dragged out and explain why the fcKing hell TTP still attacking us coming from their. if they do not give a satisfactory responsible explanation then abounded them . Let them survive alone fighting , Tajikis? Shias, nationalists Pashtun who ever wants them out. We cannot do any worse from Kabul what’s there now !
Nah it’s because Sindh police in general is extremely corrupt and is ran by a bunch of thugs which is why I’m hearing people who are not Afghan or Pashtun online celebrate and sort of give a pat on the back to TTP for doing this.

Great job to whoever created the rot in our institutions the own people are celebrating attacks that are supposed to protect the people.
Most people are emotional and not too intelligent

An attack by TTP wherever is not worth celebrating unless some Sharif or Zardari dies as a result.

Firstly you're just indirectly celebrating yourself getting humiliated and secondly next target is going to be something you won't celebrate but instead cry (see Peshawar APS, Mosque, etc)
I hope those who were playing politics on the recent attacks in KP and were somehow bringing in PTI into the equation now will take some breaths of common sense and acknowledge the issue for what it is.

Secondly, hamaray PM ko Turkey ki zyada fikr pari hai instead of chalking out a strategy against this menace. APC cancelled twice, although that would have achieved nothing, but he cannot even bring his own coalition partners into agreement for a plan of action.

Let's keep on ignoring this issue until we have 2010 all over again.

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