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China's Stealthy J-20 with the new WS-15 power plants is expected in 2024, will give the J-20 more thrust than any other fighter class in the world

As recent as a year ago,many haters claimed that China would take decades to produce a decent jet engine, fast forward to now they changed their tones and argue Chinese engine are not as good. I would like to see what they would argue a couple of years from now.

In 2-4 years time, Chinese engines will be comparable to those produced by the western european nations.
Strange data, as we all know, WS-15 is an engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 10. If the weight is 2500KG, it means that the thrust reaches 25 tons. . .

from the OP...

The WS-15 has an afterburner thrust of approximately 19 tons, which will give the J-20 more thrust than any other fighter class in the world.

2,500 sounds like an estimate
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涡扇15是我国最先进的航空发动机,最大加力推力19到21吨,中间推力11吨。加力耗油率1.98kg/N/h-2.02kg/N/h中间耗油率:0.665kg/N/h-0.67kg/N/h推重比:9.5-10.5(保守估计大于9.5)空气流量:138kg/s涵道比:0.25-0.382总增压比:28.71-30.5涡轮进口温度:1750K-1850K最大直径:1.02-1.04m长度:5.09m 质量:1633.7kg-1862.3kg

Strange data, as we all know, WS-15 is an engine with a thrust-to-weight ratio of 10. If the weight is 2500KG, it means that the thrust reaches 25 tons. . .
The weight is 1600KG

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ChatGPT more often than not talks like an idiot, but it fits some idiots here perfectly
Pak air force stays with the times tested----proven & reliable equipment---.

This isn't the 1980, geopolitics have shifted significantly since the cold war, its not at all a given that Pakistan would be able to purchase new F-16s or get upgrade kits for the older Blocks. I would say as of right now, Pakistan's best jets are the Chinese J-10Cs.
As recent as a year ago,many haters claimed that China would take decades to produce a decent jet engine

Who? Idk what qualifies as "decent"(F110s IMO are decent, and China has likely reached that level atleast older gen models) I don't think anyone said it would take decades, you pour in enough R&D money and with enough time that gap would narrow atleast in terms of building equivalent older engines. Chinese engines are getting better, but I would still say GE, Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce are in the lead, its just difficult to bridge that gap in such a short time, especially when you look at the experience and size of the companies and the revenue they generate to pour into their R&D.

But China is catching up, the real litmus test will be seeing the CJ-1000A and its commercial success on the C919, or the mass production of C929s with the CJ-2000. The first test fight of the C929 is supposed to be in 2030, and thats going to be with US/UK engines, so the CJ-2000 will likely be much later than that, so that does seem to be decades away.

If you respect the facts. You can buy Turkey engines. as everyone knows. The engine in Turkey is better. More suitable for Pakistan. Why waste time here?

Why the Fk does this guy keep mentioning Turkey? what does Turkey have to do with any of this? lol
In 2-4 years time, Chinese engines will be comparable to those produced by the western european nations.
And Pakistanis will be fighting against Chinese colonizers in Pakistan.

With time, the Chinese engines will mature to reach the same level of capability as that of the ameican engines.
And Pakistanis will be fighting against Chinese colonizers in Pakistan.

This also means that China will become the world's first ever global hyperpower. Really bad news for China's enemies.
And Pakistanis will be fighting against Chinese colonizers in Pakistan.

This is a HUGE development. It means China's indigenous technological and scientific capabilities are now at the same level of western Europe and america, exceeding that of the russians. It also means that Pakistan potentially no longer needs russian engines for the JF-17.
And Pakistanis will be fighting against Chinese colonizers in Pakistan.
This isn't the 1980, geopolitics have shifted significantly since the cold war, its not at all a given that Pakistan would be able to purchase new F-16s or get upgrade kits for the older Blocks. I would say as of right now, Pakistan's best jets are the Chinese J-10Cs.

We were talking about the russian engine---RD93.

As for as the f-16-s---PAF stayed with it for 15-20 years over its expiry date---.

You may say the J 10 is for paf righty now---because you turn with the wind---I have stated that some 15 years ago that the go to aircraft is the J10---C for the paf.

This was even before the PAF had considered it---.
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With time, the Chinese engines will mature to reach the same level of capability as that of the ameican engines.

Had you ever thought where the american engine would be at that time---?

Now that we understand the longevity of the american engine over the chinese engine---let's look at it from a different perspective---.

If the american engine costs arund 6 million dollars a piece---the chinese engine may cost around 1.5 million dollars each---.

So---there can be more ready to replace engines of chinese origin in the warehouse as the need be---.

Switching an engine is just a couple of short hours job---and it can be easily done between the sorties---.

As I stated before---the Paf likes the product RD93---. It has done the job what it was acquired to do and more so---. For the Paf to make the switch---the upcoming engine will have to bring a radical difference in performance---.
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